A Mason among us

mark satanic postureFilled with Masonic symbology, New World Order emblems and signatures, black magic with Egyptology and references to the Solomon’s Temple and ring of power, the most notable Flat Earth spokesperson shows that he indeed works for the secret society to derail the truther movement. Therefore, there must be a reason why Mark Sargent surreptitiously supports flat earth while downgrading science which seems to be hypocritical, but the reality is, there’s a rabbit hole of information they do not want the public to understand. You may not buy into the form or shape of Earth nor care, however, it is worth your while to see this person’s blatant announcement that has shifted the balance. Are the proponents of the sphere model in support of the Freemasons when contesting FE proofs?


Proof has flushed the self proclaimed tip of the spear to the surface

Following is an update into a renewed investigation into power placement of an individual within the midst of a growing movement he deems “The biggest Conspiracy there is”

Recently, I’ve come to learn that Mark Sargent may indeed be a secret level Freemason working toward re-educating flat earth proponents into a system of deception steering people into the New World Religious paradigm of actions. I made a concerted effort to end my study once Brian Klein of humanastory disclosed that he was behind the props that raised red flags, however, since Sargent never did reunite me with his circle of friends or even to forgive my actions, acknowledge that this event ever happened and that I did amit it was my fault, that the truth must be that I was correct. Many people understand the feelings, but not the true dynamics that are in full effect as I do.


Expose article and videos are reposted

This is not what I had expected, but is necessary to show that all along I had asked for private discussions without success for a remedy to the situation and answers that prove that Mark is innocent. They have made it a point to remain silent “Don’t feed the Trolls” is the excuse, but in fact a tactic to keep those that have been indoctrinated intact with the control.


Opinions from Flat Earthers

Summer Shine (begins at 5:30)

Wesley Stace Flat Earth News

Michael Kahnke (audio only)

Sasha Yates  updating current situation

Sarujio Valente “Sar27”

Greg Caton Government Whistleblower Ecuador



My intervention

I saw a potential problem and could not arrive at an reasonable answer. Because of the implications regarding a movement of people in what may be a conspiracy with far more impact than many, I had no choice but to gamble that I was correct.

“There is not one person on this planet you couldn’t learn to love once you have heard their story… Each person has a very special story to share …” from Humanastory

Following is a description of the case where I alleged Mark Sargent who has a major presence in the center of the Flat Earth Movement was suspected of service work for the secret societies to misdirect people’s intellect and moderate their ideas about spiritual thought leaning to the New World Religion. (Click image for “Strange World 2016 Weekly Flat Earth Radio Show”)


Conversation with Truth VS The Agenda

The following is a portion of a series conversation regarding Mike Adams, the Health Ranger of naturalnews.com and ends with a disclosure that Sargent is indeed a servant to the secret society. My conclusion confirms what the sensationalists within the same movement are attempting to prove without formal proof and is against people who I never considered malicious, but the actions I felt were assuming it came from them. It happens to be what genuine truthers are all attempting to do.

Lee, to be honest I don’t even know who to trust anymore. I do my own research throughout the web. The thing is that I see more and more of these guys totally bullshitting and creating narratives to fool their subs. Also they have a lot of fake subs and sock accounts where a handful of guys play multiple channels. I am curious as to who you think is still honest out there?

Truth vs The Agenda, I have a little story to share in which I learned a valuable lesson. It helps me take more responsibility with concern over who to trust and who not. I finally got into contact with Brian Klein of Humanastory in which Mark Sargent had become a regular guest as he does with Patricia Steere and some others. astronaut highwayOnce I determined that Mark Sargent who I suspected of acting a role and doing service work for the secret societies, the Freemasons in particular, I created an exposure analysis using a radio show promotional he had posted on his youtube channel with subsequent ones to follow. That resulted in being blacklisted by both he and Patricia. Once I spoke with Brian, it became clear what had actually happened. It was Brian who volunteered his creative energy and time with the making of these short videos not realizing what he was doing. He implemented all of the visual references I noted as masonic and witchcraft ‘imprints’ that would be left with those following the Flat Earth movement. He was not directed by Mark at all. Mark accepted the gift knowing the its function as being useful to his cause. How many gifts have been passed over? Because he too could not understand the problem as I saw it, he defended them by not addressing the videos making changes or removing them. I determined it was on purpose.


The character set of personality traits that I take into account when addressing individuals is from cardology. Cardology is an ancient system that predates Tarot and is highly accurate. “The cards never lie”, “It’s in the cards”, “You’re such a card” does not come from a vacuum. Once I learned of Mark’s birthday, I was able to understand why later on when communications between us were discontinued, and Patricia Steere said that he was suspicious of me, it was merely because of the trait profile. “The greatest success for the “taskmaster” 10 of Clubs lies within the mental and emotional realm who if instilled with good values, success is theirs for the taking. Trademarks include blind ego, and cunning. Often suspicious of others, Ten of Clubs are very sensitive to public opinion, fear criticism and disapproval. There is often a lack of self-confidence, but there is no good reason for it.. They are afraid of being judged, are insecure on a very deep level, and demand loyalty from friends and family.”


Having discovered that the problem originated with Brian and not at all from Mark, I offered them an apology with the promise I’d remove all of my articles and references plus my videos alleging that a new age crime had been committed. I really did think Mark Sargent had been directed to infiltrate the Flat Earth movement for the purpose of grooming those involved in it towards the New Age Religion. I felt that the sole purpose was to conceal and suppress the findings I had made that impacts the movement dynamically with positive proofs that will make NASA yield to reason. So far, we have modern science defeated in the area of argument, however, the solid logic necessary has yet to make a full presence in Flat Earth. Not receiving acknowledgement is the main consideration to knowing that Sargent will not admit lying to the public. I reversed my apology.



With an Eight of Diamonds (Me) in their life script, it’s likely a career in communications or teaching, a natural for this card, would provide well. The Ten of Club person is here to support the Eight of Diamond person.
The image to the right is of the left hand placed on the Bible. I had felt among many ‘clues’ that at the time seemed too coincidental, it inappropriate to be included anywhere within the Flat Earth realms because its demonstration is a visual cue that went beyond Astronauts refusing to place any hand on the Bible swearing as to the actual shape of the Earth.

left hand on bible crop

I hope that all consider this carefully. I hope anyone who had followed this case understands the dynamics that took place.

Mike Adams? I could never trust that man for the simple reason, his mistress has become a very special and close friend of mine and not that I am aligned with her, but that I know Mike Adams cannot ever in a million years admit fault. He’ll go to his grave keeping the secret from his current wife, Sheh Adams, and he’ll not retract his piece on the short sightedness of his flat earth evaluation.

The image far right was one in examples of artistic choices that were not made by Mark Sargent. (Click image to view 2016 Flat Earth Clues Channel Trailer).

moon is god 2 Do people make mistakes? We all do including me. Are people working as cointelpros with a purpose to mismanage movements such as this? Of course and it is a shame. Would they be the noted trolls or nuisances Dubay, Boylan, Osman, Spaceman, Omni-Eris and others? The answer is no. Our real enemies happen to be those at the very top of the independent alternative news circuit, Richard Hoagland, George Noory, and a few other ranked individuals that have been called out including Neil Tyson. Mark simply is duality player just as the democrats are to the Republicans… a game and it’s working.


The analysis – A Masonic disclosure and Occult derailing

I spoke personally with Mark Sargent who was very pleasant and subdued and willing to offer answers to my questions which satisfied me. This was before I suspected a serious problem. While on our second call, I explained some of the issues that involve national security problems that are highly likely to occur when he abruptly ended our conversation by taking another call. He said, “I’ll call you right back”. He never did make that return call, nor responded to several reminders to let me know when he had time to finish our conversation. I suspect that his call was to instruct him with a gag order regarding me, or that his instructions came later. He may have had time to consider this in which he decided to remain silent. Two weeks later, he produced the above video which has more to do with a warning than does a flat earth message. It’s a warning to anyone who contests him.

As you experience the analysis that follows, you’ll have a noticeable and overwhelming ill feeling. The very same music track acts repulsively from the one above for the simple reason, you’re viewing with the frame of reference regarding that of seeking truth. The psyops is effective above when one is oblivious to the malicious intent in which the feeling is ignored.


Mark Sargent ends contact

I spoke with Mark Sargent after long discussions with Patricia, the only way to get him to take my call, and found that at the abrupt close of our second conversation in the video that follows (two separate calls), Mark had been prompted to break and discontinue further contact with me. Note that he reads from a computer monitor to his left. No phone rang or vibrated as he claimed a call came through. Once I established the research work regarding the doomsday machine, Mark was alerted to cancel our communications from that point forth.


Patricia Steere before Mark Sargent ends contact

I had communicated by Facebook with Patricia Steere in ongoing talks about my helping her control nuisance trolls, offering help with her chat room, and suggested my help with a potential conference, marketing ideas, and the very things a friend would do for a fellow in the same field of research. With each and every attempt to be of service, I was ignored. Two weeks following my last conversation with Mark and his avoidance taking my calls and reply to email, the Brian Klein promotionals were published and I knew clearly Sargent was of the secret orders. I posted my analysis and was instantly unfriended by Patricia.



A Freemason never admits to being one when postured in a forum that abhors Masonry. But, their subtle disclosure although blunt with visual signatures is the admittance necessary and enough to be a formal announcement. Watch both his video prelude to his google hangout platform and the analysis of that video.

Flatty Awards? Satanic ritual & target profiling

Mark Sargent lined all the ducks up in a row as if cataloguing rather than getting to know these people personally.

On Monday, February 15, on the night of the Grammy Awards, Mark Sargent created a promotional video for Patricia Steere’s show Flat Earth and Other Hot Potatoes to draw people’s attention to the occult practices of Satanic ritualism. Hardly anyone understood this for the reason, those participating in flat earth research have become memorized with the self-satisfaction and claim to fame. This promotional explicitly states what the Grammy Awards are about relative to Occult practices and yet, considered benign among the earthers.
Robert Bassano Disclosing fraud - NASA and the ball earth psyops

Robert Bassano – (was a) Dam Operative disclosing fraud, NASA and the ball earth psyops

The case of Counter Intelligence Operative, Robert Bassano – Medellin, Columbia

As of today, August 14, 2016, I decided to make this page public on Dismantle The Beam Project after retiring it on antediluvialogy.com as a result of Mr. Bassano threatening to process me through the court system under some sort of bizarre conditions relative to federal legal standards and guidelines according to Military civilian laws. I can’t understand it nor am worried for the reason, what Robert expresses in the following conversation is daunting. You’ll note that while he has made claims as being contracted by the military as a CIA operative under special provisions, he’s crossed the line with them with the belief Bob Knodel has conducted far worse. That just isn’t so. Bassano should be held accountable for being rogue, malicious and homicidal with implications he’s admitted working with others to do his bidding. I see elements of Charles Manson in him and that is a concern. Bluff or not, he is humanities nemesis and I’d like those learning of this to not obey contrived laws regarding privacy, but understand that people like Robert need help.


Private conversation in which Bassano threatened me, my life, if I divulged his technology or his scheme to commit mayhem.


This conversation is intended to educate him to his being culpable if anyone should suffer a loss and that nobody, including myself, held accountable. This a spiritual war and the fact that none of it considered detrimental within a peace movement is a matter of denial. Bassano doesn’t deserve credit for anything other than infuriating those around him, he has absolutely no regard for life, and by turning a cheek to the important work he does in favor of passive aggressiveness under delusional thinking is not necessary nor a matter of entertainment. He will kill you if you cross him, or not. It’s best to ask him to pack his bags and leave the internet, and retire his youtube channel. If he enters the United States, I have people watching and if anyone is injured, he’ll be rendered by his own superiors.

Bassano has shared the ideas and concepts of the technology he claims can kill humanity remotely and in mass numbers. Whether this is authentic or not is up for question, but it is his intention to draw millions of dollars in revenue selling it to the powers that be. I will not discuss the particulars although several of his acquaintances are aware. Once I learned, I was put to the test as to what to do with Bassano. Do I cross him and never learn more, or stick with it to understand his ulterior motives, goals and if he were to realize his project with a working prototype of his own. A heart attack machine far superior to what is available to DARPA today.

In response to his recent disclosure as to what he intends to do with me, I’m releasing what he has said in the past following:


Bob Knodel “Globebusters” anchorman of a Flat Earth radio probram writes:

Aug 8, 2016 I hope you [Lee Bracker] get everything that is coming to you as a result of YOUR shillery! It turns out that it is YOU that is the SHILL, nor Mark or Patricia! You are a TOTAL PIECE OF SHIT! Pick a video, any video – jackass! YOU will be exposed for the LIAR you are! Bob

Aug 9, 2016 I don’t know if you are paid to set everyone against each other or if you are just fucking insane but I do know that I STILL don’t want to have anything to do with you! You are a total piece of shit either way and you thinking you have it all figured out is hysterically laughable! You are a moron Lee and you are delusional to the point where you should be institutionalized! I will be sure to let everyone in and out of flat earth exactly what you are up to. I had a long talk with Robert Bassano about you tonight and he also shared (as in forwarded to me) your correspondence with him. I have it all Lee and you are going down in flames you fucking sorry piece of shit! Now kindly go fuck yourself while I alert the entire community to exactly what you are up to. Sincerely, BK

As a result of Knodels replies first week of August, 2016

Having received Mr. Knodel’s hate maill on the 8th and 9th of August, 2016, I asked Knodel’s co-host of globebusters, Jeran Campanella’s, permission to review my conversations in an effort to demonstrate my purpose for containing Robert Bassano. Jeran Campanella was uninterested nor cared to thank me for intervening between Bassano and Knodel. That’s the sign of a good friend? I sent Knodel the full audio recording in which Bassano would not cease his desire to cripple a family by threatening to end knodel’s career and or ultimately render Cami Knodel a widow and son Jaren fatherless, and go down his list with conspirators to do the same with “the rest”. My job is done.


Meeting Bob Knodel in February

I interviewed Bob Knodel to share with him new concepts to the Flat Earth model according to my findings. I had done the same with multiple Flat Earth personalities and researchers. As a result, my ideas were never considered for airing, I was not contacted in return, and not one media personality seemed to care that fresh material was available for listeners to acquire and use in their evaluations of the circular stalemated discussions that hindered the movement’s progression. I had no intention of going on air if they didn’t want it, but the knowledge of the material was not mentioned which led to an inquiry of my own as to why. I found that the model Mark Sargent established was necessary to remain without interference. Simple as that.

First call 2-17-2016


Second call 2-18-2016



Meeting Robert Bassano in April

I met Robert “St. Bobby” Bassano on a panel that Flat Earth jockey, Jonathan Cristopolas. “The Morgile” who had done shows with Bobby Knodel and Jeran Campanella of Globebusters youtube hangouts in which I made it a point to meet with, stay connected, and make certain that my team would be supported by excellence in research. I later learned that Robert is his alias name.



Examples of Bassano’s work



Bassano in context with humor

This isn’t about being serious 100% of the time. Since this dam radio show contains compelling content, we obviously are serious It is vitally important to understand that sensationalism is not the intent of the venue.


“Lord Steven Christ” is an internet troll with delusions of grandeur and a God complex who we felt required an education about what’s necessary and not in the world of truthing.



The breaking news – Ancient Giant Trees existed

8-6-2016 Robert on the new phenomena sweeping the Flat Earth circuit – Ancient giant tree remnants; stones were once living organisms and not part of God’s original creative design.


Robert Bassano: “Lee, they [Bob Knodel of globebusters flat earth youtube community program] are talking about you right now!”

Lee Bracker: “Robert, I have time and started listening to Bob’s show (Globusters 8-7-16) to see that at the get-go, he’s supporting Patricia and Mark saying, “people say they’re leading FE astray, but I don’t see it… I just don’t see it”. Then, they go into quelling the masses including a stand off on Lori and Lawrence who are complete buffoons to begin and end with.

What’s going to happen is that the FEers are all going to address the Bible for further proofing which will lead them to the Christian based book Mark Sargent never promoted by the same person he hijacked a patented product for another purpose to mislead. That puts Sargent into the corner of the ring in which if he decides to go another round. He’ll fail miserably revealing his masonic repulsion to the Bible. He’s too weak to go the full lie. He can’t fake it for it jeopardizes his secrecy and alliance to Satan/Lucifer/Devil, and remain sequestered in his pay per stay venue of secrecy and revenue generation. Bob is protecting the both of them out of sheer denial and that’s something that will eventually come out. Hopefully, a change takes place in which he’ll renounce Pat/Mark/Sasha/goofs in GB and so forth influence. He’ll protect them until he can’t handle opposing camps – Bible vs Luciferian theology. I know for a fact Bob and the others haven’t listened to my conversation with Ivan because I answered to the most logical and probable with the methodology I used what they asked throughout the show.

I answered all of it Robert. When he spoke of my work regarding the Grand Canyon, his lack of understanding put my work second. A shame for the reason I did prove the monuments of the Grand Canyon calling them pyramids. It’s now clear that they were living beings self created by the seeds planted by God and that they were not man, alien, or both made. They were tree pyramids. Remembering that a pyramid is a power generator with a fire in the middle is the light source of the laser defining the stars – a direct perpendicular line from the ground up to where the star is fixed however it is fixed. First there were trees, and then there were the lights. I did it Robert.. and Manes Russy brought me the final piece of the puzzle that forms the entire picture.”


Miles Johnston and I speak to the topic of Black Goo. I felt that because he had contacts with people that discuss the concept of this material, I had the need to learn what he knew with the hope I could meet with people that could shed more light on the subject for the reason, this material is what I suspect as being the component necessary for completing the mechanism I think is the Doomsday Machine – Hoover Dam.

PW:  oogkcalb




Comparing Gabby’s teeth before and after Jan 8, 2011

comparison teethIndependent Investigators claim without merit that former Democratic Rep., Gabrielle Giffords is a replacement.  Short of asking Gabby, who in a Bill of Rights reversal campaigning against American gun rights freedoms, for permission to compare her dental records to her teeth, a visual comparison using before and after images of her top and lower teeth are conclusive that the same woman who was injured the first week of 2011 is the same woman today.

The difference with our activist is…

Giffords was physically mind controlled to reverse her position regarding your gun ownership privacy.  Her body and face has filled out and no longer lean, however, her characteristic markers and measurable biometrics remain undeniably unchanged.


NWOCSI is currently developing a documentary that addresses the media psyops and planned operation referred to as the Safeway Shooting, but documented by the official report as “Operation Safeway”.


Giffords roll

Judge John McCarthy Roll and Gabrielle Giffords had close ties and similar allegiances were friends during the time when Roll had an interest in reversing the unconstitutional Brady Bill Act.  Congress made sure the Brady Bill reversal would not officially be enacted, however, Gabrielle Giffords was at one time on the same page as Judge Roll and plaintiff, Richard Mack, but is now dead set on adding to the very Bill her friend found unconstitutional more restrictions and invasions to gun owner’s privacy and usage rights.




Freightliner Daimler Trucks, Germany, United States

OSKNY Marketing, Germany and New York

Creative Technology, Singapore

CERN Center for Nuclear Energy Research, France and Switzerland

Freightliner trucking company sponsored an award winning Guinness record presentation using Hoover Dam as a projection screen depicting the destruction of Hoover Dam.  A thorough analysis conclusively demonstrates that a mechanism designed by CERN in Switzerland at their research laboratory will be somehow integrated within the dam to create a Stargate, or transportation portal.  Federal Whistle blower, Stew Webb, claims that electricity from Hoover Dam was sent via specialized near earth satellite known to be an instrument of destructive power The Death Ray and directed at the North and South Trade Center Towers in September of 2001.  If this is the case, then Hoover Dam may be used to deliver the same destructive energy via time displacement technology to move the energy remotely to various locations throughout the world if the success of CERN is achieved.

1000 points of light

As early as May 6, 2015, another theatrics projection took place on the face of the Empire State Building.  This staging featured, Kali, the goddess of time,creation, change, preservation, and destruction,  Shiva the destroyer, Kali’s husband, was showcased on Hoover Dam.  The representative elements using DNA restructuring, vortexing DNA stranding, blue light “Bluebeam”, and animal last rights imagery tells us that life on earth is coming to an end.  A special notice in which the image of our earth rotates until the Americas are visible.  What is striking is that points of light stream upward especially from the United States in what seems to be “A thousand points of light”

In the video clip, The United States is observed as 1000 streams of white light that may reference to 1000 engineering constructs that are earmarked as targets of destruction.  The statement by former president George W. Bush was not by accident, but a defined scripted line with definite intentions.  He did not mean it with relationship to 1000 specific people.  He may have meant that Hoover Dam has 10 to the power of 3.  10X relates to the AllSpark cube featured in Transformers within Hoover Dam – which follows this esoteric equation:  10X (Freightliner) is to 10³ (AllSpark cube in Transformers 2007).  Could this mean 1000 targets?
frieghtliner to the sun and back cropped

Further investigation involved asking a New York based Marketing firm, OSKNY, top copywriter agent for information regarding the script or story board for the three minute in length video display.  After one month, no answer was given and Freightliner’s German office finalized the query by denying that information to the public domain.  In other words, the marketing agent who tried to help was pressured into silence, thus confirming that the public presentation is only hyped as to its technical achievement, but not for its content and what it meant.

AboveClick to enlarge a slide projected on Hoover Dam by Freightliner Co. with the slogan “!0 X to the Sun and back” has nothing to do with freight transportation on land.  The depiction of a particle collider and vortex connection between the Sun and Earth can only refer to travel by portal gateways.  The vortex pattern is reminiscent to the “Machine” built for travel between star systems in the film CONTACT.  

The proof is held as a pdf file somewhere at Freightliner under lock and key.  It’s equivalent to a parent asking why a certain subject was taught to their child with no answer as to it’s purpose or why and the refusal to release the government curriculum rationale for the lesson.  To clarify, the top echelon marketing agent was completely compartmentalized and unaware of the connection between CERN and Hoover Dam.


Freightliner hides information from the public

Aug 21, 2015  First query sent:

Hi [S.S.],
My name is Lee Bracker with an interest regarding the theme of the projected imagery on Hoover Dam. I simply can’t find anywhere about what it was we saw. I’m curious and it would be terrifically appreciated if you might direct me to where a description of the theme and story is, or be so kind as to share a description? Thank you,

Aug 21, 2015  First query replied:

Hi Lee,  Yes, we actually did have a story line that I believe we can share with you. I’m in Portland on assignment with Mercedes at the moment but will look for it sometime next week if that works for you.  S.S.

Sept 9, 2015  Last of several communications in which the both of us questioned authority:

Hi Lee… [Unusual] I don’t think I’ll be able to get the documents explaining the projection.  My German colleagues are not responsive right now; not sure what’s going on over there…

S.S. [full name respectfully withheld]

Manager Content & Copywriter [OSKNY Marketing]


Is LaBeouf as clever the deliverer of disclosure messages as Stanley Kubrick?

Shia LaBeouf, like Stanley Kubrick, uses what it takes to deliver clues to the public of the intentions conspired by the power elites.  Shia may have been made aware what the Hollywood message was that the film he played a starring role in delivered to the general public. Why would Shia choose this comic character and the weapon he uses from thousands of comic book choices?  How coincidental is that to whistle blowers who have said this weapon, The Death Ray, was what brought about the dematerialization of the trade center towers. 

iamsorry window w death rayAn unusual exhibition was presented by Shia LaBeouf who played the lead role in Transformers 2007.  In the film that was not about Stargates, were clues that it was and that Hoover Dam was the vault which held the technology for portal transfer of matter using time displacement technology.

LaBeouf’s strange behavior yielded a clue among the art exhibit displayed one of which was a copy of the comic book Death Ray.  This cannot be by coincidence and does coincide with Stew Webb’s inside information that the Star Wars era space weapons program continues today.

Shia LaBeouf holding allspark cube textPrior to August, I was asked to be on air with Jim Fetzer on July 24, 2015, the moment he met me through Mike Sparks regarding Jade Helm’s actual function with relationship to the concern over the general consensus that Hoover Dam is earmarked for demolition.   View the feature article with a video embed: The Hadron Collider was developed to destroy Hoover Dam!

Following this link will take you to an articles listing page chronicling the research as it progressed since the year 2012.  FROM PYRAMIDS & STARGATES TO STARWARS

Coming soon; my Interview with black ops whistle blower, Stew Webb.   We cover the possibility that Hoover Dam may be used as a weapon of mass destruction delivery system as well as, or be condemned as theorized by original conspiracy theorists.


Unedited Media Broadcasting Center interview with Jim Fetzer “The Real Deal”


Included also are other media sources alleged to be guilty parties.  One is the Hunger Games franchise Demonstration of a dystonian future without Hoover Dam in the film Hunger Games “Catching Fire”.





AMadPainterStunning interview with Roxy Lopez former host on Revolution Radio.  Roxy takes me on a private tour of Revolution Radio revealing what she believes to be a conspiracy against the dissemination of truth as a functioning network embedded in the seedy world aligned with a revenue generating pornography alignment in which a prominent figure in the Alien Disclosure movement is implicated.  The interview ends without the answer or disclosure as to where Lopez’s source information originates, however, a simple perusal of internet protocols and key words lead me to what I believe originated the allegations.

Aurora: Call him…he’s on the hawk’s nest and wants to talk to you.. you should call
Lee: Not live. That’s suicide.
Aurora: for you?…no way
Lee: Tell him that I’m a CSI, not a dramatist, definitely not afraid to go live, but not under this condition when I know he may be drinking. Tell him that until I’m certain he read my note on FB showing who actually created the rumor Roxy Lopez perpetuated first, then I’ll consider it. He’s not letting me go live with True Ott and I’d like permission. Thing is, he won’t give it, but want’s to invite me on his show? If not, all bets are off. I’m trying to help Hawk and all he’s interested in is defending himself as well as swearing at me. I know from the way he writes and from what you all at Revolution Radio say about him being a complete asshole. That’s what the listener gets and is not news.. it’s sensationalism, self-righteousness, and self-serving. I vindicated him on that level, but I want to roast him in his dictatorial-ship… it does not belong on radio.

I also end it by mentioning that OPEN CANVAS host, Tom Becker “A Mad Painter” took an issue that was private and publicly aired it as if it was dirty laundry.   I asked for proof whether I was being considered for review as an upcoming host for Revolution Radio, he refused to give it, and called me a nuisance.  After that, Mike Ringley used his action against me as an excuse to ban me from Revolution Radio.  The result, a quaint chat with Roxy Lopez who lovingly said she’d lie about ever having met me with the claim that I have an addiction to crack cocaine.   This is exactly what LNM radio show host Michael Vara did to me.  As you will note, both parties make up stories when retaliating against truthers.  The primary aggravation for Mike Ringley was Eugene Sonny Irvin, and website administrator, Kimberlee Schultz, not Lee Bracker or Roxy Lopez.  If Tom Becker so much as say my name or reference me in any way shape or form on his show 2/2/2015, I will release audio tape recordings of our conversation what he says negatively about Mike Ringley, but would never tell him face to face.

 Audio only:   Revolution Radio Rabbit Hole – Deeper Than Deep






The Troll Triad Paradigm: Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Sherri Kane & Michael Vara


“If you fight with monsters for too long, you become a monster” – Billy Bob Thornton “Pat Candy” Our Brand is Crisis

Media Trolls Vara and Gable courtesy reach aroundThe TROLL TRIAD was authored to inform online users about online users who use internet defamation, libel and slander to control, manipulate and squelch others driven by needs for power and control or personal and financial gain. The Crier (Vara Complex).

The above comparison left to right exhibits the narcissistic radio host and to the right, a person who shares the same first and last name. The host insults people by calling them ugly without considering his own appearance. In may case, he said, “Lee Bracker is an ugly son of a bitch”. Which face would you trust would be likely to be nicer to everybody? Only one of them lives in a trailer. Not something to shame, but when hate speech fear porn is spewed from it like diarrhea from the person who lives in it, it then confirms the classic “Trailer Trash” image that he is. That goes for Gable too.

Michael Vara of LNM Radio Network, Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane,are in the practice of presenting their sensationalized fear based agenda “Fear Porn”. This includes defamatory, slanderous and deceptive practices who refuse to retract their public postings that defame people.

Troll Triad is not just about media trolls, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Sherri Kane & Michael Vara who cyber attacked the doctor; it is also a concept in organized Information Age defamation, libel & slander group dynamic. The Troll Triad Paradigm is a classic definition of the roles a group portray to defame and slander innocent people and their competitors.


Troll Triads use Information and Communications Technology to perpetuate their goal

Radio show cropped

The image on the left sidebar is a post by Michael Vara at the turn of the year 2015 and has been asked to remove this and other slanderous images and hate spoken postings. Because he refuses to honor my willingness to remove my follow up image remark, a satire of a true troll “Michael Vara”: and his accomplice, Ryan Garble, I felt I should to the right thing to cancel my 12160.info membership which automatically deletes my fire that fought his. I realized after watching the trailer for “Our Brand is Crisis” in which the character played by Billy Bob Thornton says to Sandra Bullock, “If you fight with monsters for too long, you become a monster”.

If you fight with monsters for too long, you become a monster

(Above) LNM Radio Host plays as dirty as political fighters do. The new film “Our Brand Is Crisis” is testament as to how Michael Vara’s foul mannerisms to posture himself falsely in public radio networking. His image includes my face for no reason at all other than I told him to remove any reference to me from his enterprise. So, I let him have it with a perfect analogy to one ugly ogre.

The purpose for posting the “Vara’s Ass” complimentary reach around satire to this article is to illustrate two ideas. Firstly; Mike Vara, a media troll, will fight to the end to continue sociopathic behavior. Secondly, my work is superior and vastly more clever than his. I don’t sing, therefore I won’t rap. He can’t, but will.

Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D is a New York State licensed psychologist and forensic consultant. He completed his doctoral degree in clinical psychology in 1994 from the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago, Illinois. In 1997, Dr. Nuccitelli became a licensed psychologist in New York State (License # 013009.) In November 2011, Dr. Nuccitelli and his colleagues established iPredator Inc. offering educational, investigation and advisory services regarding internet predators, cyber-crime & the criminal/deviant side of cyberspace. In June 2013, Dr. Nuccitelli and iPredator Inc. launched their website, ipredator, offering site visitors an incredible amount of information, education and advisory services.

Vara admitted to snooping on his own friends. He lied at first about “Breaker” being a friend to LNM. Click below

Radio host, Michael Vara, operates a small independent internet radio show in which two opposing train of thoughts are presented.

LNM Radio Network-Michael Vara-Late Night In The Midlands-Google Plus Profile Impersonation-Online User Warning-iPredator Alert Image

One is the impression that quality guests with pertinent topics of interest in the alternative fields of concern are showcased while the other is to completely destroy credibility to other persons with similar “competing” interests. Lee Bracker is one person to have not been positively refuted by research peers for his discoveries, results of investigations and unique treatments regarding health related issues. Yet, the Triad supported by the minions of both parties, Michael Vara and the “Horokane” couple Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane, as defined by Dr. Nuccitelli follow the classic argument of definitions coined by the psychologist, ‘The “Troll Triad”‘.



“Any thing you do can’t hurt me. Send a copy and I’ll post it on my site” Vara lied


“As part of the human condition, we tend to embellish our attributes, both offline & online wanting to present ourselves as more prosperous, attractive and worldly. The purpose of decorating our attributes is not to abuse or victimize the recipient, but to increase our perceived worth. In the Information and within cyberspace, this innate trait has blossomed into a garden of lies.”Michael Nuccitelli 2011

Mark of the Frequency Beasts marquee

.The documentary MARK OF THE FREQUENCY BEASTS when first debuted on the internet was immediately attacked by the Troll Triad. I previously warned Vara that if he continued his abusive attacks that I’d take action. Michael Vara began attacking me years ago on a cold call using Sherri Kane as his backup. I had never done anything to cause ill feelings. He was the principal action taker covering for Sherri Kane who operates for Dr. Leonard Horowitz. This video above is uploaded to drive.google for the reason the Troll Triad refuse to restore Bracker’s Vimeo account in with over ninety videos completely unrelated to Mark of the Frequency Beasts was removed.

Radio show host and owner of LNM Radio Network “Late Night in the Midlands” flagged the video lower right in which Michael Tellinger could not immediately recall his guest appearance the previous week on LNM. Vara is not memorable for the work he does for the reason he does not thoroughly understand any topic he has covered. Vara will not admit to any of his faults presented to him and subsequently delivered to his minions of the show latenightinthemidlands.

Kane Vara compare

This includes censorship of all that other radio show hosts and media news research journalists produce as evidence against both he and Kane’s rhetoric. In Vara’s case, his antics are indicative as he works diligently to damage control his assumed reputation as a Troll Hunter using unverified excuses – lies.

Above: Sherri Kane and Michael Vara share near identical characteristics. Their positive aspects are reversed in which they express them negatively as purveyors of ilk. That affects anyone who they feel ‘crossed’ by. Their profiles regarding being Media Trolls are addressed with definitions through the thorough research by ipredator.co. Below is Michael Vara’s attempt at yellow journalism. Both he and Kane fail at truthful investigative journalism.

Tellinger MarqueeThe Triad claims Dr. Nuccitelli and Bracker threatened to cause their websites to be terminated, however, the real concern by them was asking over a great period of time for the Triad group to simply remove defamatory remarks by editing specific shows and instances regarding the doctor, Bracker and other people who had been attacked. Nobody, even these people, deserve to be completely ‘tossed out with the bath water”. The idea is to be humane. Bracker did not wish to publish MARK OF THE FREQUENCY BEASTS, but was ready to publish it when the Troll Triad refused to meet with ethical moral terms. They wanted to fight to the bitter end and will continue to do so. Michael Tellinger appeared on LNM Radio without knowing Michael Vara slandered and defamed fellow researcher, Lee Bracker. Click the image to view video.

VaraKane true journalist







Not one photograph or news footage of Jared Lee Loughner surfaced

after the Maricopa County mug shots were produced to the public shortly after the 2011 event.  After that, it is unknown if Jared Loughner was alive.  There are no records of incarceration at the Springfield, MO., Prison system leading up to his plea of guilt August 2012.  “George”, a Tucson, Arizona Wilmot Prison guard responsible for Loughner’s transportation to Judge Burns court room was unsure of Loughner’s identity.  The court illustrator rendered everyone’s facial features accurately except for Jared’s.  Listen to the Interview with A. True Ott and independent investigator, Lee Nevins Bracker, identify three other suspects, Joe Zamudio and two Delta Squadron 7 assassins, alleged in what may be a true agency operation known as ‘Operation Safeway’ by the authorities.  Play Jan-, 2015 audio interview below:


Troll Triad is an ipredator sub-construct defining how groups of online users who are working as a team to target other online users, have different rolls and functions in the Troll Triad.

Below: Bracker’s Independent Preliminary investigation






Announcement:  Michael Vara, Sherri Kane, Leonard Horowitz & Ed Chiarini flagged until Vimeo ended

Their combined efforts resulted in almost 100 documentaries linked to my articles unassociated with LNM or the Horokanes be pulled.  Not a big deal, but it proves that it wasn’t me who intended to shut them down, but they me.  I published material they didn’t want their minions to view and that’s what was important.  I have not cited them for anything beyond asking that they clean up their hate speech.  The haters are liars.  They want all of my sites shut down.  So, who are the conspirators?  They are!   Look forward to a new and improved video presence.

Troll Triad is an ipredator sub-construct defining how groups of online users who are working as a team to target other online users, have different rolls and functions in the Troll Triad.

They claimed I conspired with others to defame them.  They said I conspired to shut them down.  What happened was that once I was banned from LNM by Michael Vara, I sought out the very people I was accused of conspiring with and then it became a conspiracy.  The conspiracy was to then shut them down.  I maintained that it was important to try to get them to change their minds, but because they are committed to fight, it’s inevitable that it is my aim to show that they shouldn’t be around.  It means, people will eventually question them, their integrity, and so forth until Len, Sherri and Mike just throw in the towel.  Just kids fighting over a toy in the sandbox.

Ancient Civilizations hunter, Michael Tellinger,

has shifted his efforts to doing the right thing with the Ubuntu Movement project he’s spearheading.  This enormous effort has taxed him in which he has offered his help to me while I push the search forth for an answer to Earth’s ancient history.  By finding more proof that the underground living quarters found by G.E. Kincaid in the first decade of 1900, I’m convinced that together, Tellinger and I will compile a complete story as to how the world’s “missing link” truly came about, thrived, and disappeared leaving us with the puzzle of life.

A slight problem prevails, however, and this video discussion explains that there are forces within the truth telling venues, particularly with a small time radio show pundit aligned with evil promoters of love and to be cautious.  I was surprised that Michael didn’t remember Michael Vara.. perhaps the odd broadcast of ill sentiment and low frequencies prevented Tellinger from forming a memorable experience.  I would suspect it is because Michael Vara has no interest and therefore isn’t a challenge to a guest… we love challenging hosts that ask the interesting questions, not the mundane.


Click image to view video Michael Tellinger with Lee Bracker discuss the future of Anunnaki research

Tellinger Marquee


Why do I sound presumptuous.. perhaps downright vicious?  Well, Michael Vara, Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Ryan Gable, Mario Perales, an entire army of minionites are proposing a law suit against me with a non-compelling argument that I work for a government paycheck, am interested in shutting down their operation, and all kinds of ludicrous insinuations.  They are confirmed that I sniff glue based on a drunk driving charge?  It’s like being called a pedophile when caught urinating in an emergency making sure nobody sees on the side of the freeway, a bush or tree perhaps, but the cops seem to want to watch your pee pee and charge you on it anyway.  Vara and Kane would say that person, based on their charge, are working with the Vatican to traffic underage children.  It’s that bizarre.






Watch this investigative compilation accurately profiling Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, and Michael Vara as to their insistence that provocateurs against their unfounded claims are ‘Trolls” is false.  They use slanderous and deceptive practices in order to guard against anyone learning the truth.  Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Michael Vara of 528 Revolution and LNM Radio Network, in their own words, illustrate the self-incriminating chaos generated through mass internet media.  Given their habitual deceptive practices, I have examined how they manipulate their supporters, advocates, and listeners by employing a barrage of disinformation, slander and deception.


Troll Triad is an ipredator sub-construct defining how groups of online users who are working as a team to target other online users, have different rolls and functions in the Troll Triad.

Sherri Kane-Dr. Leonard Horowitz-Michael Vara-Alternative News Lies-NWOCSI


By using their non-evidenced based theories and false listener/supporter statistics they refer to as, “528 Revolution” & “LNM Radio Network,” Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Michael Vara create the same masks of deception parallel to the 1939 classic movie, Wizard of Oz.  The goal of this report is to educate those who’ve become intoxicated with blind faith by allowing the Tri-Marks of Deception and Beasts to behave in heinous malevolent and covert ways.  All facts, events and themes presented in this film are not intended to harm Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Michael Vara, but serve to educate their supporters and listeners to begin questioning their hidden agendas.

I first contacted Sherri Kane and Michael Vara during my independent investigation into the false flag event known as the Safeway Shooting.  It involved Dem. Rep Gabrielle Giffords and Judge John M. Roll as key targets where one was sacrificed and the other murdered.  With six mortal casualties and 13 suffering gunshot woulds, it was a blow to the head that ended Judge Roll’s life.  A media psyops had been underway spearheaded by one Edward Chiarini who had set up a website that remains today as the most ludicrous crime investigations analysis there is.  I flushed him out as well as Mike Adams of naturalnews.com with this new analysis of the Love frequency scam involving posers portraying goodnicks.


Sherri, Leonard and Mike realized that I meant business regarding truthing

Tellinger Marquee

They claim copyright infringement, but they’ll lose big time.  They post my picture, so why not theirs?  Babies.  All I did was interview people.. they instead call me names and insinuate I’m a cointelpro with guilt by association with others who are associated with others on down the line to ridiculousness.  Babies.

Click image for video:  Michael Tellinger “Slave Species of god” works with Lee Bracker to solve Earth’s ancient historical accounts.  Michael Vara had Vimeo delete this video and was the final Vimeo strike against me.  My entire video with over 100 unrelated videos were pulled.

Leonard lost three cases against the people who have given me absolute permission to post their copyright content after Leonard failed his suits.  Morons.  Vara posted and removed a video on top mine that he made realizing he incriminated himself on a multitude of levels.  Another moron far dumber than a dull bent nail.  Death threats, lies about his minions, lies about personally posting anything I do that can’t hurt him seems to be his status quo.  So, let’s get down to business evaporating these counterproductive individuals and clean up the truth movement.  Let’s rock!


Click right image for video:  Michael Vara had openly and on air invited that this video be sent to him personally so that he would post it directly to his site.  A truther would have done so, however, he instead had the video removed from my YouTube account.  He said as you will hear in the beginning, “…I’ll post anything you do because nothing you say can hurt me…” Obviously, while I never said anything harmful, it was what he had said and done that hurt himself. Click image to view the documentary & remember to download immediately for the reason it may not survive Michael Vara’s determination to keep his secret protected.


The end result was finding that Sherri Kane had all along convinced Michael Vara that I was a counter intelligence agent working in support of the NWO when, really, they are in defense of it through the diabolical undermining of Dr. Leonard Horowitz.  Speculated as a ‘quack’, the doctor does not practice medicine and does not implement the knowledge passed to him through educational institutes, however, he utilizes the research people outside the conventional platforms have done, misconstrues it, and passes it along in his version to validate what is wrong.   Visit Dr. True Ott’s pages that reference the topic of frequencies:  528 is the Frequency of SATURN/SATAN — NOT OF CHRISTIAN “LOVE” 

To understand what the 432Hz frequency is in contrast to the 528Hz tone, visit  Why Christians and “Worship” Teams Should Tune all Instruments to 432 hz and Abandon 440 hz



A coincidence of themes involving a national crime?

It would be difficult to say that the entertainer of magic who has been on America’s Got Talent television show and eliminated is working directly for the power Elites.  David Robinson is reported to have promoted Psycho Jack.  Robinson’s project was to stage a prison nation poster child on a television program wearing jail yard oranges.


Video shows the Nicholson – Holmes resemblance.  There is little doubt that Psycho Jack’s appearance is tied to Loughner.


What lies beneath the surface of the themes played out as a stage persona is an even bigger agenda held by the Elites. This  powerful media psyops is the gun control agenda which was debuted with the shooting spree at a Tucson area Safeway supermarket where a federal judge and a US Congresswoman and others were fatally shot.  Former Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords survived a mortal head wound.

Troll Triad is an ipredator sub-construct defining how groups of online users who are working as a team to target other online users, have different rolls and functions in the Troll Triad.

The suspect, Jared Lee Loughner, was convicted and sent to spend the rest of his life in prison in August of 2012.  While the story faded into forgetfulness by the public for more tragedies to come, the event had specific long term goals.  Once Giffords recovered, she began a campaign to push gun control legislation in reverse of her original pro 2nd Amendment right stance.  The notable aspect of the media coverage was to also help the Obama Health Care Plan along with the push for mental health care.  It was a dual script by which fear and resolve was placed in the minds of the masses.

Nicholson Holmes compared Jack

Psycho Jack loughner tie comparisonThe James Holmes Aurora massacre followed with the cap off by the Connecticut Kindergarten massacre.  Both subsequent events also used the dual script regarding mental health and gun control.

The question asked is why does a magician incorporate the elements of both the Loughner and Holmes shooting cases intertwined with the two ended script?  This is amazing to me for very few people understood the psychological operations that took place beginning at the first week of the year 2011.

The Aurora saga featured a first impression black and white photo to match a younger Jack Nicholson 8×10 Hollywood portfolio image.  Like the first impression of Jared Lee Loughner in a crazed pose, the link to mental ‘off balance’ was choreographed with the Batman film’s psychotic character, the Joker.  The two national crime events were media driven and continue long after the events have faded.  Placing Psycho Jack in the temporary lime light perpetuates the 2nd amendment and mental health care agenda.

nicholson joker 2What is present on the magician’s stage is a psychologically crazy in appearance white man wearing jail color clothes, orange, is bald, has face make up to resemble Jack Nicholson as the Joker (a psychotic character) and uses two assistants dressed as medical personnel.  Psycho Jack portrays  one who may have been released from incarceration and is ready for the loony bin.  Otherwise, he’d be wearing hospital colors instead.

What is important to note is that it is customary for actors, such as in the case of this magic show gimmick, is for the aspiring entrepreneur to succeed, h/she is wise to take suggestions.  Perhaps it was Psycho Jack’s idea, but it would be the totality of the concept to come from someone who also understands the media continuance of a case that has since been forgotten.  What the audience sees are the unconscious remnants.  Who would think that Psycho Jack is a blend of media craziness embedded in the design of his look?  The Joker is obvious, but the Safeway shooting suspect, the right to bear arms for all issue, and mental health care are elements that escape the conscious while fortifying the subconscious on matters unrelated to showmanship.


Psycho Jack’s short lived media presence was important

Why was Psycho Jack’s appearance on America’s Got Talent important to the media psyops objecive and the Elite’s behind it?

“It won’t be long before Psycho Jack uses a gas mask as in the Aurora theater 9 shooting…”

The answer is that he was used.  The man playing the magic performer may continue the act, but never make the mainstream of magicians.  Those places are reserved for the elegance of the genre in which the males are handsome and suave engaging the opposite sex for audience allure.  Since Psycho Jack was promoted by a potential insider to the Elite circles of magicians (those aware of the Illuminati intent or even members of the occult), David Robinson, he would be viewed as an expendable competitor.  If so, then his career sabotaged by design from the start.  Psycho Jack would be deceptively conned into temporarily fulfilling the purpose of a far deeper agenda.  In this case, Psycho Jack was used to continue the media psyops relating to gun control and medical madness.  Jack will continue his shows keeping the Loughner/Joker connection alive and well.



Natural News poised to poison and steal an estimated 20 billion dollar industry

Mike Adams of naturalnews.com has spearheaded a revenue generating empire with an underlying agenda against the American public and on a global level.  The power elites have eye-balled the natural health and supplement industry for some time.  The corporate leaders are closing in steadily using a psyops program that are still dead-set on hijacking this industry lock stock and barrel.  Regarding Mike Adams, it is unclear if he is drawing a federal paycheck, receiving perks or favoritism, however much of the evidence that has come to me lead to the probability that Adams is not telling the truth, has schemes embedded in his product sales, and with new evidence of infidelity, I do not default with closed eyes.


Troll Triad is an ipredator sub-construct defining how groups of online users who are working as a team to target other online users, have different rolls and functions in the Troll Triad.

They have a powerful weapon of persuasion

They have a weapon of mass psychological destruction that is so stealth, this specialized “Troll” implements a media program of psyops that may have established him as among the most dangerous of men on this planet.  You won’t believe it, but it is Mike Adams I’m alleging.  I’ve studied him since 2004.


The documentary describes incidences that have occurred since the first publishing of this article.  Subsequently, I was informed that Mike Adams had purchased a considerable amount of park reserve land in or near Vilcabamba. This may have infuriated local realtors beyond my comprehension as Adams was in the process of parsing the land into individual lots to sell.  The point is, Mike Adams leaves this vital business enterprise out when explaining in his public venue in which many find trust with him that he left the country because of its potential violence.  And, he eludes to the fact that the same occurs elsewhere outside the United States.  Adams operates on: “A false reality appearing real” through his short versed announcements.


Synonyms for conspiracy related words:  Conspiracy n cabal, collusion, connivance,inf frame up, Insider dealing, Intrigue, machinations, plot, Inf racket, scheme, stratagem, treason. Conspirator n plotter, schemer, traitor, inf wheeler dealer. Conspire vb be in league, collude, combine, connive, cooperate, hatch a plot, have designs, intrigue, plot, scheme.  While Mike Adams is implicated with alleged acts in collusion with a megalithic adversary without absolute positive proof, on paper and signed admissions and so forth, keep in mind what the reality of a conspiracy is.. divorce yourself from the assumption this is a theory during the experience of the read and then form an opinion with careful thought to the trap “defaulting with the reliance of a benefit of the doubt”.  To see the emperor not wearing – its – clothes, one must step aside for a moment and inspect the theory.

Adams is a small fish in the ocean of sharks.. the Great White “Jaws” is the company, Monsanto, People like former Vice President Al Gore that puppets Adams perhaps without even his understanding this is being done.  Mind control is elusive to the individual under the spell.  While these are merely allegations the “Powers that Be” will attempt to shut the independent investigation and investigators like myself down.  Adams will fight this just as the president defends against Maricopa County Sheriff, Joseph Arpaio, about producing his original birth certificate.  Watch Adams conduct the same protocol in the same manner.  You may begin to understand the deception perfectly, at my expense.  Otherwise and I would wish it were true, that Adams would give in without a fight, or prove on paper and by example that refutes any of what I’ve reported that he’s legit  if he’s truly spiritual.  I’ll turn the other cheek when I’m proven wrong (not to be confused with illegal court suits conducted under British “BAR” rules).

“A spiritualist will look at this article and if implicated, will either admit guilt or come up with a really really good reason why even one thing is just plain wrong.  I’m proficient at kinesiology muscle testing, incidentally, and because the body never lies while the mind does, a simple muscle strength test can determine a person telling the truth and the same person telling a lie.  Any refusal to submit to a harmless muscle test is the ‘tell’ and an admission of guilt.  Mike will never ever in a zillion years submit.. He knows that muscle tests prove positive 100 percent of the time because that’s what his website is all about NATURAL MODALITIES, and in his case, he’s gotta be completely crazy if he does.. watch, if I’m sued over this, it’ll be completely through the legal system, through other people included in this article, and with zero opportunity to use a lie detector system, electronic or natural, administered on him or any of them.” – Lee Bracker

Why the allegation?

(Click to enlarge)

It is because while he is made to appear to be doing the 20 billion dollar supplement and health industry good when in reality, he has been installed to dismantle it right under our noses.

Mike Adams may have started his career path well intentioned although he has stated that his ultimate goal was to become a millionaire by age thirty.  Mike is proficient with writing code in computer languages and has created a data base very unique with regard to cataloging information.  This is very inline with NSA practices and while this cannot at this point be proven (pay stubs or other documents as of yet), he has the potential for having worked with governmental agencies or had been absorbed into it as a trade off or through coercion.  He has mastered enough of several languages which includes the very difficult and time consuming Chinese language.. his wife is a Chinese woman as Alex Jones’  is married to a probable Zionist Jewish practitioner.   I detect changes in his reporting when newstarget shifted corporate identity to naturalnews at the same time he moved to Vilcabamba, Ecuador.  How does Adams take the time to learn  languages when researching such unique one of a kind heard it first news reports?  I can’t do that. Well, I guess he could if language is his forte, but Chinese?  He’s living in a border state now and the Chinese are building up to invade the US.. highly suspect.  His chief reporter, David Gutierez wrote as many as six articles in one day and pumps them out daily.  It takes me years to do one article and weeks to research and develop new ones that address today’s news.

He is a suspected Monsanto informant and a highly specialized dissemination professional who pushes deceptive propaganda through the natural health venues.  He may be directly, but seemingly indirectly to you and I, working for Al Gore.  All Gore is the ring master placed before the public’s eye in the midst of project Cloverleaf (Chemtrails) weather and geomodification programs among others. Gore has been senior adviser to Google Incorporated and that parallels Mike Adam’s profile as being an information hog himself.  It’s peculiar that Mike disseminates vital information being the assumed ‘health nut’ before the best of the research investigative researchers in the industry do.  It is likelier that he is in ‘first served’ receipt of information feeds.. that’s certain.

It is likely that Adams is given intel prepared by those that handle him

I will demonstrate specific correlations to illustrate my point.  I beg that Natural News associates or Mike himself respond to the allegations I offer so that I may remove the matter, or the whole of the article without the threat to a suit for damage.  If there is no excuse made, but a lawsuit crafted by a very rich man to one merely expressing his 1st amendment right, then Adams in truth lacks the spirituality all those health tips and supplements are supposed to rectify making a sick person spiritually well.

Before I commence with questions regarding Adams, Natural News, and alleged associates.. I noticed that not one crime scene witness of the “Congress on your Corner Massacre” defended their crime scene witness statements. Others who were alleged to be linked by Edward Chiarini’s slanderous implications, and those I conducted my interviews with, or alleged to have taken illegal action, were questioned by other alternative news reporters in the aftermath investigation into the Jarred Lee Loughner case never publicly defended their point of view.  Were all of these people under orders not to defend their reputation, protect the case, or other?  Now that Loughner is behind bars for life, are the individuals, including the entirety of the Pima County Sheriff’s department, who may have been commercially or personally slandered by Chiarini going to comment or try to sue him?  Certainly not.. it was a complete set-up.  Let’s see what Mike Adams does.


Let’s first take a look at naturalnews.com

My book High Frequency Food published with lulu.com, but never widely distributed, contained in it the information that will follow.  It didn’t take too long before the header graphics changed to reflect the symbolic peculiarities and striking mirror images of existing secret society symbols are evidence they cannot damage control unless they go through a third website identity changeover.  I pointed out in a chapter called “Deceptive Information”.  The remains of the header website graphics remains intact and still condemns Mike Adams with certainty that he is aligned with chemtrail programs around the world.  He says he’s lived in many countries.  Taiwan based Truth Publishing is one of them.  Ecuador is another.

Excerpts from “High Frequency Food” (chapter VIII, pp. 275-282, 2009)

Mike Adams “The Health Ranger” fits the Aryan profile.  Could he have been trained as a super soldier?

It is common knowledge Masonic symbolism has permeated into an otherwise innocent public domain in many forms with particular and very effective emphasis using graphic placement in advertising campaigns. In the case of naturalnews.com, a website committed to dispensing news and information about health intent on keeping current with issues relating to fraudulent activities against health freedoms, there is something that defies logic. It is in the form of carefully stylized gestures veiled behind indoctrinating symbolism.

Newstarget.com acted with old flavor journalistic fervor. It attacked large entities that control and suppress our freedoms pertaining to health information. His publications outline point for point the deceptions perpetrated on an unwitting populace. His continued persistence range from unmasking the truth about falsified medical system, pharmaceutical, chemical, labeling tactics and large scale corporate studies using carefully researched historical facts, event, and persons involved. But, is it under his direction today?

He counters the propaganda providing us with instructions for ‘thinking’ through the mess. It seems he sides against them, however… The website name changed from newstarget to naturalnews and is now almost entirely engaged in the deception… a near complete fraud in itself.

Adams Advertises Soy underneath the slander

While on the surface it appears helpful to those seeking truth and answers, he pays homage to organic soy, that which even the Chinese knew to be false as recorded by Kaayla Daniel in her work spells disaster to the “babies, and elderly”.  Farmers valued their soybean crops for one reason only.. it was tilled back into the soil and considered as best a ‘green manure’ for their food crops they did eat as staples for their diet.

Mike Adams pushes his agenda forward. Personal health problems prompted his search for a solution, but is vigilant in promoting this soy and even classifying it as a superfood even going as far as claiming, “prevents disease including cancer.” Soybeans do not cure any disease and no credible source be sited. Adams attacks the soy industry with the exception of the ring leader, Monsanto. The fundamental basis of this deception is obscured with what seems to be the soy industry’s major producer synthetic seeds is never truly implicated in his pitch. It should be abundantly clear that soy is not ideal for human consumption and that it partly to blame for the mass estrogen overloading in our commercially manufactured diets.  Soy is the top ingredient leading to cancer known to man.

The Asian medical practitioner, primarily the Chinese medicine person, uses soybeans as a hormone replacement therapy for women experiencing low estrogen levels.  By introducing some unfermented soy to the diet, women who are unable to bear children can become pregnant once the estrogen is normalized.  Women upset with their unfaithful husband have their brand of ‘drugging’ to prevent them from promiscuity.. they add soybeans to their diet until they become docile and feminized.  Look at our society today to realize the effect of soy, organic or not, has on our lifestyles and gender preferences.

The download link page says the following:

  • Free from the corruption and influence of various food industries (dairy, beef, junk foods, etc.)
  • Designed to benefit you, not Big Business
  • Offers genuine nutritional information, not watered-down information designed to boost the sale of milk, beef and grains
(Click for pdf)  Honest Food Guide Chart.  This pyramid lists the highly estrogenic food source, soy, a total of three times.  There is so much soy protein extracts such as isoflavins and concentrates that comprise almost every known food product that it needs not be listed, especially multiple times, on a highly limited food guide.  Since Monsanto has a strangle hold on the world’s GMO production, why is it that Adams slants against Monsanto while pushing the product that is severely crippling our health.. fermented/organic or not, it is not what we need in the last of our natural health language of truth.

Adams had begun campaigning the idea that non fermented soy not only is a superfood (a rawfood fad attention getting term), but helps to prevent disease. This is entirely unfounded. Remembering Kaayla Daniel’s research that this legume had been valued for thousands of years in China as a green manure and regarded by farmers as a super nitrogen fixer to soil, but not appropriate as a staple food, is the fundamentals for understanding Monsanto and the eugenics agenda involving the billion dollar advertisement of it as a health food.

Only fermented soy of good quality facilitates intestinal health. Soybean in any other form is not nearly a superfood as the industry claims. Few rawfood and certainly vegans who use soybeans in their diet.. leaders of the health industry in the “know” won’t buy that pitch. In the same breath Adams accuses the American soy industry as “liars”, Adams happens to be conducting similar actions of the same context by directing the reader in circles, therefore, lying just the same.

Hexane Contamination of Soy Protein and Soy Products

In an article dated April 7, 2009, entitled “Our Crazy Health World: Roizen and Oz Recommend Irradiated Food, Psych Docs Push Amphetamine Drugs for Weight Loss,” Mike Adams in May, 2009, has this to say:

My guess is that Roizen and Oz have joined the “culture of death” camp which believes that dead food equals safe food. These “culture of death” people include USDA decision makers, FDA chemical pushers, state health authorities and most conventional medical doctors. To date, there is not a single person at the USDA or FDA who has gone on the public record stating that LIVE food is any different from DEAD food.”

Mike Adam’s argument against hexane is appropriate, but it does carry with it the underlying motive regarding natural soy. He does not discern the difference between unfermented versus fermented soy relative to estrogen and the truth of the amino acid profiles.  His use of carefully worded communications never defended the USDA before as he does passionately today.

Yet, Adams promotes USDA “wisdom” when speaking of soybean. This paradox illustrates the deceptive; the outward incrimination hold little value to you and I when a very visibly powerful voice in the world of natural health information presents seemingly potent information. We are expected to accept the facts as presented hook, line, and sinker, but it is fallacious. To reiterate previous discussions of soy, being that we have thousands of food choices, there seems to be no impending immediacy for including soybeans in a food guide pyramid within a governmental or proprietary dieting chart as is on Mike Adams pyramid chart. Yet another article, “There’s No Such Thing As A Virus That Causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,” by Mike Adams, dated 10-15-2009, is designed to divert attention away from the fact that a Mycoplasma fermentans (incognetus) virus laboratory was created and a the virus filed for patent and pending in 1991.  It was tested on service people dispatched to Iraq who came home sick with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other manifestations of the viral vaccination.  It was then finalized in 1993 (see: p. 221). Mycoplasma is stated in the patent abstract to be the underlying cause in which a doctor will diagnose a patient as having Chronic Fatigue. Adam’s article positions the reader into the belief that “No such thing as a virus causes CFS,” rather, he attaches blame to the unscrupulous vaccine agenda that eludes toward a mystery virus. The date of the patent filing coincides with the US invasion of Iraq.  CFS Is not a natural occurring disease. It is the result from the mycoplasma infection. Patent number 5242820 describes the disease agent called “pathogenic mycoplasma” by the senior medical researcher of the United States Government, Shyh-ching Lo.

“The “Health Ranger” can be likened as a cancer.  He is infectious, wide spread, and largely undiagnosed until now.  While he spearheads a health related website, the rabbit hole he dips into is deep — he is nearly imperceptible.  I’ve flushed him out, however, to illustrate that the powerfully rich and highly protected are the most elusive of all.  He is not charming in person.. I can attest to that from a personal account with him.” – realnuz

“Patients who are infected with Mycoplasma fermentans (incognitus) will be patients who will be diagnosed with ARC (aids related complex) Chronic Fatigue Syndromes, Wigner’s disease, Kabuchi, lupus, chronic debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease, Sarcoidosis, Respiratory Distress Syndrome, and… Collagen Vascular Disease”

 While there is some truth, be aware that Mike Adams may be in business helping to keep the more important secrets of the government backed AMA buried.

Naturalnews’ original Graphic Header Is An “Occultic” Case In Point

The deceptive theme “natural world symbolized using graphic representations” is just as prevalent as the ‘all seeing eye’ found on the back of the one dollar bill. While representing natural phenomena, just as paper currency represents something of value, the symbols are designations used to shape our thoughts. The subtle conditioning techniques can be revealed by pointing out the strategy of symbolic cues. Naturalnews.com websites’ header logo isn’t exclusive. I decode naturalnews as an illustration how embedded the New World Order’s global warming fraud has become.

Decoding the Naturalnews Header Logo

I offered to assist with this endeavor if absolution is necessary to show that Adams knows very little about truth in product manufacturing and what they really do, or he indeed is a sell out.  To me, none of the muck raking on this level gives leverage to those who attempt to discredit people like Mike.  It just doesn’t work.  He can sell X-ray machines to the most educated health guru and nobody dethrones him.  It’s like voting for Richard Carmona to a Senate seat.. Carmona is a former surgeon general, working as a corporate decision maker for a huge chemical company called Clorox who helped to decide that Burt’s Bees products should change from all natural ingredients to enough chemicals added that kill the original product.  And still, he will be voted in by people who assume he’s on their side just cause he’s a nice guy.   So, dealing with Adams, a similar situation, requires a different angle of approach.  I can decode all the products for toxicity, mislabeling, or other on the fly, but won’t.. it’s just a waste of time ‘mud slinging’.  But, if I can prove he helped to get someone extradited out of another country illegally, that’s the only convincing way to do this.

The Chase Manhattan Bank logo has the distinct resemblance of the Swastika and square symbols found frequently in Masonic corporate graphic designs

The globe represents our earth but uses white leaves to form the negative space of the four shapes into a great big very apparent and by no accident, X. This Occultic symbol is found everywhere Freemasons roam with a history dating back to the ancient mystery religions, in apostate Judaism, and in Freemasonry. The Illuminati elite use it to this day to symbolize key phenomena, significant events, and product branding; X-box, X-games, generation-X, “X marks the spot” and so on. It symbolizes the Sun God, transformation, and is used as a sign for death. In this case, perhaps the hotly debated Global Warming hoax.. the X “marks the spot” could refer to the eugenics depopulation. Evidence of this is etched in several languages on granite spires known as the “Georgia Guidestones”.

The leaves are not the color of land masses, rather, representative of land masses as viewed from space under a white veil of aerial metallic salts containing everything from barium, magnesium, calcium, and bio-pathogen weaponry commonly referred to as chemtrails, but properly indicated as aerial plumes. The oceans are shown green which may represent their succumbing to algae, but the color reflects the globalists and their pitchman, Al Gore, move toward the “green” mindset. If land masses were green, however, it wouldn’t accomplish their mission of deception. The stems of the leaves resemble a swastika similar to the Chase Bank logo. An X within a Swastika combination Square. Our skies once exhibited a royal blue. On http://www.naturalnews.com it appears as today’s hue.. a very hazy aqua devoid of the deepest beautiful blue seen in older films, text books, and print media before the atmosphere was distorted. The color seen here is not as it once was. Why are the cloud representations so far from the cumulus type remembered e.g., fluffy, towering… like cotton balls? The kind of cloud complete with a silver lining – a myriad of shapes and forms could be creatively pointed out? The streaks are drawn curvilinear to disguise the difference between real and artificial clouds and linear condensation trails laid out by aircraft. As straight lines move with the air currents, they do wisp and curve. It took a decade to acclimate all of us to the new cloud phenomena to fall for the deception and is seen in many logo designs.

Mike [Adams], I’m glad you labeled this as opinion because you continue to have a very rudimentary under-standing of global warming and its universal causes. You really have fallen right into the mind trap of the globalists’ agenda for warping the minds of the public into believing that human activity is primarily responsible for the temperature cycles of the earth. You are conveniently mixing truthful facts about the environment with a large amount of disinformation about global warming which at the very least is a disservice to your readers. I can appreciate your thoughts on chemicals, ecosystems, pollution and deforestation as those are real concerns. However, you don’t have slightest idea what your are talking about when it comes to CO2 and its effect on the planet…Your assertion that the human population will be reduced until emissions of humans reach a “stabilization point” is simply absurd logic… In actuality, it will have more to do with bioterrorism, poisonous nutrition and food distribution more than anything else. Regardless of your opinion, you need to wake up Mike… there’s a large audience and you need to be more responsible in waking others up about the hoax that is global warming.” – anonymous contribution posted on Naturalnews

Graphical wisps in the original naturalnews logo have no relationship to true cloud formation.  Why are these cloud-like symbols also placed on the ground, unless, the ground is algae infested water reflecting the aerial plume from the sky.

“As above, so below” is an occultic mantra… these representations of clouds also appear on the grounds “food supply”.

A square morphs into a swastika framing a giant green “X”. Chemtrails are obviously choreographed against a light blue sky that once was deep blue. The symbol of the sun and the words “Planetary Health” were removed from the original Newstarget.com logo design.

The new stylistic changes were executed after I had alerted some of the raw food leaders of the vegetarian dietary circles that Mike Adams was dangerous.  I sent the chapter to them and never heard their comments or received any notification as promised I would.  I’m quite certain this shook Adams up which is why we don’t see the chemtrail designs.  His site is massive and it takes money to make these changes.  If the design was acceptable, why take the time changing it?

Al Gore has parlayed politics and his zeal for talking about global warming into an Academy Award, a Grammy and the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. He currently holds key positions as co-founder of Current TV, a board of directors member at Apple, Inc., and is Senior Adviser to CEO Eric Schmidt of Google (2010 Sitges, Spain Bilderberg attendee). Gore used a similar technique for the cover of his self awarding documentary “Inconvenient Truth.”  A strange pinwheel pattern appears spewing from atop industrial smoke stacks. This illusionary juxtaposition imprints a belief that polluted skies are a carbon byproduct, perhaps the burning of coal or jet fuel. Themain idea is to ultimately blame CO2. This is their argument for a convincing global warming scam. But it is not CO2 raising temperatures. It is the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), sending electromagnetic frequencies through ionic metallic salts, mostly barium, which creates a plasma field in our ionosphere – a weather modification program called stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering. SAG particulates do not reflect solar radiation, rather, trap it in a “greenhouse effect.” Will you pay a carbon tax? Do you believe Al Gore’s unmemorable film deserves an award? Both defend their choice of graphic designs.

Adams is on record with an article entitled, “The Caduceus Decoded: Secret Symbols Reveal Dark Agenda of Western Medicine, “…That the two snakes representing evil would encircle the staff of public announcement could be an indication that the purpose is to announce evil (the propaganda of western medicine). At the same time, the mythological carrier of the staff protects liars and thieves (the drug promoters and drug companies)…”

This is a perfect example where a finger points guilt away from the exact same action… a deceptive self-promotional attempts to establish credibility by disclosing some facts against the occult while “somehow” obscuring the truth. Obviously, this is blatant hypocrisy.


Why doesn’t Adams go after Clorox?

Mike Adams has never addressed the story behind the buy out of a natural products company that had a popular customer base.  Burt’s Bees was known to be one of the very best of natural products that used bee’s wax and honey, etc.   Then came along a chemical company that bought out, or was sold out by sellouts that ran Burt’s Bees, who began the campaign by which the ingredients would incrementally change from natural to synthetic.  Currently, I see that the labels on some products read “94% percent natural ingredients”, I think.  Even a half percent off means that something completely toxic can be introduced that causes severe damage, like MSG or aspartame that can injure some people highly sensitive, and so it doesn’t matter.. Burt’s Bees is not longer Burt’s Bees. 

It’s Clorox chemicals corrupting whatever natural ingredients it interacts with.  It’s not just the percent synthetic analogue of the real thing that’s to be looked at.. it’s the interraction with the natural ingredients.  Adams wrote a current article which merely mentions this passage, “Remember Burt’s Bees? Sold out to Clorox.”  He never tells what happened and who was involved.  You can read his article  New Chapter sells out to Procter Mi& Gamble, part of the global corporate elite   to see that he doesn’t implicate the actual people involved.  He uses careful blanket statements such as “elite, globalists, the CEO, or bankers”, but never the names of people.  Just the companies and links to their products or services which is the true intent anyway. 

Mike’s character profile reveals that he is a researcher and very good at it.  He is apparently vastly better than I, but because I do research as well and know his character and abilities, I would think he would give you everything.  He simply does not perform this function and I’ll offer my reason why I think this.

In the same town that Adams resided prior to moving to Ecuador, he states that he was friends with the local police department and even did volunteer work as a volunteer in law enforcement under high profile men.  Richard Carmona who works under Pima County Sheriff with a questionable reputation, Clarence Dupnik, who was criticized for the Gabrielle Giffords shooting and the death of a federal judge in fact going as far back as leading a foul investigation into the largest mass murder in Arizona’s recent history, the Buddhist Temple Murders (Giffords was I believe 2nd), it was former United States Surgeon General during the Bush administration in 2005, Richard Carmona, who was on the decision making board at Clorox at the time Burt’s Bees was absorbed.

To get a picture in your mind about the city Adams lived in, read about corruption in Pima County:  “Celis abduction: Tucson ‘Perp’ search is a cover for convenient nationwide warrantless searches”.  for a truer understanding of the development and dynamics of the police state emerging in Southern Arizona in which government trend setting murders have taken place.  Mike Adams glossed over or didn’t even consider the ramifications of the police state nor the police city he lived in for naturalnews.  He instead praises the law enforcement for doing a great job.. but doesn’t rake the muck.

This is a man who swore upon the Hippocratic Oath promising to save people’s lives, but instead teaches SWAT tactics in Pima County where Adams lived for some time.. On the board at Clorox, do you think that he would preserve the integrity of a natural product?  He would be released of service to the corporation if he did.

Adams understands this and is playing role of ignorance.  He’s smarter on the level of deception he speaks of than one is lead to believe.  I know this because I never did receive an email reply, period, over the years from him.  That’s not smart either and is the ‘tell’, so I guess he’s not so smart on the level of counterintel practices. It is my contention that because Carmona is running for a senatorial seat to replace exiting senator, Jon Kyle this November, that  Mike has kept quiet about this ‘in your face information’ regarding his involvement with Clorox and business with Clarence Dupnik.   Observe from now on that I’ve reported the connection. Will Adams defend himself by by exposing this powerful man?  Of course not!  And if the damage control would be to write one, will he address everything I’ve written including that simple little scam about the $80 dollar book deal you’ll read about further in this article?  No way.  Carmona is set to take a congressional seat.. do you want him replacing natural ingredients with Clorox chemicals?  That’s Adams announcement to naturalnews traffic and yet, it will go unreported because that alone means death to naturalnews and Mike Adams career.

There is more to Carmona which I’ll address when I build my article that involved the my part in the Giffords investigation.  It has to do with the murder of a young man named Jose Guerena who was allowed to bleed to death based on Carmona’s medical protocol he set up for SWAT.  You’ll see clearly how dangerous Carmona is and why Mike Adams, a go after the criminals advocate of health, is convincingly protecting the big guns behind the corporate facade Adams accuses.

A situation occurred shortly after the Giffords debacle (see the youtube on the left side bar).  On May 5 (Cinco de Mayo holiday for Hispanics) a young former marine was assassinated after a 20 month investigation under Dupnik in which Dr. Richard Carmona was involved.  The reason I believe it was a planned assassination is because an internal (fox/hen house) investigation resulted in the exoneration of the five swat team members that fired 71 rounds at a man immediately upon entering the home.  It was a simple search warrant, but an excuse to invade and kill firing squad style.  The team was deemed justified in their actions not by a court of law in trial with a judge and a jury, but by county attorney Barbara LaWall.  It might as well have been the local street sweeper rendering the decision because that isn’t how justice is served, but they were justified nonetheless.  And everyone bought it.  Carmona had nothing to say about the man bleeding to death when emergency medical teams were ordered to stand down and not allowed to save Guerena’s life.  This is how the video camera tapes taken from the helmets of the team that went in did not ever make it to a trial.  Carmona even has seen the Safeway surveillance tapes that never made it to the trial either. Those high quality surveillance tapes were intended to seen by a trial jury for the Jarred Lee Loughner case.  Same deal.

Richard Carmona sits on a corporate decision making board as well as a high up law enforcement authority in Pima County that decides the fate of men, as he did once gunning down a car-jacker with a kill shot instead of one to maim and no murder charges applied, and natural products when at the same time, Mike Adams will not report this very important “naturalnews.com” worthy information.  Why?  well, there you go.. form your own opinion.


Mike Adams left a Garden of Eden..  why?

“This is a picture of my back yard in Hacienda San Joaquin, Vilcabamba Ecuador.. gorgeous!”

Packing up his wife and bags, Adams leads you to believe that he high tailed it out of a corrupt and potentially dangerous place to find comfort in Alex Jone’s umbrella of protection.. that the prisonplanet mind set for preservation and survival is the American way of life.  Mike left a garden of Eden where I’d personally rather be when the shit hits the fan.  I would die standing up next to a flowering jungle paradise than a sterile make believe gated community in Austin.

“Yes, we may all legitimately complain about the USA, but from what I’ve seen everywhere around the world, the United States is still less corrupt than most places in the world. Yes, there are bad apples everywhere throughout local police, federal FBI agents and even the court system, but for every bad apple there are probably three times as many honorable people who are truly just trying to do their jobs.  In years past, I served in a non-profit support role, the local police in Tucson, Arizona, and I came to know them as some of the most upstanding, honorable peace officers I’ve ever met . Yes, they had a history of outrageous corruption which you’ll find in every police force from time to time, but they rooted out that corruption and restored integrity to their operation. You’ll find the same dedication to honest public service all across the nation, even if there is a little corruption that normally goes along with it.”

Mike Adams convinces the reader with his illusionary writing style that the US is far less dangerous than Ecuador In an article just 17 days before Barack Obama signed the NDAA (National Defense Authoritarian Act) into Law in the 11th hour in Hawaii (completely untouchable) on December 31, 2011, Adams spits out rhetoric that could possibly make sense, if one was naive enough, however after this law was cemented in place, he has yet to retract that article written especially for prisonplanet.  What, does Alex Jones agree with Adams?  Sure he does – planting ideas before an event is how the training of the mind is achieved.. the sheeple will never realize the tactic.  In fact his post Top ten things to love about Vilcabamba Ecuador, the Valley of Longevity” does not indicate there is a problem with police state antics there.  He’s ‘selling’ Vilcabamba real estate and the pleasantries.  I suspect that the reference to problems was instead the Ecuadorian authorities who encouraged him, and he alone with his Chinese wife, to leave the country and that is the police brutality he’s referring to.  Why would they ask him to leave?  I speculate that he allegedly was involved with the extradition of Greg Caton and after the Ecuadorians learned that they were duped, made sure that life was uncomfortable for Mike.  It’s why he wrote an article discouraging us to go there after encouraging us to go there.

“Should you leave the USA before the collapse? Words of wisdom from someone who tried.”  – Mike Adams naturalnews.com

Self proclaimed wise man, Michael Adams, begins his ‘story’, and it is just that.. by saying that one most common question he’s asked today is, “Should I leave the USA to get away from the coming police state?”  He states that these are people [who exactly I question?] that are aware of what is going on.. in other words they are the awakened ones.  If so, they wouldn’t need to ask him that question.  He says that once you read his article,“you may ultimately be far safer and more successful living right where you are, in your home country, even if that home country becomes a police state.”

I kid you not.. he stated this as a ‘maybe’ and has yet to revise it with “not any longer” after the signing of that National Detention Authoritization Act end of last year.  Since the publication of his December 14, 2011 article Should you leave the USA before the collapse? Words of wisdom from someone who tried”  exactly two years after the article (and two before where he had lived in Vilcabomba reporting on the illegal extradition of Greg Caton) that his transition to Science based investigations along with this mission statement revision from natural health to university based sleuthing against natural health products.  In Four years, Adams rooted himself as a fixture within the natural health movement in which he is now effectively going to destroy it using science as his weapon:

Article Update: “The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist. He now runs the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, conducting world-class food science research and publishing scientific papers on food contaminants and nutritional analytics.

The problem with this statement is that not just the removed article article, but most of them that make up the bulk of naturalnews’ website.  They are non-science based which includes his tax day 2014 post regarding the recent Bundy Ranch fiasco.  This comes four months after stating he is no longer an outspoken activist.  This is the hidden in plain sight shell game slapping the public directly on the cheek.

Matt Bakos, who Adams had run a smear campaign on a product Adya Clarity, points out that the cattle grazed on this continent are not indigenous to it.  The Asian Cattle consume more of the plants they eat which bolsters a decline in the ability for grasses to thrive unlike cattle that are indigenous to the Americas.  Why didn’t Mike Adams say anything about the environmental aspect of the problem?  Perhaps he doesn’t know and I’m certain of that, but if he did, he’d rub it in Cliven Bundy’s face while continuing the illusion of patriotism.

A final question as to Mike Adam’s claim that his health declined because of toxic contaminants in super foods.  Are other rawfoodists who consume superfoods suffering as well?  Obviously not.  If so, Mike would have said something.  It stands to reason that he’s making all of this up to set-up the entire industry of health to their fate.


In the article, Adams postulates 5 “powerful” realizations before a “collapse becomes a reality”


“Realization #1 – Corruption is far worse outside the USA” – Mike Adams

Obviously he hasn’t changed his mind to adjust the article having known about the Giffords, Guerena, and Celis abduction issues where his favorable force of peaceful officers working the city of Tucson who actively played an integral role with corruption assisting the elites with the operations.. most specifically int eh Isabela Celis abduction case.  He could have knowledge of what occurred in Tucson because Jones knows what happened here in Tucson which is Adams home before moving to South America.. it’s why independent investigators were passed over for interviews about the independent research that revealed truths the media completely and with purpose fabricated.

“Golden amaranth grows like crazy on my farm near Vilcabamba, Ecuador!”

He speaks about the most recent country, Ecuador, that he lived in as an experience to share as a prime example in which he states that the FBI are more apt to be corrupt in the United States.  And yet, all of the countries he’s visited, Ecuador he deems was safer. “I got along with the police like I did in Tucson.. no problemo” was essentially what he said.  Well, why move back after two years in heaven?  It was Greg Caton, not he who was being probed and sought after.  All mike had to do was befriend the judge who really tried to save Greg Caton’s life.

“The simple truth is that our entire world is under assault by criminals right now, and those criminals are deeply embedded in the financial system of Goldman Sachs crooks and Federal Reserve elitists.” – Adams

You know what, as I go over the other 4 points that he makes having planned to decode this entire verbose article for you (very long winded), I’m thinking I’ll let you do the rest.  He just goes on about the idea of being around like minded people who are prepared for ‘hunkering down’ for the ‘long haul’.  It’s all about the products sold by Alex Jones on the show.. food supplies and all the rest.  It’s a revenue generating ploy built out of creating fear in you that it’s all over unless you dig into a hole.  Sensationalism.

As I describe  the story of herbal products business man, Grag Caton, keep in mind that Adams cannot justly and with credibility fool me, nor you if you really follow his logic.  Therefore, when he supports Greg Caton, simply reverse the order of thought to see Adams follows the guardian wolf profile.

Hell, I’d rather be under assault in his house in Ecuador than in a Neo-Nazi concentration camp on our soil (don’t forget the NDAA).   I’ll show you why I feel that Adams is play acting.


Cancer specialist extradited back to the US

When newstarget shifted it’s corporate identity to naturalnews, Mike Adams packed his wife up with his bags and moved to Vilcabamba, Ecuador to not only invest in real estate, but attract high movers and shakers in the vegetarian diet arenas here from the United States to live in his rolling hillside paradise.  This plan did not fare well as planned and he moved back to the United States having failed at making more money.

Surprise.. this is not the full story

A press release on the FTC’s website states the following: “FTC,FDA, and law enforcement move to stop scams for supplements and other products that purport to cure cancer, HIV/AIDS and countless other life-threatening diseases.”

We see that he’s working for prisonplanet and infowars production planners and strategists that are grooming would be community of people awakening to the NWO and properly prepared either dismantle it or survive a complete destruction of our sovereignty.  We see that he’s trying to keep you inside these borders instead of living in paradise despite ‘a bit of corruption’.  We understand now that he really didn’t need to leave Vilcabamba because he never clarifies a good reason for abandoning an Eden like that.  We are still with nebulous thought as to why he returned wearing orange shirts that replaces the khaki earthy tones of the land.

The story of Greg Caton reveals why Adams moved to Ecuador

Greg Caton is an alternative cancer doctor who sold what was termed by the FDA, with its cozy relationship with conventional medicine, unproven remedies for cancer and other health problems. He was a victim of “Operation Cure All,” which was an initiative begun in 2001 by the FDA and the Federal Trade Commission.  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration stands accused of facilitating in part with the kidnapping and illegal extradition of a permanent resident of Ecuador. This kidnapping is in violation of both international law and Ecuadorian law.

Using this as an excuse, the FDA has resorted to shutting down businesses and arrest people whose products, though not recognized by conventional medicine, actually work, are inexpensive, and have a few if any side effects.  Greg Caton served thirty-three months in a federal prison, but was illegally arrested on December 14, 2009, exactly two years before Adams wrote “Should you leave the USA before the collapse? Words of wisdom from someone who tried.  It was claimed that the commercial American Airlines passenger jet was “U.S. Territory” and that Ecuadorian law did not apply.  He sat in a prison cell awaiting a hearing on March 17th, 2010.  American Airlines employees reportedly refused to allow Caton to leave a Louisiana court for products sold outside the United States.

I would trust the Ecuadorians now over the US if ever I needed protection

Greg Caton, owner and operator of Alpha Omega Labs, an herbal products company that sells anti-cancer herbal remedies made with Ecuadorian medicinal herbs, was arrested at gunpoint at a road checkpoint in Ecuador, then transported to an Ecuadorian holding facility to await a hearing on December 14, 2009. Caton was expected to be set free by the Ecuadorian judge at that hearing based on the facts of the case which indicated Caton’s permanent residency in Ecuador is legal and valid.  Three days before the hearing could take place, Caton was taken from his holding facility and, with the help of U.S. State Department employees, involuntarily placed on an American Airlines plane headed for Miami. An Ecuadorian judge rushed to the airport in Guayaquil and demanded that Caton be released from the plane, stating that the attempted deportation was illegal, but American Airlines employees reportedly refused to allow Caton to leave the plane, stating that the plane was “U.S. territory” and that Ecuadorian law did not apply there (even though the plane was still on the tarmac in Guayaquil and under the direction of the air traffic control tower there).  The plane then departed Guayaquil and continued its flight to Miami where Greg Caton was held in a federal detention facility to await trial in the U.S.

The Ecuadorian law enforcement after realizing what had happened were dismayed at what they had done.  They inadvertently assisted European Interpol under the authority of the United States in the highly illegal extraction of Greg Caton back to the United States.  We understand that the story of Julian Assange, which has similar implications, in which at this writing is under protection of the Ecuadorian government so that his story does not repeat that of of Caton’s.  Julian, as we all remember, produced evidence of corporate and governmental corruption during the take over and occupation of Iraq.. and the assassination of their president, Saddam Hussein.  Whether Hussein was evil or not is not the point.. people who Assange exposed made quite a bit of money – it wasn’t you or me the got unethically rich.

Dismayed at the blunder, an Ecuadorian judge tried to reclaim Caton without success.  Caton was tried on a trump charge and had to serve more prison time in a federal penitentiary once again.

Mike Adams, for some unusual reason, happened to be the first to report this incidence to the world via naturalnews.com.  As usual, Mike Adams seems to receive the first of many ‘first reports’ for his investigative reporting.

If the fox that guards the hen house happens to be Mike Adams in the 20 billion dollar natural health industry then this all makes sense.  He reached out for help to assist Greg Caton and as big as Adams is, seemed to go nowhere with this mission.  Why?  Did he not have enough resources  Is he not the millionaire he is?  Greg Caton, if Adams successfully helped fight this case, would be put on the map and revered as a hero, but this didn’t happen.

My contention is that Mike Adams was an industry plant with the main job of getting Greg Caton trapped in a sting while pretending he was a fighter for our rights.  This would and could have happened to others in the health food world invited to live in Vilcabamba.  Once Caton was extradited, Adams left the country that would protect him if he were Caton or Assange.. if he indeed was a true person expressing true healing messages, products, and services.


Business deals

I’m sure many of Mike’s business deals will be reported on such as the Taiwanese owned publishing company headquartered in Tucson, Arizona and more.  I’d like to share one of my own and of my personal experience in Mike’s presence to illustrate the notion that he is mostly about the revenue he generates.

He published a book called Natural Health Solutions which at the time sold for $30.00.  This was my first text I read which jetisoned me into the world of natural health research and learning.  Mike was inspired me and everything in my world hinged on what he had researched. All of his books were published by his very own company, but peculiarly priced if one were buying so-called free additional items.

I talked about him to everyone. He had a similar book published with about the same page count that could only be purchased as a package deal with five additional items that he valued at $50.00 that was offered as a freebie, but only with the purchase of the book Grocery Warning which amounted to $80.00.  That’s a thirty dollar book with fifty dollars worth of free extras totaling eighty dollars, but you couldn’t buy just the book.. I asked him in person if I could.  I didn’t need the laminated “honest Food Guide” that you see up above (until now of course since there’s too much soy in our world).  So, I asked him in person about the rationale as anyone with common sense would and what I got back blew me away.

“Most sociopaths will become angry or aggressive when their integrity is questioned” – Adams

The business man certainly was pissed that I questioned and pointed out his revenue generating practice.  His eyes showed it and his posture changed.. he couldn’t wait for me to walk away.  Later, he avoided passing near me and that was proof he had something important to conceal.  I even noticed it with his wife who was busy collecting money on their product sales.  I just feel badly for David Rainoshek for he has not returned my email regarding Mike Adams.. it seems David has ‘dropped out’ entirely.  Why is anyone’s guess, but I think I know what it is.

If proof is required to show that a megalithic conspiracy is happening and that he indeed is holding hands with Monsanto and Al Gore but that evidence cannot be confirmed, then his very nonspiritual business practice of ‘cheating’ is very much the proof that demonstrates that every bit of his rhetoric is unqualified.  I had Naomi Tickle profile him (scroll to Mike Adams character set.. personality profile).  I do with everyone and without knowing who he or Alex Jones was, said that people who have a particular trait cluster as these men have, she just doesn’t believe what they say.  “They’re salesmen and I don’t listen to them”.  She said this particularly with Alex Jones.  The reason this is important is because I didn’t ask her to profile Alex.. I never thought to ask.  She said that the person in the youtube with Mike Adams has demonstrable traits that will boggle your mind as did did mine.

Mike Adams is aiding the ‘Big Brother’ agenda

Adams has no business instructing people seeking nutritional and health advice, products, and general spiritual information on matters of the New World Order, the militarization of a nation, and the creeping up of our loss of our sovereignty.  His article posted on June 8, 2012 “How to spot a sociopath…” is by far the ‘tell’ that he is working the other side against you.


basis of the propaganda is to encourage the average untrained person to implicate anyone for any reason in matters of character profiling with the potential action taken by this observer to inform the authorities.  This is a matter of known with incarcerated individuals in the jail and prison system as ‘snitches’.  He is teaching you to be an unpaid informant.  This and all the rest that Adams posts is designed to further the military complex.  This is Orwell’s 1984 ‘Big Brother’ in a highly influential action.

(above) Adams uses a diabolical tactic that references you to a homicidal psychopath who controlled others to commit murder, not a sociopath.  Manson above is pictured with wide eyes just as Jared Lee Loughner’s first photo manipulated picture post was ‘wide eyed’.  This posture has the impression that a person is disturbed.  Adams also used Marshall Applewhite who laced food and drink with a poison that killed people.  Adams says, “Notice the intensity of his eyes?”  This is hardly a description indicating one with psychological problems.

Adams tells his constituents whose lives revolve around healthy diets, “Interestingly, many sociopaths do indeed center their actions around a bizarre food or drink theme, often demanding their members eat or drink poisonous or highly offensive substances that no rational person would otherwise consume.”  Mike does not provide studies and statistics, rather, he references the reader to one high profile case and nothing more.  Mike is attacking the vegetarian life stylers who frequent his website.

Notice how Applewhite speaks with authority, clarity and some level of charisma? Notice the intensity of his eyes? This is another common trait among sociopaths (including Manson, above). Remember, this man gained such influence over his followers that they voluntarily killed themselves in order to maintain his approval!

Don’t accept it.  Ask him to stand down on his mission to indoctrinate the innocent who will uncontrollably implicate more innocent people than the real perpetrators.

His first example from the list of 10 points “How to spot a sociopath –  10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job”  is as follows:

#1) Sociopaths are charming

#1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a “glow” about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction. They often appear to be sexy or have a strong sexual attraction. Not all sexy people are sociopaths, obviously, but watch out for over-the-top sexual appetites and weird fetishes.

(left column) Many people are charming over non charismatic and maintain a “glow” about them.  My grandmother glows and has a special charm.  If somebody calls the police on her and says that he read her profile characteristic match based on Mike Adam’s article, well, what will you think next?  Let him be?  That’s just one person and millions visit his website and have read that article.  The truth is, he has been given the opportunity to conduct the business of disseminating these instructions so that we feel it is an acceptable practice to arbitrarily implicate as many glowing charm filled people without any cause as we possibly can.

Everyone has a choice in their personal lives to express their sexual desires in the way they like.  Adams has intruded in your space demanding you are brought to justice without saying that you should call the authorities.  But that is exactly what is happening as this is a powerful suggestion he has made and that people can get into trouble when there is nothing he will do to help if you’re innocent.

“One simple method for dispelling sociopathic delusion is to start fact checking their claims. Do any of their claims actually check out? If you start digging, you will usually find a pattern of frequent inconsistencies. Confront the suspected sociopath with an inconsistency and see what happens: Most sociopaths will become angry or aggressive when their integrity is questioned, whereas a sane person would simply be happy to help clear up any misinformation or misunderstanding.” -Mike Adams

If someone over hears you share in a private conversation that you met a man, or a woman, who love feet and that the foot is special to them during love making.. caressing, massaging, and so forth, and the eaves dropper considers that a foot fetish involving a sexual act then reports you, then that is what Mike Adams has set up in his first item as described.  The police knock on your door with a search warrant, seize your computer, and then it’s over from there.

Mike green-lights you to approach who you may suspect as what he is labeling a sociopath.  This is dangerous if the person really is more than sociopathic — a psychopath with homicidal tendencies.  Rare, but this could happen.  While he’s instructing you to profile any and everyone who is charming, intelligent, and ‘glows’, he is setting you up to be potentially a target of a real perpetrator sharing the same characteristics as a so-called sociopath.  (Health Ranger’s quote in the left column)

Is Mike Adams the sociopath pointing the finger at everyone else?

Is it so shocking that he may well be the actual sociopath?

Mike says, “The most shocking realization to take home from all this is that people who live under the spell of a sociopath almost never realize it until after the spell has been broken.”

Read the 10 descriptions and compare him, the analysis Naomi Tickle did on his character set, and what I’ve written disclosing his actions vs intent.  That’s right.. it is how the psyops functions “reverse psychology”.

I can’t be attacked.  I have disclosed evidence that cannot and will not fly in the face of truth.  All the deciphering of naturalnews banner design has been given to Adams, the timelines of his Vilcabomba life and the question as to really why he was there and why he would abandon a garden of Eden to the pit of military America.  He has yet to answer.  He cannot for his attorneys won’t allow it.  but he would if boundaryless.  It’s as simple as that.

Mike writes, “Another very valuable red flag to recognize when trying to spot a sociopath is to see how they deal with attacks on their own integrity. If a sociopath is presented with a collection of facts, documents and evidence showing that he lied or deceived, he will refuse to address the evidence and, instead, attack the messenger!” 

These are facts that this true sociopath cannot refute nor will he attempt to justify to you why he changed the website design, won’t disclose his star journalist, even after my published information about his activities has been made public.  And yet, he will answer your queries about what he sells product wise and moronic things that aren’t getting him in trouble.

Well, he did steal $50 dollars from me claiming I was getting that for free when purchasing an 80 dollar book that was worth $30 if comparing to a similar one he sold at the same time.  In another paragraph, Mike says, “A sociopath caught red-handed with a suitcase full of cash he just stole, for example, might declare he had actually rescued the money from being stolen by someone else, and that he was attempting to find its rightful owner. He’s the hero, see? And yet, in reality, he will simply pocket the money and keep it. If you question him about the money, he will attack you for questioning his honesty.”  He made an elaborate excuse about the inflated price of the book that came with $50 dollars worth of “FREE” material.  He staged himself as a hero buying old people clothes and a mattress, video taped it, and made you think he was saving the world one person at a time.  Baloney. Such a con.

“Do not speak with one face and then secretly act out another.” – Mike Adams “How to spot a sociopath-10 red flags…”

Mike Adams proclaims, Sociopaths are masters are presenting themselves as heroes with high morals and philosophy, yet underneath it they are the true criminal minds in society who steal, undermine, deceive, and often incite emotional chaos among entire communities. They are masters at turning one group of people against another group while proclaiming themselves to be the one true savior. Wherever they go, they create strife, argument and hatred, yet they utterly fail to see their own role in creating it. They are delusional at so many levels that their brains defy logical reasoning.”

I can decode the message word for word, but this should be enough.  Read his article assuming him to be the sociopath and you’ll see it very clearly.  As he tells you himself, “Wake up!”

Mike Adams is an entrepreneurial business man

who is in this to amass large sums of money.  His real estate company, mass media ties, supplements advertising and endorsements, products and his books through his very own publishing company is just some of what he does.  He has proprietary software he’s developed and if he is within arms reach of Al Gore, then he’s somehow tied in with the NSA information and tracking agendas perhaps applying his software that he leads us to believe is for consumer use.  We’ll see.. anyway, what I want to show is one of his philanthropical and generous attempts to be of help to the destitute, or who he assumes is.

He could easily employ this man as well as find a natural healer, like Greg Caton, and help restore him to health.  What Mike does is show his faked compassion when he could easily set him up in a house without even making a dent in his financial portfolio.  It’s next to nothing to live in Ecuador.  Mike asks the man what his needs are, but the man, like anyone caught off guard without knowing the premise would say, “ropa y comida” which is new clothes and food.  Another Adams advertisement for self-service was a woman who asked or encouraged to get a mattress.  He could have employed her too.. I wouldn’t doubt she had a thorough understanding of native medicine.

“Len and I have long known that it is possible that Mike Adams is a controlled opposition. Besides this notion, he does work closely with Alex Jones [who happens to be criticized for the same reason].  We did meet him once, when he invited Len to speak at a California health seminar.  We had dinner at a local vegetarian restaurant, (Adams claims to be an avid vegan) and for one, he was much younger than I thought he would be, and he is very intelligent.  The one big feeling I sensed was the Nazi persona.  He looked at me [and I felt] was with complete hatred, as [one would expect] Nazi types often do. I believe it has something to do with past lives. In any case, he was this tall, Aryan looking guy that wreaked of CIA/military intelligence.  Len asked [him] if he wanted to join forces and partner with us in our health products business, as well as our journalism efforts. He said he would, but of course we never heard from him again. He did hire a Jewish guy to be a host of that health event, named Jonathan Landsman, who works closely with Adams.  [In my experience] Landsman was extremely rude to me at the event, and foolishly told bad jokes.  He completely lacked charm.  When Len was on the stage with the other speakers during a Q&A, I was in the audience and when I raised my hand to ask a question, he [Landsman] ignored me completely by taking everyone’s questions but mine. He made a rude to me in front of everyone.  I really like your article and I would like to put a link to it on my website if that’s OK.
Best Wishes,

Folks, there are people who need food, clothing, and mattresses right there in Austin.. where are those youtubes?

Mike Adams ‘handles’ David Rainoshek (controlling cluster traits)

I felt an overwhelming black energy that really spooked me.. he stepped back and became very defensive and cold. This was just after shaking his hand for the first time.  I thought “Oh my God, I have to remove myself from this place now”.  And I did.  This was the first indication after having suspected other discrepancies about the website and the quality of information that was being put out.  I had learned enough by then to see contradictions, but this business practice that was deceitful confirmed the notion.  From there, I found that more people had tracked Mike Adams for similar reasons.

He had connected with a student of Gabriel Cousens who obtained a masters degree from the Tree of Life Rejouvenation Clinic in Patagonia.  The  product he partnered with David Rainoshek was called “Juice Feasting” – a 92 day vegetable juice diet in which the human body could restore itself to its original healthy condition.  Mike Adams set the date with David Rainoshek of which I attended.  The reason I bring this up is because while Mike Adams ran from Ecuador to seek safety in Texas, David and his wife remain in Ecuador as permanent residents and are quite content with their lives.. bearing children and all that good stuff.  Adams having announced the fear mongering to all of us here does not talk about the dangers to his friends he drew down to Vilcabamba.  You see, he drew people belonging to the circles he wished to be a part of and then abandoned them to be a part of Alex Jones propaganda machine.

And then there is the business of sequestering dangerous influences

Perhaps his desire is to lead the health and nutrition leaders away from a country under detrimental reconstruction where minds are being molded for the worse; that it would be wise to remove those with the wisdom, the answers to health problems, and the ability to heal in mass away from those of us who lack this knowledge and understanding.  After several times trying to contact David Rainoshek, I found out that he and his wife are safe and sound as permanent residents in Ecuador. This disconnectedness may be reason why I, somebody he wouldn’t recognize, doesn’t get a return  email.. I tried to get to him for answers I have concerning his business deal with Mike Adams.  I would assume that his relocation from the United States proves positive that I was essentially right.. There are others that have left for Adam’s land deals as well.

You see, Adams had the resources to move back if this had been a mission accomplished – it would be difficult for the others to move freely making frequent visits to the Unites States in a show of constant presence.  This is a logistical tactic effective with keeping a major health movement from taking root within the United States.  This way, natural news would have more power to control the information about the industry of health.  The design is to steer away from the truth.


Mike Adams character set.. personality profile

I’m writing an article that is rather pointed, however, I don’t discount anything.   When the news came back as to what Mike Adams character qualities were, I was actually pleased for the reason Adams could be honestly doing good.  He has a character set that I would like to have give or take one or two.   Naomi Tickle is absolutely objective.  She has no preconceived idea as to who the people are that I ask for help with.  All, but with the exception of elected government officials and the obvious from the media outlets, but none outside of mainstream.  When I try to explain who they are and what they are suspected of, her science and understanding of facial topography and relationships remain her focus.. I’m getting the real deal with no preconceived ideas.

In a message dated 10/22/2012 8:31:18 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, lnbracker@hushmail.com writes:

Good morning Naomi,

One day we’ll have tea.. Attached is the person I’m writing an article about. I’m sending not just his head, but the body for the reason you can see his hands. If there is more you need, he is widely known and on many youtubes. Let me know and I’ll search for what you need. I keep saying each person is the next most important and now I have to stop saying it!! I’m sure I’ll keep getting bigger ones. This one, however, is a huge fish and I’ll tell you what I suspect after the profile is done. You’ll be happy that I’m on this case when I tell you. Out of curiosity, have you noted that several men’s images profiled so far have had ‘Aryan’ like features about them? If so, it is because there is a neo Nazi resurgence occurring under our noses. From Adams to Mark Kelly, they all lean towards it – am I close to right? This is why I’m doing what I can…

Re: Mike Adams profile…

Sent Monday, October 22, 2012 at 11:38 AM

Here’s what I can see

[Edited for brevity]  His body balance having short legs and a long torso indicates he is built to be on his feet finding himself restless after sitting too long. He requires an outlet for the degree of physical energy he builds or restless sets in. This physical motive trait means he’s constantly on the go and will have a hard time sitting down for long periods of time.

His physical insulation is high which means he has the love of the outdoors and camping, kayaking, canoeing or rock climbing and mountaineering if he has the risk taking trait plus the activities that take him there. Also, If he has the risk taking trait, this will put him out on the edge of life. He will enjoy the buzz that it brings him. It takes longer for situations to get under his skin, but see others as overly sensitive. Because he has the traits for adventure, he is excited when exploring new ideas, new places and the adventure of traveling. He may enjoy the competitive sport of boxing.

This man is serious minded, takes life very seriously, and has a tendency to carry the world on his shoulders, he’ll be irritated when others appear to be too flippant about what he’s sharing.

He also has a high impulsiveness trait which indicates that he says and does things spontaneously without worrying about any regrettable future consequences.

If he has the risk taking trait he will come across as being more pushy, that along with his competitive drive adds to that style because of the fact he does not come across as being authoritative.  But, his self-reliance is high in which he can depend on himself no matter what the situation.  He has a tendency to take projects away from others because when others are slower than him he will get very irritated.

He is up front with people and very direct and to the point letting people know what he thinks and feels without mincing words and once he decides to do something is very committed to seeing it through.

This man will fight for what he believes in whether it is a human or environmental cause. This trait is often seen in mediation which indicates he has a special talent for settling differences and a preference for mediation and compromise over force or coercion as a strategy for resolving conflict. [this is how prisonplanet grooms the masses so as to allow the NWO to succeed without a firing a shot.. perhaps they profiled Adams as well to use him in this manner] The love of debate and will fight for what he believes in be it a human or environmental cause.

Jones is on 4 hours a day, 5 days a week, with guest hosts covering the weekend and his vacation days all year long.  All that is accomplished is the incitement of drama, sensationalism, fear, and most of all peddles the products that ease those installed fears.  He does this without ever producing a solution to any problem shared on that show.  If there has been a real problem solved that can be attributed to prisonplanet infowars dot com, somebody please show me.. otherwise it really is authentically more than a precisely programed timing and disclosure venue by design.  What few even consider is that he pushed the debut and distribution of the documentary, “The Obama Deception” to a point of no error free access allowing president Barack Obama to easily win the election four years and lots of damage ago. That film, even in the rough, required half a year at least to become viral enough and with enough visibility to those in the dark for a nation to reconsider their opinions that were being conditioned by the media.  It’s all about fooling the public folks.. wake up.  Fuck the whistles and bells that he felt would make it a cinematic experience.. he rambled that for a year or so and I got sick of the wait.  The message gets across just fine in the first cut, and, in a quarter of the time (two hours of relatively little).  Few if anyone truly understand the dynamics of deception. The Obama Deception happened to be our deception of Alex Jones himself.

His high forcefulness is very strong.  He may have the tendency to plow through situations and people to get things accomplished.  If this trait is out of control, people will see him as being very pushy. Along with forcefulness is his high competitive nature.  He enjoys competing with others and even with himself.

This man gains his confidence through knowledge. When faced with new situations, he studies things extensively before taking on new projects or activities. He will take class after class to ensure he has enough information. When situations seem rather daunting, it is most likely due to lack of experience or enough information.

He is tolerant to a certain degree then snaps to judgement and because he has the controlling cluster, so will he want to be in control of situations and people. This is often noted with people who follow a strong believe or cause.

There is a high analytical trait to him in which he needs to understand how and why things work.  There is a latent hesitation, or reluctance, with making decisions until his questions have been completely satisfied.

He will come across as being very friendly, people will find him very approachable [he was friendly until I questioned Mike about his business ethics].

He has  high appreciation of balance and harmony because of a large aesthetic appreciation trait. He surrounds himself with beautiful things whether it is artwork, elegant furnishings also the interior of your home and expresses a great sense on how the things flow together. When life is out of balance he will notice this more. Often times these individuals enjoy drinking alcohol or taking drugs. It helps to disguise what is really going on [Mike’s drug of choice is the high one gets from eating richly dense organic super foods as explained by David Wolfe and David Rainoshek, two of many high profile rawfood experts.. which is most likely why Adams gravitated to the rawfood community].

His mechanical appreciation precludes him to be a natural when bringing people together, co-ordinate projects, and organize events. His thoughts will appear to be very organized in his mind. He would do well with event planning, project management or any activity where organization is needed.

This man also has the appreciation for music with a keen sense of rhythm and how things flow together [his rap music compilations prove this]. He may enjoy playing a musical instrument or going to concerts.

His mental capacity is strong in which he enjoys the intellectual challenges of abstract thoughts and ideas – ‘thinking outside the box’.

There is an idealizing trend that is high  which he would demonstrate extremely high standards and high expectations which helps with relationships and in business if addressed correctly. There are times when he dreams – escaping in mind – from the real world, with great visions of “how you want the world to be.”  He is a very creative person with a vivid imagination and can be easily carried away with with ideas where reality is abandoned [This could be the Mike Adams we’d like to know, or it could be the NWO adopted that replaces healthy utopian ideas].

“Just looked at him on Youtube. He is also a trouble shooter problem solver and has a good photographic memory. Plus he does have the following traits and the cluster described of controlling.  He is only just tolerant, and will be quickly irritated by interruptions.There may be an indication that he likes to control people. His consideration is high which means he will bend over backwards to help others [this is important if he did in fact attempt to help Greg Caton from being taken by the FDA]. He will often put other people before himself.  The trait cluster having also the close set eyes, high standards, concentration and along with the fighting for a cause, will add to his determination to get his message across. Yes, Mike Adams certainly fits the profile of someone who wants to challenge the government. He’s a fighter for causes and his strong beliefs. He wants to make a contribution to improve the quality in people’s lives. He’ll fight to the end.”  That’s about all I could see from the video’s. Hope this helps you. – Naomi”

He tends to be a perpetual student and will take workshops and courses for the love of learning new information, but moves on from project to project “been there done that” and then moves on with the tendency to change careers multiple times.

That’s about all I can see. If we could get some side photo’s, I could then access more traits. I hope this helps you. [she viewed the video cast in which she could view Adams profile]


In our phone conversation upon receipt of the profile, Naomi added that Alex Jones exhibits the characteristic of being a salesman and that when she sees these people tends to avoid them “.. and I don’t believe what they say anyway”. Alex is about money and control and that it is all about business with him. She added that Mike Adams is more about business than money, is controlling and when he is in a room with like minded people can become so immersed in the action that he can be blinded to the cause. He is easily misled. This explains then that Mike may very well be a stooge without any precept knowledge of being used for ulterior motives and is why I’m concluding that there is mal intention on his part in manipulating people. I also do see more than meets the eye and feel he has sold out. He is noted for saying he’d be a millionaire before 30 and he did not admit his book was worth the same as another when I first confronted him. The trait for one with deceptive personality and who can be evil is an extra or thicker upper edge to the eyelid.

A subsequent note followed the initial profile where Naomi concluded her objective points after watching the youtube of Mike Adams with Alex Jones without the background knowledge of either.  This is why I first obtain a blind study (see the left column for her note)..

Who writes for Natural News?

I contacted another newstarget contributor who crossed over to naturalnews and shall go unnamed for security reasons, that became defensive when asked questions regarding his source material and the research behind them.  I asked if he would update or even retract any article I found to have errors in them to which the reply was basically ‘go f___ yourself’.  It didn’t take long to know that none of the contributors, based on their content, are screened for a hopeful in depth understanding of the topics they present.  Why should somebody be on high alert when I ask if they validated a source study.. and then shown the proof?  Or, if they were aware of a business practice that was not ethical by the news venue using their material?  Favoritism perhaps?  Fear of losing credibility?

I looked into the background of one particular feature journalist for naturalnews.  His name is David Gutierrez who doesn’t come up in any Google search.  He’s an investigative jouranlistic ghost.  There is no biography, background.. nothing returned in a google search nor at naturalnews.com’s website itself (if there is, please notify me and make sure it goes back a distance and that it’s not recently placed after this posting).  I had asked Holly Pinnetta who manages Truth Publishing years back at a raw food festival that took place in Sedona, Arizona, I think 2007, if I could get into contact with Gutierrez.  I even asked why Mike Adams never returned my email questions.  The answer I received in person at the newstarget booth was a resounding no.  I couldn’t believe it!  she said that Mike was a busy person and couldn’t get to everyone, but eventually would.  Well, that eventually is over five years old.  She even  even repeated it and recommended that I keep trying.   I even told her the number of times I had queried the person who has stated on record to answering everyone’s questions.  Well, to be honest, I did happen to ask about the $80.00 book being unreasonably high in one of those emails and the rationale for thinking so.. perhaps I shouldn’t have.  Then again, good thing I did to understand the dynamics behind the dynamics.

Point is, Gutierrez had the knack for researching and developing as many as three and more articles per day.  One full fledged ‘white paper’ (or article) can take me years to complete which is why I wanted to learn how this person mastered his craft.  What I know today having done the footwork in research is that all the text, verbiage if you’d like, is scripted and information filtered through behind the scenes ‘think tanks’ and not truly authored by the named writer.  If this is not the case, Holly would have freely and without reservations given me this information with a smile.  Mike would be all smiles too!  And why not?  I’d be proud of my writers!  This just isn’t the case especially today.

A challenge for Mike Adams

“Mike Adams is nonsensical about vaccines, homeopathy, and so on. Readers may remember his diatribe after Patrick Swayze died. Adams claims he wants to help people, but instead peddles all manners of treatments that are known not to work at all.” – .……. Phil Plait

The articles that Gutierrez, a real human or fictional writing contributor in question, has not been adequately identified and produced to me, and more dangerously, if a real person, “screened” by Mike Adams.  Here I am in the flesh telling the truth by actively doing the work and not using ‘hand me down’ tripe.  I will enlarge on the dirty business practices of the supplements and product line companies that are promoted, mislabeled, toxic and vehicles for disease, sold, and written about by Mike Adams.

Please frequent www.occupycorporatism.com for additional information in the chase for truth.

Next up:  Expose on Alex Jones




Should you leave the USA before the collapse? Words of wisdom from someone who triedMike Adams

Natural News
December 14, 2011

One of the most common questions I’m asked today from people who are aware of what’s really going on is, “Should I leave the USA to get away from the coming police state?” Three years ago, I would have said YES, but today, after having experienced such an effort myself and now having a clear understanding of the ramifications of such an effort, I must urge people to reconsider. As you’ll read here, you may ultimately be far safer and more successful living right where you are, in your “home country,” even if that home country becomes a police state.

I’ve lived in many countries, by the way: Taiwan, Australia and Ecuador. I’ve traveled extensively throughout Asia, giving seminars in Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. I’ve traveled across England, France, Spain and even Portugal. Spent quite a bit of time in Central America and South America. I speak decent Spanish and decent Chinese, so there’s almost nowhere I go in the world that I can’t speak to the local people in either English, Spanish or Mandarin Chinese. I’ve seen extreme wealth, extreme poverty and extreme corruption in all its world flavors, and I’ve seen what corruption does to nations and its populations,first hand.

I don’t claim to be a prophet of any kind, but today I’m a bit wiser, a bit more experienced and a bit less foolish than I was a few years ago, and I’d like to pass on whatever nuggets of wisdom might help you and your family prepare for the powerful global changes which have already begun to unfold.

Here, I share with you five powerful realizations you need to keep in mind when considering where to locate (or relocate) before the collapse becomes a reality. (Time is growing short, so read up…)

For starters, there is a universal truth you must accept if you hope to make a truly wise decision about where to locate: Corruption is everywhere.

Realization #1 – Corruption is far worse outside the USA

If you think the USA is corrupt, you should try living in Peru, or Bolivia, or Panama. And if you think that’s corrupt, head over to Haiti for a double heaping serving of corruption.

Yes, we may all legitimately complain about the USA, but from what I’ve seen everywhere around the world, the United States is still less corrupt than most places in the world. Yes, there are bad apples everywhere throughout local police, federal FBI agents and even the court system, but for every bad apple there are probably three times as many honorable people who are truly just trying to do their jobs.

In years past, I served in a non-profit support role, the local police in Tucson, Arizona, and I came to know them as some of the most upstanding, honorable peace officers I’ve ever met. Yes, they had a history of outrageous corruption (which you’ll find in every police force from time to time), but they rooted out that corruption and restored integrity to their operation. You’ll find the same dedication to honest public service all across the nation, even if there is a little corruption that normally goes along with it.

So don’t make the mistake of thinking you can escape corruption by leaving the USA. You are actually likely to discover MORE corruption elsewhere. For example, in Ecuador, where I lived for two years and held a local driver’s license, it wasn’t unusual for me to be stopped at an armed military roadblock and asked questions. These were staffed with soldiers carrying what appeared to be variants of the standard U.S. issue M4 rifles (AR-15 in the civilian editions). They never gave me any trouble, it turns out. They asked a couple of questions and looked at my documentation, then waved me through.

In fact, I had many friends in law enforcement in Ecuador, and I spoke with them regularly. Sure, they were a little corrupt, but not in an over-the-top criminal way like we see with the FBI in the United States actually masterminding terrorist plots and then magically “discovering” those plots just in time to halt them (http://www.naturalnews.com/034325_F…).

Costa Rica has been described as a “police state” by numerous people who have visited or even lived there. Yes, the country if a beautiful paradise in terms of climate, and it is perhaps the most socially advanced nation in Central and South America, but like all such nations, it has a socialist police state mentality.

South Americans love socialism, it turns out. And this has everything to do with preparedness…

Realization #2 – Many cultures do not practice long-term preparedness thinking

In observing all this first hand, I’ve come to the conclusion that the embracing of socialism throughout South America is the result of cultural short-term thinking.

For example, throughout South America, people often buy prescription medicines one pill at a time. They buy a bag of twenty screws from the hardware store, then return to the store after they run out to buy another twenty. This is often infuriating to the “gringos” who are trying to build a house, for example, because they operate with the idea that you should just buy 5,000 screws all at once and have plenty to get the job done. I can assure you from first-hand experience that such a concept is completely alien to a great many South Americans (most notably in rural areas).

I make no judgments about this, by the way. There are pros and cons on both sides of this equation. But in my experience living in Ecuador, finding people engaged in preparedness planning was virtually impossible unless they were of European descent. For example, rural Ecuadorians often buy a small baggy of spices in a quantity for cooking one meal. And in doing this kind of thing, they nickel-and-dime themselves into actually losing money because they don’t take advantage of the purchasing efficiencies realized through long-term planning. The idea, for example, of buying large quantities of facial tissue at a Costco or Sam’s Club is completely foreign to most South American cultures (more so in rural areas than urban). Even if they might save 40% from buying in bulk, their cultural tendency is to buy one tissue box at a time, paying a much higher overall price over time.

This concept is also reinforced by the very heavy reliance on state-run lotteries throughout South America. In any nation, high participation in lotteries is a powerful demonstration that a culture lacks the cognitive coherence necessary for intelligent financial planning. You see this heavily reflected throughout Peru and Brazil, by the way. You’ll even find this in many poorer areas of rural USA where the lack of mathematics education (and, perhaps, an irrational belief in luck) motivates many people to hand over their money to the state. That’s why the mathematically inclined call the lottery “a tax on people who can’t do math.”

There is, of course, an interesting up-side to short-term thinking, because the very same phenomenon might also be called “living in the moment.” Some in the new age movement call it “the power of NOW.” South Americans know all about the power of NOW, as you’ll clearly see on a Sunday morning when driving your car down the road, weaving around drunken citizens sleeping in the ditches, sometimes still clutching an empty bottle of sugar cane alcohol. The night before, they all lived in “the now,” you see, and they weren’t necessarily thinking about the hangover implications that would inevitably arrive the next morning.

You see, to actually get anything done in society, you have to live at least a little bit in the future.

On the food production front, by the way, it is extremely difficult to buy a John Deere tractor in many Central and South American nations. Much of the food production there is still done by hand (not as much in Brazil, of course, where agricultural mechanization is in full swing…).

In Texas, by comparison, John Deere tractors are available everywhere. More importantly,there are lots of people who know how to fix ‘em.Given that a tractor is one of the most fundamental work multipliers in agriculture, if you hope to survive the coming collapse,you need a reliable tractor on your land in a community that’s familiar with tractors, and you need a few hundred gallons of stored diesel fuel to power it through the disruptions. It’s no exaggeration to say that one gallon of diesel fuel can replace the labor of twelve men working twelve hours. It’s a powerful force multiplier if you own the right hardware.

If you get a tractor, by the way, avoid all those more recent John Deere tractors which are fifty percent electronics and plastic. Buy the old ones, made out of iron and grit, because they’re the only ones that will still operate after an electromagnetic pulse attack, in case you were wondering.

Climate reveals a lot about the planning tendencies of any culture

Getting back to the preparedness mentality of different cultures, climate shapes cultural tendencies, too. The climate in Central and South America is so much more amenable to easy food production (except at very high altitudes) that there really isn’t a cultural impulse to engage in behaviors such as “storing food to survive the winter.” With food literally falling off the trees year-round in places like Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil, generations after generations of people there have settled into a rhythm of day-to-day living with relatively little planning. The very best preparedness planners, not surprisingly, are people whose ancestors survived harsh climates and brutal winters.

A lack of planning in South American culture is also evident in the surprising lack of family planning you’ll find there, where it’s not unusual to find women with four, six or even ten children, none of which seems to own a decent pair of shoes. It makes you seriously wonder about the “thinking ahead” portions of the brain and why they have not been activated in some people. There is a part of the brain — the future planning part — that can imagine a particular future emerging as a result of today’s actions and then use that imagined future to reshape today’s actions in order to improve the future (which eventually becomes the NOW, of course, as you’ve no doubt noticed). People who are cognitively skilled at this process are, by definition, good planners. They tend to have better outcomes in life. Those who are poor at this skill, for whatever reason, tend to have poorer outcomes in life.

Women’s rights advocacy groups correctly point out that a lack of family planning among women usually stems from a cultural devaluing of the female, which then leads to a chronic lack of women’s education, subsequently correlated to startlingly high birth rates. The best way to reduce birth rates in developing nations, it turns out, is to either build more schools or just go the Bill Gates route and vaccinate everyone into a state of total infertility. (If you’re an evil globalist, it’s so much easier to just inject women than educate them…)

Why does all this matter? I’ve learned over the last few years that the best place to be in a collapse scenario is living around a bunch of other people who are also prepared because they are long-term thinkers and planners. You might want to live in a Mormon community, in other words, as they are typically the best prepared.

You might also find some preparedness communities in places like Ecuador, Uruguay, Panama or Costa Rica where there exists a critical mass of preparedness-minded people who tip the scales in your favor. So that’s definitely a solid option for those who are still intent on leaving the USA or Canada and looking for preparedness options elsewhere. I do know first-hand that there are some very viable ex-pat communities in both Panama and Costa Rica where a critical mass of aware citizens already exists. Lots of libertarians down there… but watch out for “retirement communities” in these countries, which are populated by people who have no interest in actively surviving anything because they figure they’re close to dying anyway.

You do NOT want to live around a whole city of people who culturally and habitually lean toward short-term thinking rather than long-term planning. A city full of starving children with mothers living in total poverty who can barely afford their next meal is not a good backdrop against which you want to build a survival retreat, especially if you’re living out in the country by yourself.

Read books by Jared Diamond (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_…) if you really want to understand the long-term implications of geography and climate on the development of human culture. You will come to understand that in cultures where food comes too easily, over time there comes to exist a systemic lack of long-term planning in the minds of the citizens. This is a red flag for anyone seeking a preparedness destination.

Realization #3 – Don’t be the foreigner

Another important point to remember in all this is that if you’re, let’s say, a white person living in a white town in America, you blend in. You can walk around anonymously — at the grocery store, the shopping mall, the gas station, whatever. But the minute you move to some country town in South America (or Thailand, or whatever), then you suddenly stick out like a sore thumb.

In other words, if you’re a 6′ 1″ white guy walking around a town of 5′ 8″ brown-skinned people, do ya think anyone will notice?

You bet they will, and when they see a 6′ 1″ white guy walking around, what they really see is a walking ATM.

You’re a symbol of wealth, and the poorer the country you go to, the more wealth disparity you’ll find, of course. And what you need to understand is that wealth disparity breeds contempt. So while you’re driving around in a brand-new Toyota 4×4 (which I never did, by the way), the locals are looking at you and thinking to themselves that they could never afford that vehicle in their LIFETIME.

Why does this matter? From a practical perspective, it means that in a social breakdown scenario, these people have an instant idea of where the goods are. Who has the money? The white people! Who has the nicest houses, cars and electronics? The white people! (Or “the foreigner,” even if you’re not white.)

What I learned from this is that I’d rather be an “average” white guy living in an average neighborhood, driving an average car than sticking out like some sort of person who appears to be relatively well off. That’s why today I still live in a modular trailer unit in Austin, I still drive a Toyota pickup truck, I dress like a rancher in blue jeans and flannel shirt, and nobody gives it a second thought when I’m out in public. I blend in, and that’s far wiser than sticking out.

Some people want to look rich and popular, so they wear a lot of bling, and they drive a high-end car they can’t afford, and they live in a house they can’t pay off, and they try to fool everybody into thinking they’re rich and powerful. I’d rather fool people into thinking I’m NOT powerful. Because underneath all that, I actually am quite capable of defending myself, or taking decisive action, or just quietly removing myself from the situation if required.

God help the mugger who tries to mug me on the street someday, because I don’t dial 911. Then again, I don’t walk around looking wealthy enough to mug in the first place. In fact, half the time when I walk into a hardware store in Austin to buy some equipment, I still have dirt and grime on my face from working on the farm that morning, and I’ve got mud on my jeans and grease on my shirt from greasing the hydraulics of the tractor loader bucket.

The point is, if you try to stand out in a time of crisis, you’re an idiot. Blending in is so much wiser, I’ve learned. And I learned some of this the hard way, being an idiot myself in years past.

So the bottom line on this point is simple: Live where you fit in. If you speak with a Cajun accent, live around Cajuns. If you’re black, don’t be the one black guy in a white neighborhood (nor do you want to be the one white guy in a black neighborhood). It’s not racial segregation I’m advocating, by the way, it’s simply a preparedness attitude ofblending inso you don’t attract unwarranted attention to yourself and your daily activities.

Don’t draw attention to yourself

You’re going to have far better success at preparedness, survival and even home defense if you can engage in preparedness activities without drawing attention to yourself. So if you’re out at the local Wal-Mart, let’s say, buying up a case of rubbing alcohol to add to your first aid kit, you don’t want to leave any kind of strong impression a cashier there who, for example, might later tell some FBI agent, “Oh yeah, there was this 6′ 2″ guy with red hair and an old-style Western mustache, and he bought up a cart full of shotgun ammo, rubbing alcohol and bandages. I thought that was kinda weird…”

So another tip in all this is that if you’re buying first aid supplies, or stored food, or anything you need to stay prepared, buy things in small quantities, and better yet use the self checkout lanes at local retailers, so you’re not even interacting with a cashier at all. And don’t be a moron and buy too many items of anything at once. It’s far better to make multiple trips (to different stores, preferably), buying up smaller quantities of things and then combining them at home.

And what kind of things should you have? Well, if you want the full details, get myBe Prepared, Not Scaredcourse that I recorded with Robert Scott Bell, as we go over the entire preparedness list covering food, first aid, emergency communications, lighting, safety and much more:

Food Security:

Economic Security:

I’ve also created what I believe to be a very powerful audio recording called“Five Mental Strategies for Surviving Anytime, Anywhere”which is included as a free bonus to our “Surthrival” course recorded with Daniel Vitalis. Read about it here:

…or download the full course at:

Realization #4 – You cannot escape the global police state

I learned this with the help of Alex Jones of InfoWars.com. I was talking to him in the studio one day, during a commercial break, and he was asking me about Ecuador. Then he said something profound:“You can’t escape the police state, you know. It’s global.”

And he’s right. Think about the controllers and how they operate: It’s the global banksters, the global pharmaceutical giants, Monsanto, Coca-Cola, Exxon and all the other evil corporations that infect our world with disease and suffering. These corporations run the global governments, and if you don’t believe me, just ask John Perkins, the former “Economic Hit Man.”

Listen to my interview with Perkins here:

You will be astounded by what you’ll learn there, probably. But the upshot of it is that tyranny is a global phenomenon, and you cannot escape it by simply crossing some national boundary.

The simple truth is that our entire world is under assault by criminals right now, and those criminals are deeply embedded in the financial system of Goldman Sachs crooks and Federal Reserve elitists. They are dominating economies across Europe, North America, Asia and even Central and South America. They are planning an economic implosion so they can steal the world’s wealth. All assets backed by paper may become worthless in 2012 in the years soon thereafter. This is all by design, and it’s global.

With economic implosion comes social unrest, and with social unrest comes martial law. So you can expect martial law to be declared in many nations around the world, and in my experience, if you’re living under martial law, it’s preferable to blend in so that you don’t attract unnecessary attention to your own activities. (And by this, I don’t mean anything unlawful or subversive. I just mean fundamental commonsense things like buying extra food and supplies, for example, to defend your family and your local community. And have yourself a reliable mechanical lead-slinger as well.)

Realization #5 – You are far safer to hunker down than try to go mobile

A lot of people talk about having a backup retreat somewhere that they will “drive to” or “fly to” when the collapse strikes. In my view, this is foolish. Highways will become kill zones targeted by marauders, and using vehicles on roads will only get you either robbed or dead (or maybe both).

To a gang of armed looters who forgot to plan ahead before the collapse, there’s no more juicy target than an RV loaded down with stored food, ammo and gold, and if you’re stupid enough to drive one of those as you’re trying to get to your destination, you’d better have your own cavalry along for the ride, or you probably won’t get very far.

Anyone who has studied military tactics, gang mentality or historical accounts of what happens when governments fall knows that roads are to be avoided at all costs. The only safe way to go from point A to point B is to hump it on foot, cross-country style, and even then you’d better only walk at night or you risk being shot by someone defending their own land.

Once you start actually thinking about all this, it doesn’t take long to realize that the far safer strategy is to live in your castle starting right now. Stay put, stock up, and find a way to defend it.

Want a great book on how to accomplish that? Buy and read“Holding Your Ground: Preparing for Defense if it All Falls Apart” (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/06…)

It’s written by “Joe Nobody,” which itself is a lesson in laying low. This book isn’t about turning your house into a concrete bunker armed to the teeth, because that’s just an invitation to be hammered by an armed gang of looters. Rather, it’s just as much about using cosmetic deception to fool would-be marauders into thinking your place has already been hit, for example, and is therefore worthless. This informative book is really an example “The Art of War-” style thinking for defending your home and your family, using very clever techniques that go far beyond “shooting back.”

Don’t expect the book to be well edited, by the way. A lot of the best survival and prepper books have lousy editing because they’re written by people who are experts in practical skills but relatively inexperienced writers. But who cares? I’m not looking for Shakespeare here. I’m looking for tactics that really work, and this book delivers. (Wish I could find who really wrote this because I’d like to interview them here on NaturalNews…)

Getting back to the point at hand, even with a vehicle you can’t possibly carry everything you need to stay safe and prepared, and on top of that gasoline supplies may be impossible to find for a while, so the very best place to hunker down is the place where you live. That’s where you can store your food, emergency first aid supplies, communications equipment (wind-up emergency radios, for example), defensive items such as defensive items, solar battery chargers, cooking gear, instructional books, garden seeds and whatever else you might need to survive an economic collapse.

That’s why I’ve decided to ride out the collapse in Austin, Texas, by the way. Well, not exactly in the inner city itself, but near enough to the city to be considered an Austinite.

Why Texas? It’s not perfect, but it’s well-armed

Why Austin? Because Texas has its own power grid unlike the rest of the nation. Texas can grow its own food. Texas is the energy capital of the nation and can produce natural gas, diesel, oil and even jet fuel. Texas has masses of armed patriots who own more guns than they do pairs of shoes, and that makes Texas practically impenetrable to any invading force.

For example, suppose North Korea launches an ICBM into the high atmosphere over North America and unleashes an EMP weapon that destroys nearly all electronics (http://www.naturalnews.com/034344_E…)

This could theoretically be followed by a naval invasion of forces from Red China and North Korea, both of which suffer from too many young males that can hardly be fed and might as well be thrown at some enemy nation as cannon fodder. These forces would plow right through Southern California, with all its anti-gun laws and totally unprepared populations. Oregon would fare a lot better, thanks to the country folks who know how to live off the land, and although Seattle would be quickly overrun by enemy forces, the eastern (country) parts of Washington state would put up a fierce resistance. And any enemy forces foolish enough to try to make it into Idaho would, of course, be viciously intercepted by highly capable resistance forces that would snipe, explode and shred the enemy’s supply lines, halting any advance no matter how strongly intentioned. (You do not want to mess with American rebels and patriots in Idaho, for the record.)

If some enemy force was foolish enough to try to enter Texas, they would be obliterated by a mass of Texas farmers, ranchers, National Guardsmen, law enforcement officers and ex-military men who are all locked and loaded to the hilt. That’s where I feel safest, in the midst of the best-armed and most well-skilled riflemen in the country, most of which are upstanding, community-minded citizens who defend life and liberty. Texas is a fortress of determined men and women who will not, under any circumstances, willfully surrender their freedoms or their Bill of Rights.

Interestingly, Austin is also a progressive town with lots of raw foods, vegans, yoga studios and amazing artists. It’s a progressive, almost liberal town, surrounded by conservative country folks who ultimately serve as a safety buffer that protects the city of Austin itself. When SHTF time comes, you can bet all the unarmed Austin residents will be begging the rural cowboys to protect them from looters and armed gangs.

That’s why people who don’t own guns dial 911 — because they want men who DO own guns to arrive as quickly as possible and solve their problem.

Are your current skills based in reality? Or fiction…

As you consider where to go in a time of crisis, think about where you are right now. Is your local community able to defend itself? Do you live among people who know how to repair cars, weld equipment, repair a rifle, clean fresh fish, grow vegetables, raise chickens and chop firewood? If not, you might want to think about relocating to a place where you live among some more capable people rather than the city-minded people who — let’s face it — live in an artificial reality that’s extremely fragile and won’t last but a few days in a true collapse scenario.

If your top skills today are things like: texting while driving, finding the best sales at Macy’s, and beating the level 12 boss on your Xbox video game, then you’re not likely to survive very long in a real crisis. Xbox skills, it turns out, do not translate into the real world. All those people who are currently experts at artificial skills need to think long and hard about picking up a few reality skills that might help them in the real world.

You don’t know jack, Jack!

Above all, as much as you think you know about preparedness, survival and the like, you probably don’t know jack.

And that goes for myself, too, even as I study this subject and work to learn as much as I possibly can in the short time remaining. Do you know how to suture an open wound? I have literally spent an afternoon reading a suture book and practicing stitches on chicken meat bought from the grocery store. Seems silly, right? Who spends their Saturday suturing a chunk of chicken? Then again, if you’re cut and bleeding more than a little, I’m the guy who knows how to apply a tourniquet in 60 seconds, sanitize the wound and sew it up. It will be ugly as all hell, as I’m no cosmetic surgeon, but as long as you didn’t sever some major artery, you’ll probably live.

I’ve also been known to pack open wounds with freshly-cut aloevera gel. I just stuff it right into the wound then use a skin stapler to staple the surface shut.Never had an infection problem, as aloevera gel is a powerful antibacterial substance that also pulls the wound shut as it dries. It’s crude, free and highly effective. Just the kind of country remedy I like to have handy in a time of crisis. That’s why I always grow aloevera everywhere I go.

Get some skillz, Jack!

These days, my goal in preparedness is to know as many useful skills as possible, which is why I study emergency first aid and other practical skills. In a crisis, I can prep emergency food for an entire community, sanitize water for a small group, perform basic emergency medical procedures on the wounded or even be part of a rifle fire team that defends a church, for example, against a band of armed looters. I’m not the best at any one of those things, but I’m useful in them all.

I know how to grow medicine, grow food and (somewhat) handle farm animals. I know how to clean a rifle, repair a torn belt on a broken piece of farm equipment, operate a John Deere tractor, start a fire without matches, and stitch back together a torn piece of canvas or clothing.

I still don’t know how to field dress a wild pig or deer, but I figure I can always barter with someone who does, as I’ve got a complement of other useful skills that they probably don’t possess. (I’m not into hunting or skinning anything. Can’t stand to shoot live animals. That’s just not my thing, y’know?)

Most of all, I’m determined to survive, and I’m determined to help as many of my fellow human beings survive with me, to the best of my ability and resources. And that’s ultimately what’s going to get me through the coming collapse, so help me God.

Wherever you go, assess the basics

The other day I was thinking about Jim Rogers, the wealthy investor who lives in Singapore and often appears on alternative news shows like RT America or InfoWars. As much as I totally agree with Jim’s advice on learning Chinese (which is one reason why I speak a fair amount of Mandarin myself), if you know anything about Singapore, you also know it is perhaps the last place in the world you want to live in a collapse scenario.

Singapore is a concrete jungle with virtually no usable space for growing food in proportion to its population. Even worse, Singapore has virtually no water supply and must import a huge portion of its water from Malaysia, a nation with which Singapore has dicey relations.

The food for Singapore must all be imported from surrounding nations (such as Malaysia), and Singapore’s claim to fame — a financial hub of Asia — is in many ways based on the very false derivatives and fragile debt instruments that are on the verge of total collapse in the years ahead. If Asia suffers much in the way of economic collapse, Singapore may become a desperate place. Certainly, a resourceful guy like Jim Rogers can probably weather the storm and still come out on top (he’s got assets in multiple currencies, in many financial institutions around the world), but for your average run-of-the-mill citizens, Singapore could become a very dangerous place to try to survive.

When people look at relocating for preparedness reasons, they often overlook the basics such as water resources. That’s why I recommend people buy the book“Strategic Relocation — North American Guide to Safe Places, 3rd Edition”(http://www.amazon.com/Strategic-Rel…) by Joel Skousen. I’ve been a fan of Skousen for over a decade, and this book will walk you through the key decision-making process of finding a place that can keep you and your family alive. That place is NOT New York City, nor Los Angeles, obviously. Those are places to go if you want to DIE in a collapse.

But there are many places across North America that are quite suitable for creating your preparedness retreat as a primary residence. Many of these places even have internet bandwidth available, so you can potentially earn a living on the ‘net while you prepare your location.

If you read the book, you’ll discover that Austin has its own pitfalls, including being relatively close to both nuclear power facilities and the border with Mexico. Both of those are legitimate concerns, of course, and there’s no perfect spot that has everything you want. You have to find the best combination of factors that matter to you, then do the best you can with the time, skills and resources available to you.

Timing: Are you prepared yet?

If you’re not already well along with your own preparedness plans, you run the risk of missing this train entirely.2012 is nearly upon us, and while I don’t believe all the Mayan calendar nonsense being rumored around the internet, I certainly see a financial collapse headed our way in 2012 or very soon thereafter.

It takes 2-3 years to really get squared away with your retreat if you consider the process of making good quality soil for gardening, planting some fruit trees, squaring away your irrigation system, getting some backyard chickens and so on. You can’t just “buy a place” and move in and suddenly expect to be fully covered. Building a retreat requires experience that only time will deliver — experience dealing with weather, garden pests, wild predators, knowing the lay of the land and so on. Just squaring away your own home water supply can be a daunting task if you don’t know where to begin, and even getting a well drilled can be a six-month process in terms of acquiring permits and waiting on drilling companies (which are often backlogged).

Time is running short. If you’re not already in the process of storing the supplies you need — andlearning the skills that go with them– you’re late. Get on top of this NOW.

And don’t worry if you’re not in the “perfect” geographic location or the perfect house or whatever.Work with what you have. A family with skills and just a few basic supplies is far better off than a wealthy family with a house full of gear they don’t know how to use. I can’t even tell you how many people out there just buy stuff, toss it on a shelf and never learn how to use it. That’s about as silly as owning a guitar and thinking you’re suddenly a “musician” because you have the gear.

Whatever you buy to be prepared, practice with it and practice with your entire family. Even if you don’t own firearms (or don’t want to), a family of four armed with a few cans of heavy duty pepper spray can make a small group of attackers think twice. Plan ahead for what’s coming, and you won’t be left behind.


Top ten things to love about Vilcabamba Ecuador, the Valley of LongevityWednesday, June 16, 2010

(NaturalNews) If you love perfect year-round weather and enjoying your own locally-grown foods, you’ll love Vilcabamba, Ecuador. I lived there, on and off, for over two years, and in that time I came to know many of the people, places and cultural highlights of Vilcabamba. In this story, I’ll share with you some of the best of Vilcabamba, Ecuador, where you can visit as a tourist or find a home to live the good life for pennies on the dollar!

Here’s what I like most about Vilcabamba, Ecuador:

#1) Amazingly nice locals

As my Spanish ability improved with practice, I made many friends with the local Vilcabamba people. They are exceedingly nice, polite and very friendly to visitors. They even have an unusual knack for understanding the really bad Spanish spoken by many visitors, and they go out of their way to try to communicate with you in simple words that you’ll easily understand.

Most of the really good friends I made in Vilcabamba were locals, and we would spend hours chatting about various things: The climate, gardening, horses, tourist activity, politics, health and much more.

#2) Ridiculously good climate

The climate in Vilcabamba just can’t be beat: It’s absolutely perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. Not too dry, not too wet. The air is crisp and clean, and the temperature is so perfect that they don’t even build homes with air conditioning or heating units.

I’ve traveled the world and the closest I’ve ever come to the perfection of this climate is the Big Island of Hawaii. But land on the Big Island can cost anywhere from 20 to 100 times the cost of similar land in Vilcabamba.

#3) Papaya’s Cafe

If you visit Vilcabamba, you’ve got to visit Papaya’s Cafe. Launched earlier this year by an American named Carey, Papaya’s Cafe became an instant hit with both the locals and the foreigners living in the Valley of Longevity. The cafe serves up a variety of menu items, both from the realm of health-conscious eating (they sometimes host raw food dinners) and local Ecuadorian cuisine.

The decor and ambiance of the restaurant is outstanding, and the view from the second floor is quite breathtaking. You can hang out in Papaya’s Cafe for hours, chatting with friends and living the good life while enjoying smoothies, desserts, main courses and much more!

Papaya’s Cafe is located adjacent to the Vilcabamba bus terminal, on the North side of the street. Just ask anyone in town to point you in the direction of either the cafe or the bus terminal. It’s easy to find.

#4) Very low cost of living

The cost of living in Vilcabamba, Ecuador is surprisingly low, even if you’re hiring a lot of help. A typical garden worker makes from $10 – $15 per day, and locals are always looking for more work. (I frequently had people stop by my house asking for more work.)

To help create our amazing food forest ranch on 20 acres, I hired as many as 3 grounds workers, plus a house helper who would prepare raw food smoothies and keep the house clean for us. The total cost of these four people was significantly less than one full-time helper working in the U.S.

If you want to see what we accomplished with the food forest, see the photos of my ranch at: http://www.naturalnews.com/Valley-of-Longevi…

#5) Madre Tierra

The most amazing resort in the Valley of Longevity is Madre Tierra (“Mother Earth”), a beautifully constructed resort with a spa, restaurant, water pools, and an assortment of other natural features.

Madre Tierra offers an incredible value as a really nice place to stay in the valley. It’s just outside of town: Far enough away to avoid the party noise on Friday and Saturday nights, yet close enough to walk to town in about 15 minutes (or you can take a short taxi ride).

Check out their website or make reservations at www.VilcabambaMadreTierra.com

The resort is under new ownership as of one month ago, and I personally know the new owners. They’re really dedicated to updating and improving the resort to meet western standards. They’ve already enhanced many of the rooms, and they’re working on remodeling the kitchen to improve it as well. If you visit the kitchen, say hello to Lolita (one of the cooks), as I’ve known her for several years and she’s a really friendly lady who makes some wonderful Ecuadorian dishes.

She makes an amazing (yet simple) dessert with egg whites and fresh Maracuya fruit!

#6) Tourist activities

There are a great number of fun and exciting tourist activities in Vilcabamba. The first is horseback riding, where you can take adventures into the Podocarpus National Forest (see below), or up to the sacred mountain of Mandango (the sleeping Inca) on horseback.

There are several horseback riding tour organizers in town, and I don’t know them all, but here are two that I personally know and trust:

• Angel. He’s a long-time resident of Vilcabamba who is extremely nice, humorous and highly skilled in the outback. His front door, which is a carved mural of horses, is located just 1-2 blocks North of the main town square (downhill from the town square). Just ask anyone for “Angel” and mention horses (“caballos”), and they’ll point you in his direction.

• Holger is another horse tour guide, and he’s really fun to ride with. He’s a super nice person who really cares for animals and the environment. He has a cool temperament and solid knowledge of all the paths and roads throughout a wide-ranging area around the valley. His shop is located just one block East of the NE corner of the main square. Ask anyone for “Holger the horse guy” and they’ll point you in the right direction. (The photo at the top of this story is a picture of Holger and one of his horses, which usually grazes on the grass in front of my house.)

Bicycle tours: There are also some great bicycle tours around Vilcabamba, including combination bicycling / walking tours to some amazing waterfalls! The bike tour guy in town is called “El Chino” (that’s his nickname), and he’s located 2 blocks East of the NE corner of the main square, right across from Maria’s shop (which sells fresh fruits, avocados and sometimes even organic tomatoes).

Once again, just ask anyone for “El Chino” and mention bicycles (“bicicletas”) and they will point you in the right direction.

There are many other tourist activities in Vilcabamba as well, including a hummingbird garden to the South, a botanical garden in Loja, the cacao-growing town of Zamora to the Northeast, and the Sunday market at Malacatos to the North. There are plenty of taxi drivers to get you from place to place (look for the white pickup trucks; they’re the taxis), and many of the drivers can now speak English. In fact, lots of the people in Vilcabamba have been learning to speak more English over the last two years.

Be sure to also check out the nice restaurants located around the town square. You’ll find a selection of restaurants (including a French cafe), internet cafes and tourist shops. If you’re there on a Saturday, you’ll often find crafts for sale under tents set up along the sidewalk. It’s a fun time!

#7) Podocarpus National Forest

The Podocarpus National Forest is one of the natural treasures of Ecuador. Check out the photos from my own tour of the forest right here: http://www.naturalnews.com/phototours/podoca…

Here’s one of the more amazing photos of the scenery you’ll experience there: http://www.naturalnews.com/phototours/podoca…

Read my description of our adventure into Podocarpus in this story: http://www.naturalnews.com/028997_Podocarpus…

Podocarpus is an immense and deeply diverse biological preserve that stretches from the edge of the Valley of Longevity all the way to Peru. It is an extraordinary forest with so many unique and fascinating life forms that scientists come here from all over the world to study it.

I only took a short adventure into Podocarpus, and even then I got to see numerous waterfalls, lush rainforest trails, bizarre and unique plant life covering the tops of the mountain ridges, and much more. It was truly an amazing experience, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to catch a glimpse of the natural beauty that Mother Nature has to offer.

By the way, you can hire the horse guides I mentioned above to take you into the Podocarpus National Forest. They’ll arrange anything from a 1-day trip to a 7-day tour, if you like!

#8) Food everywhere!

Food production in the Valley of Longevity is so easy and abundant that it’s almost hard to believe. In mere weeks, you can grow a huge garden full of vegetables from the rich topsoil. In a few months, you can grow endless papayas, figs, babacos and berries. In a few years, you can have your own orchard of oranges, macadamia nuts, jungle almonds, noni fruit, avocados and much more. (I’ve got all those in my orchard of over 100 fruit and nut trees…)

And if you don’t want to grow anything at all, you can just start juicing the grass as we have been doing for several months. The field grass mixes extremely well with pineapple juice to make a delicious, refreshing raw living juice right from the fields. (And there’s grass everywhere in the valley.)

The amazing food production capability in the Valley of Longevity is what makes Vilcabamba a destination of choice for many people concerned about preparedness and the world food supply. In Vilcabamba (and in Hacienda San Joaquin in particular, which has some of the best soils in the whole valley), you can grow a year-round food supply that will easily outlast any disruptions or interruptions that might impact the cities of western nations.

#9) Affordable homes and properties

Vilcabamba offers a wonderful place to live for those looking for homes or land in South America. Prices are relatively affordable compared to anywhere in North America or Europe, and there are some very nice properties available right now, in many different price ranges.

The best location for living in Ecuador, in my opinion, is Hacienda San Joaquin, a 500+ acre ranch that is now a gated community where many people from all over the world have built homes and are growing a considerable amount of food on their land. This is where I’ve been living on and off for the last two years, growing my food forest.

Because I now have a much greater need for privacy than I first realized, my “preparedness paradise” ranch is available for a new family. It’s a six-figure price range. Check out the amazing photos at http://www.naturalnews.com/Valley-of-Longevi…

For those looking for something more on the high end, there’s a gorgeous estate property available on the same ranch, just down the road from my own property, that’s selling in the seven figures. Email us at vilcaland@gmail.com and we’ll send you the link to the photos and description for that property. It has its own indoor swimming pool, volleyball courts, tennis court, private orchards, horse fields and a whole lot more.

If you’re looking for something on the more affordable side, my neighbor Matt has some land available right across the street from my own ranch. They’ve got something like 2.5 acres of good land available in the five figure range. Email us at vilcaland@gmail.com for more details.

If you’re looking for something outside the Hacienda San Joaquin gated community, simply contact the Vilcabamba Real Estate Company (VREC), which is the local real estate company I recommend: Nick Vasey, nick@vrec.org or visit www.VREC.org for information. They have a lot of property listings for land and homes around the valley.

Remember when buying real estate in Vilcabamba that land is cheap if it has no roads, no electricity, no internet, no water and no access. But land that’s actually usable for living or growing things needs support infrastructure, and that’s what ultimately costs more money. You can get land dirt cheap if it’s out in the middle of nowhere and has no roads. Some properties are literally only accessible by horseback…

#10) Freedom from electromagnetic pollution, chemtrails, air pollution, water pollution

Vilcabamba, Ecuador is remarkably free from most kinds of pollution: Electromagnetic, air and water. On the electromagnetic spectrum, Vilcabamba has only one cell tower, and the electro “vibe” of the valley is relatively clean and pristine. No planes fly overhead dropping chemtrails on the population, either. (So you can breathe a sigh of relief…)

The ground water is amazingly clean because it’s recharged from rainfall on the nearby Podocarpus National Forest, where water flows down into the valley on a regular basis. It creates a unique situation where you have lots of sunshine hitting the valley, but you also have a very large water supply from the nearby mountains, so you have both full sunshine and lots of water (two things that normally don’t exist together in the same exact geographic region).

The air in the Valley of Longevity is also strikingly clean. It has even been studied by scientists in an effort to determine whether some special property in the air encourages greater longevity. Personally, I think the longevity factor is more about eating lots of local foods and spending a lot of time outdoors walking, working or playing.

Come visit Vilcabamba!

Whether you just enjoy the natural beauty or you’re looking for a place to live in a “preparedness paradise” with abundant food, Vilcabamba has a tremendous amount to offer.

Come check it out!

Some travel tips:

• Quito is the capitol of Ecuador. That’s where you’ll fly to. Quito is located south of Florida, almost to the equator.

• Continental Airlines flies from Houston to Quito (roughly 4.5 hours). LAN Airlines flies from Miami to Quito.

• From Quito, you fly TAME Airlines (the local Ecuadorian airline) which offers some very nice Embraer jets on routes between Quito and Loja. From Loja, it’s a 90-minute taxi ride to the Valley of Longevity.

Once in Vilcabamba, you can stay at Madre Tierra, Hosteria de Vilcabamba, Hosteria Izhcayluma, or other available places. There are usually plenty of rooms available except during celebration events when the whole town sells out!

If you’re coming to look at property, Nick at www.VREC.org can help you organize transportation. Joe’s staff at Hacienda San Joaquin (www.VilcabambaHomes.com) can also assist with that effort if you’re coming to look at properties on the Hacienda (where my ranch is located). There are also a few unsold lots at Hacienda San Joaquin that might interest you if you prefer to live in a gated community.

Enjoy your trip and take lots of great pictures!




“It’s not the nation’s people who are at fault, it’s the one’s prescribing their unfortunate destiny. Most all media makers are in on the end game.” – Lee Bracker

Alfonso & Jonás Cuarón’s seven academy award winning GRAVITY does not exactly say it, but they signal the ‘first shot fired’ for World War III against Russia and China with a fall of the US.  Script dialogue in an exchange between Mission Control and the astronauts explain that communications and spy satellites are systematically ‘decommissioned’ in a chain reaction.  That just doesn’t happen in a real life scenario.  The industry of space technology wouldn’t allow it to be possible.

A line of dialogue in the original final spec script was cut from the first scene in which Ed Harris, the voice  of Mission Control, said:
                        MISSION CONTROL          
          You're a go for TH1138.  Repeat You're
          a go for TH1138 procedure.

While it’s purported that the nod to George Lucas’ 1971 film THX1138 paid homage to a fellow sci-fi film director, take  notice that the plot was about what happens in a dystonian future in which we live under Martial Law.  The order was cut, but not surprising was that most of the film’s globalist message of war, who’s behind it, and the fate of mankind was placed on one page in a single scene of the speculation script.

Troll Triad is an ipredator sub-construct defining how groups of online users who are working as a team to target other online users, have different rolls and functions in the Troll Triad.

THX1138 stars Robert Duvall and Donald Pleasence and depicts a dystopian future in which the populace is controlled through android police officers and mandatory use of drugs that suppress emotion, including sexual desire.


NASA’s Kessler Syndrome

The spy and telecommunications satellites are “chain reacted” out of commission in something known as the Kessler Effect in which collisional cascading or ablation cascade was proposed by NASA in 1978. Each collision generating debris which increases the likelihood of further collisions.

But, I’m lead to believe that GRAVITY is describing a full scale war against China and Russia with the US as a casualty using deceptive ‘assumptions’ by Mission Control.  I concluded this because of the playing off of three different nations in which one is the victor.  And, it’s not the United States for the film illustrates the termination of the Shuttle Program.

I’m confused though.  If one satellite goes, how can it set off a chain reaction for a multitude of objects and then all converge on the ISS?  If you shoot one mosquito in mid air, is it going to ram into another one, and another?  Scale the area of space out 600 miles above earth… there’s a  whole hell of a lot of space between mosquitoes.


It happens that the  film is describing a full scale war

in which communications are simultaneously destroyed.  The answer supports the idea that Russia purposely sabotages the entire space program between the three major space players with exception of Japan by setting the first domino into the Kessler Syndrome of snowballing destruction.   After all, the notion it can be done goes back 36 years.  In today’s news, we’re seeing anger at Russia and sympathy towards China.  The film Elysium is Obama’s push for health care and this one is his steering of the sheeple towards their Chinese imprisonment.  Who do you think will be running FEMA concentration camps in our very own dystonian police state future?


What was sent to the International Space Station in 2011?

Not only was a mass spectrometer delivered, but also reinforcement micro meteoroid shields.  While I suspected this had to do with Planet X passing through our solar system bringing with it lots of ‘oids’, perhaps NASA had what we’ve seen in this movie in mind.  And the suspected clue that a Kessler Effect was in order makes sense that this recent protective measure comes at a time the space station is quite old.  Why hadn’t they thought of this before?


What is meant by half of North  America?

Matt’s eyes shift, watching a LARGE OBJECT, a piece of a BSE SATELLITE, 
spiral toward them.               

          Half of North America just lost their Facebook.

The USA because Canada and Mexico combined make up the other half of everything North of the Panama Canal, basically.  This war,  whatever it is to be, just might be what I’ve learned as the Russians  coming down from Canada and the Chinese up from Mexico.. why else are  they building a huge rail system with beautiful transportation corridors  south of the US and why is Alaska being negotiated for sale to the  Russians of late?

The plot makes the Chinese appear friendly  while the Russians look like half hazard neurotics for destroying their  own space toys?   Hardly.  It’s about three super powers going at it  while at the same time grooming you to think the Chinese are all right  kinds of folks. The truth is, all of our infrastructure has been sold  from under our feet and we’re going to let them waltz in and take it.   We’re not going at it at all.  We have no military that will protect  us.  We’ve been duped and that’s mostly why they are dead set on disarming us


The Old World vs the New World Order

As far as the occult message.. it happens that  the sacrifice of Clooney’s character with the survival of Bullock’s simply means the end of the old world and emergence of the new in which the female replaces the male.


References to 9/11

          Kowalsky, visual of debris at nine o’clock.                     

          Ahhhh!  Alright, check your watch. 13 hours, 
          11 minutes. Call Anatoly, tell him he's been 

13 stands for 2013.  Why are 9 o’clock and 11 minutes selected?

Are the numbers 9 and 11 arbitrary choices out of 24?  Could the script have called for anything other than 9, 11, and 13?  The seemingly benign Curon’s who wrote this script seem like such brilliant and sweet guys… come on now, 3,000 people died immediately on September 11, 2001, and an entire country lost all of it’s gold and trade and we were severed from the world on a single day.  Why keep  rubbing it in?


Because this is a knock on the door invitation to a neo 9/11 in the form of World War Three.

Interestingly,  Lake Powell is the setting for the end of film’s lake scene.  It’s video shopped into an island like paradise.  The setting mimics the false idea  conditioned into prisoners that an island refuge is waiting for those with hope similar to the theme of the film THE ISLAND.  The deception  is that Bullock’s character believes she’s free from space prison, but  has actually fallen to the new world prison nation that once was a  supposed free country.  What’s also interesting is if all the  communications satellites are wiped, what about GPS ones?  Are they gone  too based on the film?  No way.  They’ll find Sandra in no time since I  would imagine all astronauts have sub-dermal tracking implants.  Too  bad, that shoreline sure looked peaceful.


nwocsi.wordpress.com  nwocsi@unseen.is

In the middle of May, 2013, a mass military abduction took place at a conference in Nevada


This event carried no media hype ‘weight’ for not one person would or could analyze the crime in depth.  That is until now.  As prolific as the human abduction case was, there were no guarantees that people would be safe from another military intrusion on personal lives in which conference attendees and speakers who were involved last year are returning this year for the Super Soldier Summit III this May.


An original release of the analysis of the abduction event was flagged on youtube for copyright infringement within 36 hours of posting.  It meant that the truth was told and that all that felt that their rights were violated in fact could not refute anything that was covered.  The counter suit to theirs would have been as severe because I was threatened with unwarranted arrest.  This revised documentary does not violate the original infringement nor fair use laws.  If any of them flag it, it means that I’m spot on with the results of my investigation into  fraud and deception and the potential trap for conference attendees in 2014.  Many of the attendees for the second conference did not attend the 2014 event.  .


I brought a solution for people suffering from covert CIA mind control conditioning

Troll Triad is an ipredator sub-construct defining how groups of online users who are working as a team to target other online users, have different rolls and functions in the Troll Triad.

This mind control is severe, but reversible.  I was outcast, labeled as a “stalker” and considered a terrorist.  Ultimately, I was prevented from helping those that continue to suffer from deep emotional trauma revolving around a life style of psychological chaos.  This documentary explains what happened and shows why it is important that the difference can be seen with those in denial and those that have hope.  My desire is to help supersoldiers regardless of how I was treated at this conference in which I was threatened with lawsuits, expulsion, and banned from upcoming conferences organized by the event organizer and three unapologetic antagonists.  The Super Soldier Summit is a great example in which a complex problem that permeates all those who attend can be subverted with an effective emotion freedom technique.  As of now, people who were subjects of last year’s abduction and who continue to be invaded in their private lives have no defense against a potential intrusion and abduction protocol I predict may happen once again this year.  Therefore, I’m reaching out once again, but from a distance since I’m uninvited, to provide them with a tool that helps to defend against these controlling entities.



Supporters of the 2014 Super Soldier & Mind Control Summit flagged the video predecessor to the video that follows below. It does not infringe on copyright ownership which was the only way they can currently prevent you from learning truths beyond other interviews that took place at the Fiesta Hotel and Casino.  It demonstrates the reality as to what occurred at the conference behind the scenes and what dynamics played a part is misconceptions about innocent attendees.





We need to have a new breed of HEROES

Because they create yours for you only to destroy them for their cause


I showed the video “Rachel Parent – A World Order TKO”to students in which one asked why I created the piece.  My reply was that we need a hero and that Rachel Parent has the makeup of being the one.  The student “begged to differ” explaining that many others are already heroes.  She used the 15 year old Pakastani, Malala Yousufzai, who had been shot to the head by Taliban for demanding education is our hero.  While on the surface that seems acceptable, but the fact is while Malala is one, she cannot lead a nation.  She is merely a victim of violence just like Gabrielle Giffords.  Like Gabrielle Giffords who at first was pro self defense is now advocating for the removal of our 2nd Amendment right.   Before she relinquished her seat in Congress, voted ‘brainlessly’ to raise our debt ceiling cap.  What the media is doing is grooming you to believe that the Taliban is our enemy while using this girl and other victims like her in reverse psychology to place you in fear that if you stand for your rights, you too can be shot in the head.  It’s a matter of being literally mind controlled.   They destroy people and claim that they are your heroes knowing full well they can’t be leaders.  

By design, the New World Order elites have systematically extinguished the promise of America’s favorite person who could be considered a hero.  Those that are well noted such as today’s ball players are nothing more than used personnel to them and with immediacy once the agenda is fulfilled, have their reputations snuffed. This is their insurance that a continued power behind them never becomes a mainstay to the American heart.

In other words, they don’t want you to follow any leaders except for maybe an Afro American golfing star to establish a black Muslim born off-soil president, but take note that they erased his reputation regarding family life within a day’s stroke of the media blitz.  Obama had already established a full eight year 2-term dictatorship even before it’s up.

We need strong leaders – plain and simple.  We need a national hero and heroes to follow who can touch the hearts of the young and old of all cross sections of society.  We need to start them young because they are strong willed and don’t flinch when the beast, such as Kevin O’Leary of the Lang and O’Leary Exchange, grinds out what he can to discredit a person who threatens his stock in a company like Monsanto.  For this reason, Rachel Parent is my hero and I will follow her if she leads.

Rachel Parent marquee


Troll Triad is an ipredator sub-construct defining how groups of online users who are working as a team to target other online users, have different rolls and functions in the Troll Triad.

Rachel Parent School Dictatorship marquee


Silent Running

A 1972 film introducing us (US) to Monsanto’s parent, Dow Chemical

I posted an article that deciphers the film SILENT RUNNING in which modified food was a side theme.   While we focus on Monsanto, it’s the chemical companies that work with GMO to create their toxic food production.


Dow Chemical company “Silently” running Monsanto

This screen grab shows the cargo bay in which DOW is definitely one of them.  Dow happens to be the parent company of Monsanto.  Until the late 1970s, Dow produced DBCP (1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane), a soil fumigant, and nematicide, sold under the names the Nemagon and Fumazone. Workers at Dow’s DBCP production plants were made sterile by exposure to the compound.

Dow Silent RunningSilent Running depicts a future in which all plant life on Earth has been made extinct. Only a few specimens have been preserved in enormous, greenhouse-like geodesic domes attached to a fleet of American Airlines space freighters, just outside the orbit of Saturn. Freeman Lowell (Bruce Dern), one of four crewmen aboard the Valley Forge, is the resident ecologist who preserves the forests for their eventual return to Earth and the reforestation of the planet.When orders are given to destroy the last remaining plants, Lowell decides that Earth’s plant life is more important than human beings and takes action.

This film makes the statement back in 1972, when genetically modified food was being created, what direction and what the fate of our food supply would be in the future .

Freeman (talking to the crew over a meal) when one of them says, “Lowell, do you have to eat that thing in here?  It stinks”.  Lowell responds, “I’d like to know if any one of you knows about real food?”

(Above) 14 year old Rachel Parent debates Kevin O’Leary on the issue of Genetically Modified Food

When I first saw this movie decades ago I was not clued into the meaning by which this important exchange meant as a message.  Now that I do, and because I’ve published health books on the topic of food, I know darn well what they were eluding to regarding modified food, its non nutritious direction, its tastelessness, and the toxic nature by which food would be created to damage people.

Crew mate: “What, real food right out of the dirt?  That’s real food isn’t it?”
Lowell: “Yeah, that’s real food. This happens to be nature’s greatest gift.”

After a moment of arguing, Lowell describes what natural food is:

Crew mate: “I can’t see the difference in this and that anyway”
Lowell: “You don’t see the difference?  The difference is that I grew it.  That’s what the difference is that I picked it and fixed it.  And, it has a taste and it has some color and it has a smell.  And it calls back a time when there were flowers all over the Earth.  There were valleys and there were planes of tall green grass that you could play in and sleep in.  There were blue skies and fresh air and there were things growing all over the place not in some dome enclosure.  How can you eat this crap.. dried synthetic crap..  (pointing at their food) and I bet you came so dependent on it that you can’t live without it.”

Another crew member adds:

”Maybe that’s the way we want it Lowell.”

Lowell responds with the fact that the temperature everywhere “you go” on Earth is the same.  “72 degrees, it’s all the same.”  This means that climate change and the scam concerning global warming was indeed a revenue generating scheme when really, the plan was, and still is, to create conditions on Earth that do not fluctuate.  Modified foods would be created and grown in an environment that is not natural, but synthetically manifested.  The last line that has weight which is an issue that we all think about, but take little action against the powers that be to reverse is,

“The fact is Lowell, if people were interested, they would have done something a long time ago.”



The 2014 UFO conference in Phoenix, Arizona, showcased George Noory of Coast to Coast Am Radio. There, he repeated old jokes and entertained a huge congregation of ufologists to raise a ‘consciousness’ among followers. Not everyone bought the showman’s message. The message was not an authentic conscious intention for he was elusive under the flamboyant presence.

Troll Triad is an ipredator sub-construct defining how groups of online users who are working as a team to target other online users, have different rolls and functions in the Troll Triad.

John Wells was recently liberated from the show while having high ratings, the release is understandable when one knows the underlying premise of the psychological operation, or social engineering that is in motion.  There’s little to question about the difference between Art Bell and George.  It’s all about infiltration.   I registered with with John Well’s website and sent him an email Feb 21, 2014, for his opinion and anticipate a reply.  If I don’t get one, then it is certain an offshoot media ploy has taken place and my hope is that there is none.  If he talks to me, then we’re all on the right track.  We’ll see… I play NO games and I act like Bill Cooper… no difference.   In other words, I’ll be shot for corralling the last of the truthers in a union and a standoff against the world Elites.



nwocsi@unseen.is   nwocsi.wordpress.com


Obama visits a place he claims he didn’t understand.  Truth is, he does.  This video shows that there is a problem unless we all convene to correct it, or, people will perish at the hands of the secret societies as we saw in 2001. 


The ORION star pattern aligns with the monuments of the Grand Canyon.  This proves beyond a doubt that not only are ancient Egyptian artifacts discovered at the turn of the century 1900’s, but that the whole canyon was revealed by an intelligent entity to expose an ancient civilization.  This conclusion, irrefutable to date, explains what the pyramid hunters ‘Indiana Jones wannabes’ can’t explain or leave questionable… all nebulous rehash of half baked historical accounts. 

[Analysis of War of the Worlds at the end of this article]

The point of global dessication,

or drought, also has the effect of turning off the conduit by which pheromones are transmitted from male to female animals, humans, flowers to insects to name a few symbiotic relationships.  What this means is that without the scent of a flower, the animal that would be attracted to it is absent.

women and men distancedI’m asked often what chemtrails are doing.  This is a complex area and has many assorted and detailed descriptions for which chemtrailing’s purpose is.

Chemtrail bioengineering’s main concern is to a deliver detrimental chemical constructs to disrupt the natural process by which the earth’s inhabitants interact.  The chemtrail phenomena is characterized by a term, “Geo Engineering”.  The truth is, it has little to do with the physical reconstruction of geological formations of the earth. I have not found an instance where land forms are changed other than once iced continents are being revealed because the ice and snow has melted.. therefore, it is bio chemical.

Those of us who know the popular list, and if you are not yet familiar with what is posted regarding what chemtrails are doing, please research before reading forth.  This article post focuses on an aspect of them that is not documented or disclosed anywhere.  Therefore, I hope the reader assumes responsibility for serving criticism based on logic.

Before discussing my point that is not well considered, I’ll recap what water is doing once it is contaminated with metal ionic particulates plus whatever else they spray out those cargo sprayer jets.

The question again when I’m asked, “What are chemtrails purpose?”  My answer is that it’s a depopulation protocol with its target on sexual reproduction.  Not that it stops it entirely, but it adds to the sexual dysfunction and gender identity issues resulting from consuming far too much phyto estrogenic foods.. and it is not just soy beans.

“Insects wait for the right conditions: right season, right time of day, right atmospheric conditions [water].  They release dimorphic sex pheromones to attract each other, sometimes over long distances [without water, there is no long distance transmission]. Each pheromone consists of one or more chemicals produced by specialized glands. Reception is via specialized pheromone-reception hairs on antennae, with specialized pheromone receptor proteins dissolved in a watery covering fluid between the cuticle and the receptor dendrite. Pheromone touches the dissolved protein and the protein changes shape. The shape change releases charged particles called ions. (Each molecule of table salt is made of two ions: sodium and chloride, for instance.) The ions released change the voltage (potential difference) and the voltage sensitive dendrite fires off an EPSP via an axon to the brain.  The delivery of pheromone from one organism to another of the same species has many possible paths, but the ingredient needed is moisture invigorated by infra red radiation. The pheromone can be deposited onto the environment (rubbing of skin glands against rocks, elimination onto the ground, grooming, preening (so-called “displacement activity”–marking territory, nesting grounds), and (via ‘nuptial gifts’) each other. Human beings move skin surface pheromones by kissing and other affectionate behavior as well as during anger. (Watch out for anger pheromones, they might be poisonous.) Pheromone receptor proteins are multiplied in the blood by ‘hugging’. The mere aroma of human tears can halt aggressive behavior by reducing testosterone levels. Tears themselves are full of pheromone receptor proteins that allow specific pheromone reception during the right conditions. Pheromone transmission and autoemission/auto-emissionnauto-receptio… windy days are low crime days for humans, for instance. “The Big Dance” is never scheduled for sixAM on a Tuesday for a reason: pheromones.

What is interesting and a problem is that there is no published reports that water plays an important part in the delivery system of pheromones.   The only way I could resolve the mystery of this correlation with chemtrail and geo (bio) engineering was to understand the work of Phil Callahan and having read all his work plus studying with him.

“Because the ground is chapt,
For there was no rain in the earth
The plowmen were ashamed,
They covered their heads.

Yea the hind also calved in the field,
And forsook it,
Because there was no grass.”

chemtrailbamThe water has been chemically altered.  Moisture in the atmosphere naturally undergoes a cleansing process and that when it precipitates to the soil, it is supposed to be pure.  Water purifies our bio system.  When electrical activity such as that of a thunderstorm, the water is able to bind nitrogen to the root system of our vegetation and even us.  What is coming down is a highly imbalanced alkaline pH and carries chemistry that has a plastic odor to it when it is melted from packed snow.  The result is a disturbance of microbial life in which a planetary die off of the food supply to larger life that feeds off microorganisms, like snails and worms with the analogy using whales feeding off plankton, this is a noted reason for planetary die off in mass.

It is said that nano robots are what to fear.. something we cannot see easily without specialized equipment.. and that Morgellon’s Disease lurks around the corner.   This does not worry me as much as the bio life changes that are taking place as a result of the chemtrail particulates acting as atmospheric sponges.  The water from the air seems to be absent most of the time.  When I look at the newspaper, it takes some time to see where the atmospheric readings are on the full page weather section.  I’m looking for what the moisture content is and they make it difficult to find.

The point of global dessication, or drought to make it easy to visualize, also has the effect of turning off the conduit by which pheromones are transmitted from male to female animals, humans, flowers to insects to name a few symbiotic relationships.  What this means is that without the scent of a flower, the animal that would be attracted to it is absent.


How can this be?  How does this work?

Our sun warms the earth during the day and at night time, there still is warmth to the objects that have retained heat from the infra red radiation.  Take notice or remember when you water your plants that you immediately receive the olfactory signals of that plant.  It is being transmitted by the liquid crystal and conduit, H20.   When you are attracted to the opposite sex, it is primarily a factor of the pheromones that you sense, but it cannot happen unless there is a very close proximity and that the buffer of moisture radiated from two bodies that this mechanism functions.  It is because there is a lack of natural humidity in the air.  So, we by in large ignore the opposite sex unless there are other activities or interests taking place.  The unseen one is missing and it is a special component for all life to intermingle.

I learned early in my life that the sense of smell was the most ancient and the last one to go.   Hearing loss, vision problems, taste, and all four senses seem to atrophy as we age, however, our sense of smell in general lasts a lifetime.  That’s what I remember in my studies.  However, you ask anyone if they smell odors as they once did and the answer is a universal “No”.  You’re lucky if you live outside metropolitan areas in which nature subtly stimulates your nose.  Thing is, only when it rains is this noticed.  If there was a normal level of moisture in the air, we’d not have this problem.


Hollywood ‘tells’ us what is behind mass depopulation and why

Troll Triad is an ipredator sub-construct defining how groups of online users who are working as a team to target other online users, have different rolls and functions in the Troll Triad.

The film “War of the Worlds” is the vehicle by which the objective of the mass microbial extinction is necessary.  The plot of the movie is to inspire human beings with superiority over alien life forms and that if they are on our planet and that we are defenseless, we have our microbiological army to defend us.  In that movie, the aliens died because their immune system does not defend against the simplest bacterial strain.  They die.  A viewer leaves that experience empowered, but when we walk out the theater doors to go home, we’re entering an atmospheric war against us in which the objective is to wipe out bugs small and large.  I don’t see them like I did before chemtrailing was prevalent.  Hollywood is controlled by alien desires and they are so deceptive we just don’t see it.  We’re blaming it on the secret society folks who are human and I doubt they even know this fact.

The video represents a small portion of the bio reforming of the earth.  War of the Worlds is an excellent example of entertainment psyops in which the suggested outcome affords the viewer hope that there is a defense against an alien invasion.  The truth is, aliens have been invading us since the Eisenhower administration and they are sterylizing this globe so that they can thrive.  Meanwhile, our bio molecular friends in the form of microorganism who would have our back, are going out of existence. 


nwocsi@unseen.is  nwocsi.wordpress.com

“The British are coming.. the British are coming.. and staying for good!



Troll Triad is an ipredator sub-construct defining how groups of online users who are working as a team to target other online users, have different rolls and functions in the Troll Triad.

Piers Fry face off


Gun Control Works

On the 19th of December, soon after the Sandy Hook massacre, CNN’s new generation British media infiltrator, Piers Morgan, interviewed gun lobbyist, Larry Pratt, and called him out as a “stupid man espousing dangerous nonsense”.  Executive director of Gun Owners of America, Pratt confirmed that the most effective way to arrest rising crime was to allow the availability of firearms to US citizens.  Morgan said that banning assault rifles, high-capacity magazines, and stepping up the mental health care program  was common sense and that it was not anti-constitutional.


If you are under mental health care, you’re 2nd Amend right is revoked

The Orwellian scenario complete with a modern day military infrastructure is clearly evident in which the mapping of the viewer’s mind takes place in their continued US federal drive to de-weaponize civilians and completely wipe out the USA.

As of January 8 exactly two years after the Tucson debacle, a petition against Piers Morgan had gathered 107,752 signatures. A counter-petition quickly gathered several hundred supporters arguing that Morgan should not be deported, firstly because his opinions were protected under the First Amendment, secondly because “no one in the UK wants him back”, and thirdly because it would be “hilarious to see how loads of angry Americans react”.  I would like to know who the Morgan’s supporters were and if a survey had been taken to verify that all of England were in agreement that the man was not welcomed back.  The truth is, Piers continues to run business in Great Britain and he allegedly maintains a home there.


The white house will not deport England’s Piers Morgan.. the results of this study explains the reason why.

Morgan subsequently said in a column published in the British newspaper that he would consider leaving the United States if gun laws arenot changed.  My opinion is that he feels he’d get shot if someone woke up to reality.  I hope that more than one citizen wakes up having read this article.  I suspect also that if he returns, nobody would even notice since they are under such surveillance, control, and just as easily confused as the population in the United States are.  Morgan is very well protected and his popularity regulated by those that puppet him.


A battle against the 2nd Amendment was set up in 2005 when the movie ‘V For Vendetta’ was released

Based on research and logic, a plan had been drawn up as far back as 2004-5 when the film V For Vendetta went into production, the cast selected, and the film released to get the ball rolling in a move to eradicate the 2nd amendment right to bear arms in this United States of America.   A particular character was ingeniously built into the plot and implemented as a preface to the real life character being asked to leave this country.  Disarming civilians, while weaponizing federal employees or anyone on a federal payroll in a conversion process from civilian to above the law right to kill their own neighbors, and a disturbing mental awareness is the primary aim.

Steven Fry-Gordon Deitrich V for Vendetta2Eight years ago, actor Steven Fry along with CNN interviewer Piers Morgan of today play television personalities were postured in order to  gain the trust of the masses.  It happened in an 8 year spread so that the plan could not be observed.  On the one hand, show pundit Steven Fry is portrayed in a fantasy film as a meaningful person off the studio set while Pierce Morgan is a real life television psy-ops agent working over our minds on the CNN set.  They play opposite intents as television personalities and yet, both are depicted as ‘safe’ to follow.   The viewing audience trusts them.  Subliminally, we remember Steven Fry and we attach his genuine intent to Piers Morgan.  Only this time, there was a mistake made and we are waking up to the subtle scheme.  Indeed, we live in an in our faces dream land.  These two individuals are not coincidental ‘look-a-likes’.  Their roles were planned ahead of time beginning eight years ago for one specific purpose –  to cause you to ask that the 2nd amendment be revoked under new laws.

Steven Fry was the same age during the filming of V For Vendetta as Piers Morgan is today.  47 years old.  Having faded from the spotlight, Steven Fry’s forty-seven year old face remains freshly imprinted in our minds.  We subliminally relate to in Piers Morgan’s age of 47 today.  We then relate to the two as the same person even though they are not.  The tactic is that now that Fry is older than Morgan in real time, a comparison between the two will not be immediate.  Both British born men may come from the same secret societal organizations and if not compartmentalized, had been working together almost a decade ago.


Fry & Morgan are not the same person, but potentially two men chosen for the same adversarial cause

Morgan Fry compare

V For Vendetta is set in a dictatorial dystopia.  A freedom fighter calling himself “V” uses terrorist tactics against fascism as a vigilante supporting the people to subvert the dictatorial controlled society centralized in London’s Parliament. V befriends a young woman after rescuing her from the secret police.  He falls in love with this one and only ally, Evey, played by Natalie Portman.

The power of deceptive programming is a tactic using visual imprinting that trains the mind years before the execution of the programing.  It is key to convincing people to make devastating decisions without their direct understanding.  By the time a film like V For Vendetta faded, the unconscious memory is still vivid with the installed memor (in this case the character played by Fry) in a game of perpetual mind control.  A similar tactic was used to get the public to accept an eight year stint.. the film Forrest Gump prepared viewers for George W. Bush.  Piers Morgan who rides on the imprint of Steven fry’s persona was one to hypnotize you into a false belief that media personalities had good intentions and a soft heart.


It took the acting stint of Steven Fry to lay the psy-ops groundwork

The British have postured Piers Morgan’s scripted call for a reassessment of U.S. gun laws in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting that began when the 2nd amendment rights war began with the first shot fired in Tucson, Arizona first week of January, 2011.

The attempt here is to demonstrate how the film industry leads people into making uneducated decisions and capture the minds in a perpetual default pattern.  The film “V For Vendetta” laid the foundation by which CNN’s newly acquired celebrity interviewer, Piers Morgan, will gain the “benefit of the doubt” with the power liberally grandfathered to him by the audiences of the film V For Vendetta.  This is the driving force that will maintain his position at CNN.

We assume that the character Gordon Dietrich played by Steven Fry was the protagonist’s heroic confidant of the people when really, he’s the antithesis to Piers Morgan’s character on the CNN set.   In other words, Steven Fry was carefully selected to support the push to annihilate the most important of our constitutional rights carried out by Morgan.  This was done by presenting a soft and comforting, trustworthy, and protective hero.  This character profile paved the way for Piers Morgan to entrap the American mind and tame it into submission.  The fed is against us.. it means that surly they would never deport a key player.


Why did former president George Walker Bush closely resemble Forrest in “Forrest Gump?”

“Stupid is as stupid does,” says Forrest Gump as he discusses his relative level of intelligence with a stranger while waiting for a bus. Despite his IQ, Gump is positioned to having played an integral part of 20th century events ranging from war heroism to making millions for not only himself, but anyone he came into contact with – entirely without trying. From teaching Elvis to dance and making Lyndon Johnson smile (just as he did when sworn in after JFK was killed).

Forrest vs Bush composite


The equivalent mental trait that would have to appeal (while appalling) to the public for an eight year tour of duty was George W. Bush.  The character assets and defects packaged as a persona role played by Tom Hanks, Forrest, was a profile selected for the purpose of electing a president who could pass public criticism without getting impeached.  In other words, his actions would be forgiven no matter the severity.  And it was certainly epic what he did during his terms.  With the success of the film, also hatched a successful scheme — a sitting president who got away with much more than people would have allowed two decades prior.  Generations of voters decades prior would have impeached him for declaring “The Constitution is nothing but a God Damned piece of paper” before he even finished the secret society slogan.

Forrest never stops what his mind is set on.  This is how the Bush administration had to be run.  Nothing was supposed to stop the absolute ludicrous events that took place from the invasion of Iraq with eventual assassination of Saddam Hussein and culminating with the massive corporate  trillions upon trillions of dollars bailout dollars.

Fry and Morgan were selected to deceive the US into submission using subliminal correlations of personas.  Because they are both ill fated mirrors of each other.. are working towards the same goal.  Few would know the difference between them because eight years has past.

At the time ‘Dubbya’ was crippling America, those people were reduced to selecting the government handouts than risking their livelihood using their voice.  Damn him.


Do Alex Jones and Piers Morgan work together?

Two days after his January 7, 2013 intense BBC’s Newsnight  interview with a fired up Alex Jones of prisonplanet.com, Morgan defended his position saying that  he had no regrets about the exchange nor has shifted his position about the severe control of US citizen rights to bear arms.


Morgan Jones staged media ploy


Alex Jones rants 4 hours a, day 5 days a week, month after month, all year round for over a decade reaffirming listeners; “Don’t rebel.. take peaceful action”.  On the flip end, he promotes the use of force against neighbors when riots, looting, attacks erupt during a revolution.  This is a contradictory statement when off shore country-less globalists are fighting US citizens in a silent unofficial war.

Stand down


The Royals are behind Piers Morgan in a British paradigm of control

Piers Morgan in DubaitxtPiers Morgan, is a British operative posing as a British  journalist and has infiltrated the US with his ‘Piers Morgan Tonight’ interview hour on CNN just 9 days after the Jan 8, 2011 shooting of Gabrielle Giffords.  Morgan took over for Larry King on the ‘Larry King Live’ program upon his retirement.  Morgan is not only the editor (censor and control filter) of tabloid news; The Sun, News of the World, and Daily Mirror, but also the editorial director of a UK propaganda newspaper for children.  Morgan is a former winner of The Celebrity Apprentice in which Donald Trump plays a major role in elevating interest and popularity for Morgan.


In November 2012, Morgan was flushed into the open during the Leveson Inquiry when Lord Leveson stated that comments made in Morgan’s testimony about phone hacking “clearly prove is that he was aware that it was taking place in the press as a whole and that he was sufficiently unembarrassed by what was criminal behavior that he was prepared to joke about it”.  The CNN pundit was criticized in the official findings of the Leveson Inquiry.

Natallie Portman prison color scheme


Evey and GordonIn a dialogue exchange, Gordon Dietrich pretentiously leads Evey on with a joke that he really is the hero of the movie, V, and describes V as being a dangerous killing terrorist machine with a fetish.  The reality is that V is terrorizing and very dangerous only to the fascist dictatorship, not the general populace of London.  V is not a terrorist.. I would consider him as a vigilante.  Speak of fetish.. isn’t Dietrich a homosexual — a fetish for men?  This is indicative of the psychological operation that Ed Chiarini of wellaware1.com performs with the public and is the reverse psychology ‘law of similarities regarding character actors and real television actors “useless without an audience”.  The scripted lines is an admittance to the tactics used as deception.


Gordon is making an egg breakfast.			

		Yes, Evey. I am V. At last you know the truth.  
                You're stunned, I know. It's hard to believe
                isn't it, that beneath this wrinkled, well-fed 
                exterior there lies a dangerous killing machine 
                with a fetish for Fawkesian masks. 
                ¡Viva la revolución!

                That is not funny, Gordon.

                Yeah, I know.  I'm Useless without a studio audience.


The Natalie Portman & Alan Dershowitz factor

Natalie Portman became an award winning film star in big franchise movies attached to George Lucas and others.  She played Padmé Amidala, Darth Vader’s wife, in the prequels to the original STARWARS first three films that began in 1977.  Portman’s birth name is Natalie Hershlag who maintains a dual citizenship both in Israel and the United States.  Her alignment is very much a Zionist identity and prefers to follow her ‘heart’ and defend it over the United States where her second home is.   Like the Obama Administration cabinet mostly Israeli, so too are many in the entertainment industry like Portman.   She has starred in an “Israeli” propaganda film called “Free Zone”, centered around the ugly Jewish paradigmatic concept of “Palestinian terrorism”.

The biggest perk of being Queen Amidala?   “You get so much access. I’ve gotten to travel to Tunisia and Japan and Australia and Romania. I’ve gotten to talk to Bill Clinton and Ehud Olmert. For a 24-year-old, that’s so lucky and rare,” she says.

Natalie Portman’s first major motion picture was “Leon the Professional” in 1994 during the Clinton Administration.  Portman has visited with Bill Clinton and is a supporter of the Democratic Party, and in the 2004 presidential race she campaigned for the Democratic nominee, Senator John Kerry. In the 2008 presidential election, Portman supported Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries and later campaigned for the eventual Democratic nominee Barack Obama during the general election in which he was elected. In a 2008 interview, she stated that she likes John McCain with some reservation regarding war, but overall thinks McCain, the one who was poised to destroy American food sovereignty in favor of Big Agra and Monsanto with a devastating bill ‘Food Safety Act’ a very moral person”.

Alan Dershowitz is a Jewish supremacist, one of the crudest Israel apologists in the United States and the me

The profound connection that strongly suggests that Portman has little vested for the welfare of the general populous of America is her close relationship with long time Harvard law professor, Alan Dershowitz. He had noticed her capacity for brilliance and immediately employed her as a researcher for his book highly successful 2003 book, The Case for Israel.  Dershowitz had become internationally known for his defense work as an appellate adviser to the defense team on the high profile heavily televised O.J. Simpson murder trial.  When questioned, almost all of the jurors for Simpson said that had they known all of the evidence not presented in the trial, they would have rendered a verdict of guilt.  This means that the defense knew their client was guilty.  Alan Dershowitz then was the man who advised the other attorneys as to how to work the case.

(Above) It is said that Alan Dershowitz is a Jewish supremacist and one of the crudest Israel apologists in the United States.  Hiring Natalie Portman to research for his book; The Case For Israel “comes at a time of deepening political and moral crisis for the Zionist project.  The book purports to set the record straight by rebutting the accusations leveled against “the sole outpost of liberty and democracy in the Middle East.”  The structure of each chapter is based on a defense lawyer’s submission to a court, a statement of the charge against Israel followed by the defense counsel’s repudiation backed up by counter evidence.  However, using dubious methods of historical scholarship, the book is shot through with falsification through omission and will convince only the ignorant or the gullible. Sabby Sagall

This is key when assessing the psychological programming of a Harvard student studying psychology while doubling as an actress.

Natalie Portman studied under the guidance of Alan Dershowitz ‘Frontal lobe activation’.  A question is raised as to why.  Could Natalie be under the influence of a handler who understands mind control practices and performs the function of her handler.. an MKUltra?  One answer comes from a comment by a perceptive analyst:  “The area 46 of frontal lobe judges actions by a human being.  If area 46 is not functioning, the subject will be vulnerable to outside commands. However, if the command is as serious such as murder, the amygdala will arrest the command.  The first barrier then is in area 46 of the frontal lobe and the last barrier is the amygdala. If both systems do not function to stop the command from the outside, it means that the individual is capable of committing homicide.”  Although Portman wouldn’t be designated as the one to pull a trigger, she is influential in the area of assassinating the reality in which Israel plays a double identity role.  Isreal pulls the trigger and we see that currently in middle eastern wars.


MKUltras and controllers


This is relevant in matters not of coincidence, but of psychological logistics involving the public’s interpretation of high profile crime matters.  Almost to the day of the Gabrielle Giffords ‘Congress on Your Corner Massacre” that raged Tucson, Arizona, Piers Morgan debuted as a high profile interviewer with CNN and at the anniversary of the shooting spree in 2013, we note that a federalized marriage with mainstream media push to limit firearms prevails in the news.  The actors involved with the production of V For Vendetta all seem to be squarely seated, aligned, or involved with interests outside the United States.  Morgan’s first home is England calling the US his second as does Natalie Portman for Jerusalem, Israel.  Natalie’s mentor, Alan Dershowitz along with Portman strongly favors Zionism and have been heavily criticized for it.  Portman minimizes the catastrophic history of the Holocaust.  She also dated one Nat Rothschild.. this is similar to Ayn Rand as mistress to a Rockefeller writes ‘Atlas Shrugged’ which happens to be Illuminati driven story telling.


Naomi Tickle profiles Morgan’s facial features for characteristic  potential that substantiate his motives and actions

How to read a face like a book

As always, I ask Naomi if she knows who it is I’m profiling.  If she doesn’t, then I don’t explain who or the reason for the analysis.  If she’s seen him on television, I’ll ask how much she knows.  In this case, she had heard the name, but didn’t know the circumstances of the media hype.  She did not know what his job was nor what my investigation entailed.  Below are her comments based on a long description.  Here are the important characteristics of Piers Morgan that are what the creators of media mind controllers like Morgan need to fulfill to serve their purpose.

On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 6:07 PM, Naomitickl@aol.com wrote:

“Hi Lee,
Well there are certainly similarities but there are differences. Steven Fry is more critical and a lot more skeptical. I am also guessing he gets bored by anything that is repetitious, where as Piers Morgan is happy to see things through.  Here is a list of traits for Piers Morgan.  I’ve added additional comments where applicable.”

He has the risk taking trait physically indicated by his ring finger and because of the risks he takes.  It will give him a buzz and put him out on the edge of life.

Because Piers potentially has a love for taking risks a person like this should make sure these risks do not effect anyone else whether it is physical or financial.  The risk could be launching a new venture, financial, or engaging in physical activities that have an element of risk to them.

He is concise.  Individuals with thin lips have this trait in which they get to the point and talk very fast.  He will be brief in his delivery of words and will get turned off by long verbose conversation.

His self-reliance is high.  When projects are not moving along fast enough, there may be a tendency to take them away from others because people with this trait feel they can do it faster and better.    He has difficulty sharing the responsibilities.

Piers is direct, up front and to the point with people.  In other words he doesn’t mince words and lets people know what he thinks or feels.

He has an administrative angle and prefers to be in a management position or in any situation where he is over seeing a project or task.

Piers is skeptical with the tendency to question everything.  In  general he does not accept things at face value.  He needs the proof and all the facts first before making a decision.  To him it would be foolish to accept new ideas without the information at hand.   To others he may come across as being somewhat cynical.


This character type also takes things personally

what makes people tick and why

“Once a person with tenacity like Piers decides to do something, he is very committed to seeing it through.

He is the type to have pugnacity in which he will fight for his beliefs in whether it is a human or environmental cause.  Based on what Piers is doing, the cause is anti well being.  Pugnacity is often seen in mediation and the trait indicates he has a special talent for settling differences and a preference for mediation and compromise over force or coercion as a strategy for resolving conflict.  He has a love of debate, but has nothing to do with him being on TV.  It is who he is by nature.  Many see him as arguing but for him it’s a meaty discussion.

Sometimes Piers will be extremely competitive and other times not as much.  The trend will be similar for the following three traits.

Pierce has a very strong and determined energy.  When this forcefulness trait is out of control, he appears pushy.  He is highly competitive high and enjoys competing with others.  This trait is often seen in people who have successful careers.

Once he is familiar with what he is doing he’ll have all the confidence in the world.  He does have a swing in confidence, sometimes he’ll fake it til he makes it and other times he will want to learn more about the situation before taking it on.  The love of risk trait that he may have will put him out on the edge.  It often stretches the narrow faced individual, which Piers is on one side.

He is focused on what is happening now than in the past, bathes in the limelight on a stage or being involved with an activity where the focus is on him such as business presentations. He yearns for applause, recognition, and approval for a job well done accompanied with strokes regardless of the moment.

Piers comes across as being very laid back or easy to get along with, but he can be easily distracted and take on too many things at once.  He can also be very demanding with high expectations for himself and others.

Piers is affable in which he comes across as approachable and very friendly.  He moves in and out of situations very quickly.

Piers has an incredible natural ability to bring things or people together, co-ordinate projects, and organize events. His thoughts will appear to be very organized in his mind.  Careers that benefit from this natural ability could include event planning, project management or any activity where organization is needed.  (realnuz) This is an essential characteristic the programmers of the psy-ops required.  It was Piers who would organize the pattern by which people would be convinced to give up their country in subservience to the Crown.

Piers has the gift for writing.   Word usage is very important to him, looking up routes of words and writing may be a career he would enjoy.  Sloppy use of language irritates him. Note: Naomi certainly didn’t know that Piers was the editor for British tabloid propaganda.

He is an objective thinker and very quick to react with a tendency to jump to conclusion without the full list of details.  Piers is stimulated by intellectual challenges that are abstract and outside the box.

Having extremely high standards and expectations, these are standards difficult for others to reach.  He is one to ensure that the standards set are ones that both parties are comfortable with.  (realnuz) This is an important trait where the sheeple are expected to accept comfortably.

Piers has an interest in information and sharing information with others while being surrounded by a number of friends and working with people.


“Lee, since this profile indicates Piers is a high achiever with an ambition to be successful, he should be careful not to “use” others to accomplish a goal or mission at whatever price.”

Note: This is the characteristic exploited in which Piers isn’t careful with himself, sold out to the secret societies, and fooling an entire nation of hundreds of millions to satisfy a mission to disarm them, etc.

Naomi Tickle – “What Makes People Tick & Why International Speaker and Career Consultant”

Finally, he could easily have become an attorney and certainly has the traits for debate and conflict resolution and mediation.  There is a part of him that would like to fight for a environmental or human cause.  Underneath his abrasive personality that he displays on TV, their is a side of him that does want to do some good in the world.

Good luck, Naomi”


(realnuz) Piers’ character set is a profile that was selected to conduct the job this conspiracy is set to do.



Troll Triad is an ipredator sub-construct defining how groups of online users who are working as a team to target other online users, have different rolls and functions in the Troll Triad.


Phase I:  Searching for Project Bluebeam Complete


Watch below:  The trailer and overview is the first segment of a documentary in progress, “Predicting the Next 9/11 at Hoover Dam”.  This is a work in progress, so please tune in frequently for additional segments.  I will be editing out some repeat images as well as inserting more dynamic video clips in the overview video below.  I want viewers to see the genesis of documentary production as I trudge along for the reason – who knows what will happen to me.. if I wait till I’m finished, ‘they’ may have me finished before getting information out there.  This isn’t the only story I report.


Debunking Kleck’s and my border closure theory simultaneously resulted with evidence that sure enough, Hoover Dam is slated to be destroyed at some point within a decade into the future.  I believe it will happen either in May of 2020 or possibly September 11, 2021.  Whatever the actual dates are really are not of concern.. it is important to understand that there is time to defuse this operation, or plan.  Hoover Dam was designed to perform a function, but also to be a self-destructive device.  Its own bomb so to speak.  


Proving Jonathan Kleck’s notion that a $50 depicts A Dam’s fate

Having come to a phase ending at Hoover Dam’s prediction date for demolition, I felt that I should report my findings. Since posting my first article on the subject of Hoover Dam in late April, 2012, I found two things.  First, the dam’s fate as suggested by Jonathan Kleck is correct – it will be destroyed.  Second, I think I have solved the question as to when this epic saga of the dam will end.  I have two dates I predict the event will take place in a neo 9/11 scenario emulating that which occurred on September 11, 2001.

Destroying the WTC was was a preempt to occupy Iraq

and severe the United States from the rest of the World as if cutting an umbilical cord.  Isolated we are now from the rest of the world and from our Constitution, in the years 2020-1, when the two dates approach, will the people be forever be contained as is in a prison nation under the control of World Banksters, globalists, Elites, Illuminati, Freemasons.. however one uses the terms meaning the same thing.. under the control of the military industrial complex.

This is quite the reality, but I’d like to prevent it by campaigning for the preservation of the dam.  Alerting as many as I can is the first step.

Visit About Dismantle The Beam Project for the full story.



Troll Triad is an ipredator sub-construct defining how groups of online users who are working as a team to target other online users, have different rolls and functions in the Troll Triad.


Obama forged ID

I received an email with Barrack Hussein Obama’s college I.D. card indicating him as one Barry Soetoro as an attachment.  I immediately thought it was mostly authentic.  I forwarded it to Andrew Basiago for further clarification, but more so just to make him aware. I then researched it after sending it instead BEFORE.  I find that it’s “probably” a fake when one blogger says that bar codes were not in existence back in the early 80′s.  I rapid fired an update to Andy apologizing for bothering him.

Why, may I ask doesn’t anyone bother Regina Dugan?  She’s a part of their childhood jump team under Project Pegasus and she, of all people, should be the one we’re most pissed off at.  She ran DARPA for a number of years and currently hacks into all our personal and private business using Google as a tool along with Al Gore as acting senior adviser.  That means Facebook, Microsoft, youtube, gmail and on and on.  She’s the one to point a big ol’ fat finger at ladies and gentlemen.  Reach far and poke her eye out while you’re at it.


Andrew Basiago sheds light on the subject:

I asked Andrew Basiago what he thought of the I.D. being passed around the internet.

He commented that the ID card was a forgery and that the picture of Obama was lifted from a 1991 Harvard Law School speaker’s bio in which Obama stated that he was born in Kenya.  Andrew clarified to me that he roomed with Barack Obama (at the time went by the name of Barry) for several weeks at College of the Siskiyous in Summer 1980, not at Columbia.  Andy says that he declined the CIA’s instruction to transfer to Columbia in the Fall  of 1981.  Barry Soetoro accepted it and enrolled, however, it is still unclear as to whether Soetoro actually attended, attended briefly and left or otherwise.

Special Note:  Andrew asked that I do not share our emails publicly.  For confirmation, you may contact him at Project Pegasus.




Troll Triad is an ipredator sub-construct defining how groups of online users who are working as a team to target other online users, have different rolls and functions in the Troll Triad.

Loughner was not the ‘Lone Wolf’ shooter the news lead you to believe

I met with Ed Chiarini in April four months after Democratic Rep. Gabriell Giffords was wounded in the year 2011..  Chiarini is also known commercially as ‘Dallasgoldbug’ who hosts a website titled wellaware1.com.  His website has been suspected as being a psychological disinformation operation.  This internet media “psyops” has the intention for confusing the intellect of the readership that traffics the site.  After making arrangements with Chiarini to back off our investigation, he reneged with his smear campaign video of myself and Stephanie Sledge on a mirror site under a special counter intelligence protocol.


Click the image to the right for video:  Ed Chiarini is exposed as a counter intelligence agent by Lee Bracker “realnuz” of nwocsi.wordpress.com.  The profile of his character traits reveal that Ed Chiarini shares equally with the Boston Marathon Bomber.  It is no wonder Chiarini is capable of wrong doing in everything he does.  This is how one flushes to the surface the psychological disposition of ill sentiment filled people still allowed to posture their nonsense globally via their internet websites.  I suggest interested parties help by understanding the problem and taking action to prevent them from continuing.

NWOCSI - Profile of a cointel pro sociopath


Killing Pablo

escobar kill squad image w rectangle2During this initial face to face meeting, I showed him my comparison of an agent who was photographed at the site where Gabrielle Giffords had been mortally wounded on a Saturday, January 8 of the same year.   Ed Chiarini’s negative reaction was immediate.  He had already been aware of the Pablo Escobar trophy kill photograph featured on Mark Bowden’s book, “KILLING PABLO”.  Ed refused to acknowledge that I had made the biometric connection with a US DEA agent involved with that team to the agent who was photographed at the Tucson crime scene.

Ed Chiarini excluded the image below into evidence because I showed a colorized version.

Cartel deputy and deputy photographerEd was shaken.  He took the opportunity to discredit what he calls falsified official documents.  He insisted that what I presented had no merit.  He did this when he had already implicated every other member of the Sheriff’s department as ‘actors’ in the “Congress on your Corner Massacre” without backing it with evidence.  I realized he was counter productive and felt complete fear that the investigator from out of state I had worked with were in the presence of a puppet of the same counterintel group that handles other suspected agents. I allowed him to sweep my house regardless for listening devices not realizing he may have planted one.

A media driven image of Jared Loughner was shown to the public as a mug shot.  In fact, it was a photoshopped version that blended the likeness of known individuals.   The image of James Homes “Batman Shooting” was also photo manipulated.

Beck Loughner compareThe actual face and profile photographs of Jared Lee Loughner was produced three days later.  The original is claimed to have originated from the forensics department and NOT a booking department.  It is possible that a photo manipulation protocol was commenced.  It becomes clear that a media psyops using entertainment notables such as Glenn Beck and Uncle Fester of the show THE ADDAMS FAMILY features were considered.  The point is, why did the elite mainstream media channels not investigate the image for its authenticity when posting it internationally?  Why have they not retracted it to this day?  Could Ed Chiarini have been the person who was employed to create this visual diversion of the truth?


After all, he is a self proclaimed photo manipulations expert.

Chiarini profile

His website is dedicated to this profession, however, Chiarini could be also hiding behind his efforts to  infect you with deception.  He may indeed be the one to create the Beck/Loughner image.

Chiarini also implicates innocent people to the Aurora shooter, James Holmes.  He refuses, however, to point your direction to a character role in a previous Batman movie, The Joker played by Jack Nicholson.  This is my determination.  Chiarini’s comparisons make not positive biometric matches AT ALL.   The closest match to James Holmes original image before the court image of him with orange hair is nearly identical to Jack Nicholson’s promotional black and white photographs when he was younger.


Click the image to the right:  I was asked by indepenant investigators working the Aurora Batman Theater Shooting Massacre to help reveal the media diversion.  I found that they indeed emulated Jack Nicholson’s primary facial features and super imposed them on what appears to be a suspected shooter, James Holmes, head shot.  The question I immediately had was, “Why post a black and white image when clearly this youth was not old enough to have a photo album filled with black and white pictures like the elderly actor, Jack Nicholson.  The clue is that they had to have something to create a composite comparable to a young Nicholson peddling his portfolio of 8×10 glossies around the secret society known as “Hollywood”.  The stage for a staged event.

 Nicholson Holmes compared James marquee


For four straight years, Ed Chiarini has never once positively I.D. anyone

Chiarini never proved anything beyond his own lunacy about others acting as someone else with regard to the hundreds of people involved with the Gabrielle Giffords debacle.  In the case of the suspected shooter, James Holmes, Chiarini fails miserably to make his matches, but succeeds brilliantly with his psyops against the masses having convinced many that, exemplified in the collage below, that all match perfectly.  A perfect con for a sleeping nation.  It’s not us he cares about, but keeping the masses following his lead like lemmings.


Pictured is Ed Chiarini’s ill conceived compilation devoid of any biometric rationale.  It is a composite used to discredit innocent people.  Ed Chiarini conducts this practice without any warrant and without any pressure from those that would over see what he does.  If there was oversight, none of his allegations would be presented.   Ed Chiarini instead compares James Holmes with the following people seen in his typical photo comparisons?  Chiarini WILL NOT retract the allegations he’s made, but instead will protect Jack Nicholson by not damage controlling any of this.  In fact, he has posted something completely far fetched.

Ed's fail


Not long before Ed Chiarini arrived in Tucson, Sheldon Day and I made a visit to Brandon Lee Pittman’s studio.  Not knowing Pittman would answer the door nor expected him to even be there – alone – we were met with a .22 pointed between our eyes.  We were stunned.  Totally unprotected, we didn’t know what to do.  I flanked Brandon on the other side in case he took a shot to put him on the ground.  And then both Shel and I were, well, sort of paralyzed.  Brandon bitched and moaned about how Sheldon destroyed it.  It dawned on me that everything he said and the way he acted is that Brandon Lee, also 22 years old and shared girl friends with Jared, could have formed the Jared Lee Loughner character profile.  It was that close and obvious.  Sheldon was mortified to the point of crying while pleading for his boys father’s life, and I was too cautious as to sneak out the video camera and document the lawless act.  Nobody would miss us nor know we even were there.  I looked at Brandon with, believe it or not, compassion and inside asked him to leave Sheldon alone “Can’t you see he’s crying?”.   Before that law enforcement vehicle arrived from its observation spot, the next thing we see is Brandon Pittman stopping in mid sentence, he turned around opening his front door, and tossed his weapon into the house.” – Condensed excerpt from “Sacrifice of a Congresswoman”

James Holmes 3 compare


Brandon Lee Pittman

Brandon Lee pittman 2Sheldon Day and I conducted research and interviews in Tucson, Arizona.  During that time, we took a road trip north of Tucson to visit Ed Chiarini’s suspected company with producing who he calls “Actors” implicated in the Congress on your Corner Massacre.  There, Sheldon and I were greeted by Brandon Lee Pittman (pictured to the right) at the front door of his house with a .22 caliber pistol.

Sheldon marquee

I met Sheldon long before the shooting.  I knew I had to learn about Planet X for some reason.. I didn’t know it then, but it was absolutely critical for the Gabrielle Giffords study.  She had after all chaired the House space and aeronautics subcommittee.  Sheldon played an integral role providing the research necessary for finding witnesses to interview.

Pittman didn’t know me, but recognized Sheldon who he trained the muzzle of his side arm to his forehead.  Pittman was verbally aggressive.  Meanwhile, a police car had surveilled the property, but at a distance for over twenty minutes.  The car relocated three times before it finally approached.  Only a single officer in a single car was dispatched.  Usually, there are several and this raised a question with us.  Once there, the officer shared information about the case saying that he physically placed Christina Taylor Green in a body bag.  This raised a second flag.  How coincidental that the same officer was called on our scene four months after Safeway debacle that occurred on January 8, 2011.

Chiarini claims that this event did not happen.  He does this quite often when he can’t support his claims.  Sheldon Day in April 2011, on a tape recording cites that Brandon Pittman pointed a gun at him.  I placed this in the video documentary.

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Troll Triad

E·ly·si·um  [ɪˈlɪzɪəm]


Elysium facial markings compare

1.  A place or condition of ideal happiness.

2.  Greek myth the dwelling place of the blessed after death.

3.  A state or place of perfect bliss.

Click above to enlarge

4.  A place or condition of ideal happiness.

“Elysium was the place of the blessed inhabited by those who died for their country, those of pure lives, truly inspired poets, the inventors of arts, and all who have done good to mankind. It was a delightful region where souls could converse with whom they pleased. Elysium, a paradise for those who found favor with the gods. The home of heroes and the virtuous. Fields of the pale liliaceous asphodel and poplars grew in Elysium. This gave rise to the name of the place known as the Elysian Fields which were the final resting place of the blessed chosen by the gods – paradise or heaven.”

5.  A place that exists only in imagination; a place said to exist in fictional or religious writings.    ….(The film Elysium while in the form of science fiction is telling points 1,2,3, and 4)

6.  Heaven – the abode of God and the angels.  (Human genome project and the reptilian/alien …..grey   construct and agreement with the Illuminati)


Neil Blomkamp wrote a pro Obama Agenda movie

Elysium space habitatDirector and script Writer, Neil Blomkamp, brings you an Obama Administration Immigration Reform, Homeland Security, and the scandalous health care program to your viewing experience, retraining rather.  Their effort is to groom you into the belief that affordable health care is Barack Hussein Obama’s true intention.. it is clearly not.  I’m not the only one expressing this prediction.


Jodie foster Omni compare

IMDBIn the year 2154, two classes of people exist: the very wealthy, who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined Earth. Secretary Delacourt, a government official, will stop at nothing to enforce anti-immigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium. That doesn’t stop the people of Earth from trying to get in by any means they can. When unlucky Max is backed into a corner, he agrees to take on a daunting mission that, if successful, will not only save his life but could bring equality to these polarized worlds.”

Above: Jodi Foster represents A.I. of Elysium.  New-Age archetype: the androgynous goddess of artificial intelligence” is the theme of OMNI Magaine’s May 1984 issue

Global Voices“Elysium centers its focus on a former convict named Max (Damon), whose deplorable health condition forces him to seek the services of a criminal political leader who also wants to get a hold of Elysium’s exceptional health care resources in order to find a cure for ailing earth inhabitants. Nevertheless, they will face Elysium’s rogue Secretary of Defense Delacourt (Foster), who relentlessly keeps inhabitants (or as the movie calls them, “illegals”) from entering Elysium at all costs.   As Elysium unravels, one would think that the main reason these “illegals” want to flee planet Earth for a more comfortable life in Elysium is paralleled to the reason why many immigrants decide to cross the border and find a better life in the United States (of course, the U.S. being the “Elysium” for all hopeful immigrants overseas). The movie also shows that immigrants go to Elysium to find better health care, but they need to become Elysium citizens in order to enjoy it. In real life, many undocumented immigrants face the same problem, as they don’t have access to health care.” – Robert Valencia”


There are 4 major points to consider when viewing this film.

“Homeland Security”?  This is a space station that is not specific to any single country.  Jodie Foster’s character originally written for a male character has a last name without a first – Defense Secretary (of a state) Delacourt.   The name Delacourt can be deconstructed as a symbol of a rogue ruling system.  A court run by the defense secretary of Elysium who uses a militia of today’s likeness – The Department of Homeland Security.  Because the film is paralleling the executive branches continued desire to flood the United States with Mexicans as well as South Americans for votes that would undoubtedly insure ObamaCare, one may view the secretary’s name Delacourt as “De la Court” which is a blending of two languages, English and Spanish.  This is ‘of the’ court system’s above the law actions emulating Obama’s out of control signing of executive order after order.  Delacourt’s ambition to operate above the president is a reversal when compared to real life political moves. Obama is a tyrannical dictator in which Elysium applies a fake Obama persona using the character President Patel.

1.  Immigration Reform in which free medical care is the primary concern of the poor, and, will .…do anything to receive it.

2.  The importance of Homeland Security even though it will not exist 141 years from today.

3.  The lure of free health care in lieu of the Executive Branch’s push to implement .….ObamaCare.

4.  The power of the police state on a global level.  Robots assume the responsibility of .…enforcing martial law as well as rule in judgement outside courts of law.


Underlying themes include:

Homeland security text

Matt Damon’s role as savior to the needy and destitute represents death to America and the transition over to the New World Order.

Elysium’s configuration is a combination of the five pointed star, or pentogram, within a circle representing reproduction.

The branding of an entitlement code (Mark of the Beast) on the forearm’s of the residents of Elysium correlates completely with NAZI Germany’s IBM number system tattooed on incarcerates within concentration camps throughout Europe and Germany.

Antiquated displays

The symbol Frey draws on Max’s hand as children.  She illustrates the human hybrid program drawing a circle (Elysium  = symbol for reproduction) with the letters F + M underneath.  This obviously indicates the mating of a female with a male using the first letters of each word.


Above:  141 years from now, computers from before 2013 are favored


Time seems to stop in 2013

The weapon of mass global destruction in which Earth is shown as a One Global Slum is revealed on this “CHEMRAIL” shooter.  The word closely resembles Chemtrail as in global particulate dispersion.  For nearly two decades, earth at this time has undergone a mass sterilization and atmospheric dessication due to project Cloverleaf “Aerial Plumbs” as coined by chemtrail expert Cliff Carnicom. 

ChemrailTechnology and product production has ceased to advance and by the year 2154 when this story takes place, Earthly objects are dated between 1970 or so through 2013.  We do not see consumer products of the future.  We see the same automobiles, kitchen appliances, clothing more or less, garbage, and items found in thrift shops of today.  Are manufacturers still making tires 140 years later?  Computer technology is a blend of DOS and maybe a little beyond, but not the predicted hologram imagery depicted in many previous films including THE ISLAND and Hunger Games (plus many more showing advanced computing that takes place more recently than 2154.  For an overview analysis of the Hunger Games, follow this link.

Elysium clearly shows the fate of humanity on earth sequestered under powerful robotic madness.  Today, we are abused with probation.. a tracking and monitoring system for those not yet incarcerated or recently released, and the merging of corporate law vesting the power of the judge and jury with these A.I. (artificial intelligence) entities.

Probation officerThe purpose is to reach the audiences who can only think in terms of contemporary concepts.  The selling point is today’s push for opened border health care at the expense of those who slave for the Elite corporations.  The high technology belongs only to the Elite and its militia with the exception that in this film “Spider”, the leader of a rogue band of thieves, have access to their technology.

In this way, the film can successfully promote free health care to the masses further depressing people by creating an air of submission.  Max submits to the dangerous order in which his life is risked for the sake of his job, otherwise, he’s a dime a dozen and easily replaced.

Cancer and radiation is a hot topic in the last few years with the chaos in Japan’s Fukushima’s highly toxic nuclear power plant contamination.  Who would not want free health care to help recover from radiation poisoning?  We all want to feel saved by medicine especially if it comes free, however, that is NOT the intent of Obama’s health care plan.  Thousands of pages of the proposal say so quite plainly.. when decoded by the experts and they have successfully proven its true intent to deny care TO EVERY ONE!

Nazi tattoo

